Proc. This report describes the distribution and amount of triggered slip on the San Andreas, Coyote Creek, Superstition Hills, Wienert, Kalin, and Imperial Faults and the Brawley Fault Zone within the central Salton Trough and multiple faults in the Yuha Desert area of southwestern Salton Trough. Sieh 1982) showed that as much as 10 mm of surficial slip occurred on the San Andre s and constrained the time of rupture to between one-third and 4 days followin the main shock. Superstition Hills fault. A silent Mw 4.7 slip event of October 2006 on the Superstition Hills fault, southern California. The short East Elmore Ranch fault slipped 0.4 inches (9 millimeters). Green line is from InSAR observations. Superstition Hills fault, approximately horizontal, ruptured in its entirety. Superstition Hills Fault with physics based model Meng Wei* and Jeff McGuire Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, * Now at University of Rhode Island Summary We have made progress on understanding the triggering mechanism of creep events by nearby earthquakes. The 24 November 1987 Superstition Hills earthquakes occurred on the conjugate northwest-striking right-lateral Superstition Hills fault and a previously unknown northeast-striking left-lateral structure defined by a lineation of hypocenters extending from the Superstition Hills fault to the Brawley seismic zone. Map of 1987 Surface Faulting Along the Superstition Hills Fault Zone and Nearby Faults, Imperial Valley, Southern California. Large station displacements observed from Imperial Valley global positioning system (GPS) campaigns are attributed to the November 24, 1987, Superstition Hills earthquake sequence. Superstition Hills, California (event #3) Morgan Hill, California North Palm Springs, California Whittier Narrows, California Coyote Lake, California ... fault rupture because our objective is to develop methods of generating slip models on rectangular fault planes. the Superstition Hills, the dextral Superstition Hills fault uplifted a sizable area of strongly folded and faulted Pleistocene sedimentary rocks of the Brawley Formation on its northeast side (Dibblee, 1954; 1984; Sharp et al., 1989). “Superstition Hills was a very large earthquake. on the Superstition Hills fault by Fuis (1982). The highly oblique convergence across the eastern Hellenic plate boundary zone appears to be partitioned into reverse slip on faults that strike parallel to the boundary and strike-parallel or oblique slip on the subduction interface. The length of the lineation is 25.5 km, and a discontinuity, which corresponds with the Superstition Hills Fault, is present in the coseismic interferogram but not in any subsequent postseismic images. A swarm of small quakes near the San Andreas fault spurred officials in California to issue an earthquake alert for residents of Southern California. Acad. by | Mar 21, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Mar 21, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Episodic tremor and accompanying slow slip are observed at the down-dip edge of subduction seismogenic zones. TYPE OF FAULTING: right-lateral strike-slip TIME: November 24, 1987 / 6:15:57 am PST LOCATION: 33° 00.8' N, 115° 50.3' W 32 km (20 miles) SSE of Salton City roughly 145 km (90 miles) east of San Diego MAGNITUDE: MW6.6. SLIP RATE: between 1.7 and 5.5 mm/yr. Black solid line is a model based on Wei et al. Within the Superstition Mountain Sci. superstition hills fault. A phase offset is also seen along a 5 km central segment of the Coyote Creek fault that forms a wedge with an adjoining northeast-southwest trending conjugate fault. Fault (SMF) and connects with the Superstition Hills Fault (SHF) and associated northeast trending Elmore Ranch fault. The 24 November 1987 Superstition Hills earthquakes occurred on the conjugate northwest-striking right-lateral Superstition Hills fault and a previously unknown northeast-striking left-lateral structure defined by a lineation of hypocenters extending from the Superstition Hills fault to … Many of the PS in the agricultural areas of Imperial Valley are aligned along roads and canals. INTERVAL BETWEEN MAJOR RUPTURES: between 150 and 300 years. A previous earthquake on the Superstition Hills fault that also occurred during the past 330 years has been documented by Hudnut and Sieh (1989) and Lindvall et al., (1989). section, Superstition Hills section, and Superstition Mountain section. The Imperial, Superstition Hills, … Over the last 50 years, the San Jacinto Fault has only seen one major surface-faulting event, the 1968 Borrego Mountain earthquake. the Superstition Hills, the dextral Superstition Hills fault uplifted a sizable area of strongly folded and faulted Pleistocene sedimentary rocks of the Brawley Formation on its northeast side (Dibblee, 1954; 1984; Sharp et al., 1989). The Superstition Hills fault (SHF) lies between the Coyote Creek fault that ruptured during the 1968 event and the Imperial Fault that ruptured during the 1940 El Centro earthquake and the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake. Later mapping of major parts of zone by Fraser (1931 #6379), Dibblee (1954 #6376) and Sharp (1967 #6397). This report describes the distribution and amount of triggered slip on the San Andreas, Coyote Creek, Superstition Hills, Wienert, Kalin, and Imperial Faults and the Brawley Fault Zone within the central Salton Trough and multiple faults in the Yuha Desert area of southwestern Salton Trough. The Superstition Hills Fault is a strike-slip fault in the Imperial Valley, near El Centro. Read "UAVSAR observations of triggered slip on the Imperial, Superstition Hills, and East Elmore Ranch Faults associated with the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor‐Cucapah earthquake, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. 52). 1987 Superstition Hills and Elmore Ranch earthquakes Two earthquakes in late November caused property damage totaling three million in Imperial County. Coyote Creek fault (Clark, "Surface Rupture Along the Coyote Creek Fault," this volume), but also with displacements far outside the epicentral region along three major faults in the Imperial Valley region to the east and southeast of the epicenter (fig. The Superstition Hills Fault is observed in north and south looking interferograms for flight lines 26505 and 08508 (Figure 9) and the results agree well with the mapped trace of the fault. Displace-ment on the Superstition Hills fault reached a … , 1989. Blue lines are from creepmeter data. We have The first large event (Ms=6.2) in the 1987 sequence ruptured the Elmore Ranch fault, a cross- fault that strikes northeasterly between the Brawley seismic zone and the Superstition Hills main fault… geothermal areas (5-Superstition Hills, 6-Hot Springs Fault/Chocolate Mountains, 7-Orita); and fault areas of interest (8-southern portion of San Andreas fault, and 9-Imperial fault). In 2009, Donnellan and her colleagues chose this and two other California regions for UAVSAR observations because a JPL earthquake model targeted them as high-risk spots for a major earthquake. This sequence is the latest in a northwestward progression of earthquakes (1979, 1981, and 1987) rupturing a set of parallel left-lateral cross-faults that trend northeast between the Brawley seismic zone and Superstition Hills fault, a northwest trending main strand of the San Jacinto fault … Surface fracturing occurred along the southern San Andreas, Superstition Hills, and Imperial faults in association with the 16 October 1999 (Mw 7.1) Hector Mine earthquake, making this at least the eighth time in the past 31 years that a regional earthquake has triggered slip along faults in the Salton Trough. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 79(2), 362-375. Triangulation data averaged from 1041 to 1986 suggest 4.3 cm/yr plate-boundary movement oriented N40 "W [Shay and Drew, 1988]. List of Notable and Major California Earthquakes California's Earthquake History. MOST RECENT SURFACE RUPTURE: November 24, 1987, M w 6.6; other minor historic ruptures and slip events. General: San Jacinto fault named by Lawson and others (1908 #4969). Later mapping of major parts of zone by Fraser (1931 #6379), Dibblee (1954 #6376) and Sharp (1967 #6397). Superstition Hills fault, a northwest trending main strand of the San Jacinto fault zone. Here, we document the history of fault creep events on the Superstition Hills Fault based on data from creepmeters, InSAR, and field surveys since 1988. Although earlier earthquakes have been documented—such as significant movement on the southern San Andreas fault all the way back to the 1600s—the earliest reported earthquake in California was on July 28, 1769, noted by members of a Spanish expedition to chart a land route from San Diego to Monterey. LENGTH: 30 km. A maximum 65 centimeters of right-slip displacement was measured as of December 2, 1987. along with a few centimeters of vertical displacement. The surface accelerometer recorded PGAs of 0.205g and 0.183g for the NS and EW components respectively. General: San Jacinto fault named by Lawson and others (1908 #4969). However, this M=6.5 quake was extremely remote and did not cause damage. Displacements of the free end of the length standard (an invar or carbon rod) relative a second anchor on the far side of the fault are tabulated in each of the files. Yuri Fialko. Red dashed line shows a … The 1987 Superstition Hills right-lateral earthquake was preceded by the M S = 6.2 Elmore Ranch foreshock about twelve hours before on a left lateral conjugate fault. Twelve hours after the Elmore Ranch earthquake, the M 6.6 Superstition Hills earthquake occurred near the northwest end of the right-lateral Superstition Hills fault zone. Slip on the Superstition Hills fault and on nearby faults associated with the 24 November 1987 Elmore Ranch and Superstition Hills earthquakes, southern California. The geodetic moments are 9.4 x 10 (exp 25) dyne-cm and 2.3 x 10 (exp 25) dyne-cm for the Superstition Hills and Elmore Ranch faults, respectively, consistent with teleseismic source parameters. Those shocks include the overlapping 1940 M=6.9 and 1979 M=6.4 Imperial Valley earthquakes, the 1987 M=6.6 Superstition Hills earthquake, the 2010 M=7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah quake, which was largely in Baja California but just crossed the border into the US (the Mexican geologists jokingly referred to it as an ‘illegal fault’), and the 26 August 2012 M≤5.4 Brawley Seismic swarm, on … on the Superstition Hills fault by Fuis (1982). PGA g PGV m/s PGD m Superstition Hills, US 24 Nov. 87 6.7 5051 Parachute Test Site 0.7 225 0.46 1.12 0.53 Erzincan, Turkey 13 March 92 6.9 95 Erzincan 2.0 NS 0.52 0.84 0.27 Tabas, Iran 16 Sept. 78 1989. David Sandwell. [2013]. The Superstition Hills fault ruptured in the 24 November 1987 Superstition Hills earthquake (Ms = 6.6) (Sharp et al., 1989). Meng Wei. Major named faults within the zone include the Claremont, Casa Loma, Clark, Buck Ridge, Coyote Creek, Superstition Mountain, and Superstition Hills faults. Natl. Slip on faults in the Imperial Valley Triggered by the 4 April 2010 Mw 7.2 El Major earthquake as revealed by InSAR. geothermal areas (5-Superstition Hills, 6-Hot Springs Fault/Chocolate Mountains, 7-Orita); and fault areas of interest (8-southern portion of San Andreas fault, and 9-Imperial fault). The short East Elmore Ranch fault slipped 0.4 inches (9 millimeters). The Superstition Hills Fault is believed to be part of the San Jacinto Fault system. Displacements at three sites within 3 km of the surface rupture approach 0.5 m. Read "UAVSAR observations of triggered slip on the Imperial, Superstition Hills, and East Elmore Ranch Faults associated with the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor‐Cucapah earthquake, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. The displacements probably occurred before any significant aftershocks on either fault and thus are classed as triggered slips. Advertisement. Map of 1987 surface faulting along the Superstition Hills fault zone and nearby faults, Imperial Valley, Southern California. The Superstition Hills earthquake occurred along the Superstition Hills fault at an epicentral distance of approximately 31 km. Theother is fromthe Lost River Range fault, a normalfault in Idaho. etc., which serve as reflectors of the radar waves. Additionally, just to the east, the Superstition Hills Fault, which is part of the San Jacinto Fault Zone ruptured in 1987 in a M=6.6 earthquake. Most of the slip observed on the southern San Andreas and Superstition Hills Faults occurred between 1993 and 1995--no slip is observed in the 92-93 interferograms. Seismological Society of America, Daniel John Ponti, and Robert V. Sharp. The Superstition Hills Fault is a strike-slip fault in the Imperial Valley, near El Centro. Surface rupture associated with the second event occurred along three strands of the zone, here named North and South strands of the Superstition Hills fault and the Wienert fault, for 27 km southeastward from the epicenter. Felipe fault; SFH—San Felipe Hills; SHF—Superstition Hills fault; SJFZ—San Jacinto fault zone; SMF—Superstition Mountain fault; SRF—Santa Rosa fault; WSDF—West Salton detachment fault; YR—Yaqui Ridge. Slip on the Superstition Hills fault and on nearby faults associated with the 24 November 1987 Elmore Ranch and Superstition Hills earthquakes, southern California นักวิจัย McGill, Sally F. , Allen, Clarence R. , Hudnut, Kenneth W. , Johnson, David C. , Miller, Wayne F. , Sieh, Kerry A silent Mw 4.7 slip event of October 2006 on the Superstition Hills fault, southern California. NEAREST COMMUNITIES: Imperial, El Centro. The first large event (M S =6.2) in the 1987 sequence ruptured the Elmore Ranch fault, a cross-fault that strikes northeasterly between the Brawley seismic zone and the Superstition Hills main fault. The data also suggest the post seismic slip along the Superstition Hills fault is concentrated at shallow depths. The Superstition Hills fault, about 16 miles (25.5 kilometers) long, slipped 0.6 inches (14 millimeters). Superstition Mountain has experienced moderate levels of microseismicity during the past several decades [Magistrale et al. As at Heber, such a right step would allow for critically stressed fractures and upwelling of geothermal fluids. 5Ways; bobbootcamp; Bootcamp; FIVE REASONS WHY MOST TRADIES WILL NEVER GET OFF THE TOOLS AND HOW YOU CAN CHANGE THAT We documented several geomorphic features that appeared offset by multiple events by making detailed topographic maps. The two events were separated by eleven hours and were located in the western Imperial Valley on the Superstition Hills Fault and a previously unknown fault. southeast of the epicenter, approximately parallel to the Superstition Hills fault (see figure 1 and table 2). The 1987 Superstition Hills and Elmore Ranch earthquakes were a pair of earthquakes M w 6.2 and 6.6 that rattled the Imperial Valley of California.The earthquakes caused damage to places in California and Mexico, and was felt as far as Las Vegas and Phoenix.Both main shocks were larger than the deadly earthquake that struck Los Angeles on October 1, which was a magnitude 5.9. A phase offset is also seen along a 5 km central segment of the Coyote Creek fault that forms a wedge with an adjoining northeast-southwest trending conjugate fault. Major strike-slip faults within the study area include the Coyote Creek fault (CCF), Dump fault (DF), Extra fault, Powerline fault (PWF), Sand Dunes fault (SDF), and San Felipe Hills fault (SFHF). with … To the northeast are several cross faults that trend northeast. Several active faults and clusters of seismicity mark the west of the Imperial Valley, including the seismically active San Jacinto fault and its possible continuation southward to the Superstition Hills fault (e.g., Lindsey et al., 2014; Tymofyeyeva and Fialko, 2018; White et al., 2019). We hypothesize that rupture of this cross‐fault may trigger rupture on either of these main faults by a mechanism similar to that which occurred in the Superstition Hills earthquake sequence. superstition hills fault. Related Papers. The results of the new model were published June 2 in the journal Nature Geoscience. On continental strike-slip faults, tremors have been observed in the … Many of the PS in the agricultural areas of Imperial Valley are aligned along roads and canals. This Superstition Hills Fault creep event is found here in an interferogram based on a radar pass time span that includes the M 8.2 Chiapas earthquake of September 8, 2017 (UTC date) located in southern Mexico, suggesting that in this case slip may be triggered slip from a 2800 km-distant large earthquake. Black broken lines denote Quaternary faults (SJF, San Jacinto fault; CCF, Coyote Creek fault; SHF, Superstition Hills fault). superstition hills fault. Meng Wei. The second event (M S =6.6) initiated its rupture at the intersection of the cross-fault and main fault and propagated towards the southeast along the main fault. By David Sandwell. In most Stations within an epicentral distance of 60 km outside of this band recorded peak motions in the 0.1 g_ - 0.2 g_ range or less; and several of these lower peak motions are from sites at distances closer than the stations to the southeast. We first built a database of dynamic and static stress perturbations to Minden egy helyen kristalyokrol, es a veluk valo eletstilusrol… superstition hills fault So far, only a handful such sites are documented, notably on the Superstition Hills fault 12 and along some sections of the North Anatolian fault 13. Slip on faults in the Imperial Valley Triggered by the 4 April 2010 Mw 7.2 El Major earthquake as revealed by InSAR. A silent M w 4.7 slip event of October 2006 on the Superstition Hills fault, southern California Meng Wei,1 David Sandwell,1 and Yuri Fialko1 Received 2 October 2008; revised 4 March 2009; accepted 30 March 2009; published 1 July 2009. We find that the results are consistent with previous inferences that slip extends only through the uppermost few kilometers roughly corresponding to the basement depth (3–5 km) [Wei et al., 2009]. The study illustrates that InSAR is an effective fault, a normal fault in Idaho. Figure 1. But when Wei and his colleagues tried to use this mechanical model to reproduce the geodetic data after a 1987 earthquake in southern California’s Superstition Hills fault, they found it is impossible to match the observations. We suggest that the fault responsible for the uplift dips at an angle of 30-60? TYPE OF FAULT: right-lateral strike-slip. One of these is fromthe Superstition Hills fault, a strike-slip fault in southern California. The Clark fault is one of the primary dextral faults in the San Jacinto fault zone system, southern California. DEPTH: 11.2 km The shifting now underway is similar to forces that produced the 6.6 Superstition Hills quake in 1987 Monday's swarm of quakes on San Andreas fault being scrutinized by scientists - … Parts of the Imperial and the Superstition Hills faults moved right-laterally at the ground surface at the time of or shortly following the ML 5.6 Westmorland earthquake of 26 April 1981. Thirty sites from a 42-station GPS network established in 1986 have been reoccupied during 1988 and/or 1990. More or less continuous surface fault rupture and afterslip were mapped by Division of Mines and Geology (DMG) field investigators along a 23-kilometer-long segment of the Superstition Hills fault. CHICAGO. This sequence is the latest in a northwestward progression of earthquakes (1979, 1981, and 1987) rupturing a set of parallel left-lateral cross-faults that trend northeast between the Brawley seismic zone and Superstition Hills fault, a northwest trending main strand of the San Jacinto fault … Along the Superstition Hills fault, Lindvall and others (6) documented many small offset landforms (predominantly riv-ulets), including offsets that accrued during and immediately following the Mw6.6 Superstition Hills earthquake of 1987. Simplified geologic map of the San Felipe Hills compiled from a plate in Kirby (2005) and including mapping of Lilly (2003). We focus on a subset of these creep events that were triggered by significant nearby earthquakes. Sieh 1982) showed that as much as 10 mm of surficial slip occurred on the San Andre s and constrained the time of rupture to between one-third and 4 days followin the main shock. Displace-ment on the Superstition Hills fault reached a … To the northeast, the Superstition Hills fault ruptured in 1987 with a … Yuri Fialko. The 1968 Borrego Mountain earthquake occurred in the evening hours of April 8, near the small unincorporated community of Ocotillo Wells in San Diego County.The moment magnitude 6.6 (7.0 on the surface wave magnitude scale) earthquake reached IX (Violent) on the Mercalli intensity scale, causing some damage in the Imperial Valley, although no injuries or deaths had been reported. Deg. While tremors are the seismic signature of this phenomenon, they correspond to a small fraction of the moment released; thus, the associated fault slip can be quantified only by geodetic observations. Related Papers. Seismologist Lucy Jones weighed in on Twitter, saying the swarm struck northwest in line with an extension of the Superstition Hills fault, which last had a magnitude 6.6 in 1987. Table 2 Properties of selected near-fault ground motion records [7] Earthquake Date M w Station Fault Distance km Comp. Creepmeter data from ~35 creepmeters located in California and Turkey are comprised of measurements of aseismic fault slip using a length-standard anchored to one side of the fault and buried obliquely through the fault zone. Slip distribution of prehistorical earthquakes on the Superstition Hills fault, San Jacinto fault zone, southern California, based on offset geomorphic features Abstr. Major named faults within the zone include the Claremont, Casa Loma, Clark, Buck Ridge, Coyote Creek, Superstition Mountain, and Superstition Hills faults. The model requires a new, "conditionally unstable" zone in the sediments at the top of the fault. Previous mapping of the Clark fault at its southern termination in the San Felipe Hills reveals it as a broad right lateral shear zone that ends north of the crossing, northeast-striking, left-lateral Extra fault. USA93 (1996) 3765 compelling evidence for characteristic earthquakes. . Slip rates in the northern half of the fault system are around 12 mm/yr but are only around 4 mm/yr for faults in the southern half where strands overlap or are sub-parallel. The M6.2 Elmore Desert Ranch earthquake of 24 November 1987 was associated spatially and probably temporally with left-lateral surface rupture on many northeast-trending faults in and near the Superstition Hills in western Imperial Valley. David Sandwell. Grey bars show the time constraint on that particular creep event by InSAR. Yuri Fialko. Superstition Hills Earthquake. The Superstition Hills fault, about 16 miles (25.5 kilometers) long, slipped 0.6 inches (14 millimeters). Superstition Hills Fault using dislocation modeling. by | Mar 21, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Mar 21, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Imperial, Superstition Hills, and San Andreas fault zones. etc., which serve as reflectors of the radar waves. Conventional geodetic measurements indicate significant displacements across the Imperial Valley, inferred to represent interplate deformation. Also shown, in approximate form, are the northeast-trending, left-lateral, conjugate faults. The fault marks the western edge of an area of subsidence caused by groundwater extraction, and field measurements suggest that recent strike-slip motion has occurred on this fault as well. Slip history on the Superstition Hills Fault between 1988-2011. According to Jim Kahle (CDMG, personal communication), rupture was observed along the Superstition Hills fault west of Westmorland. One of their topographic maps shows a small sand dune offset Monday night’s 5:53 p.m. quake originally had been assessed at … The 1987 Superstition Hills (SH) earthquake (Mw 6.6) is of great interest to earthquake scientists from multiple aspects: (1) SH earthquake and ER (Elmore Ranch) earthquake (Mw 6.2 which happened around 12 hours before on a conjugate fault) are highly Offset geomorphic features along the Superstition Hills fault show evidence for at least one slip event prior to the 1987 surface rupture, and possibly as many as four to five earlier prehistoric earthquakes. The results of the new model were published June 2 in the journal Nature Geoscience. 1989], although there have been no large, recent earth-quakes. Whittier-Elsinore Fault We do not observe in any cross-section clear low-velocity zones around the southern SAF, though the merging of the SAF with the Salton Trough would likely mask such a signal. We have In 2009, Donnellan and her colleagues chose this and two other California regions for UAVSAR observations because a JPL earthquake model targeted them as high-risk spots for a major earthquake. The surface wave magnitudes are significantly higher than the local magnitude estimates of 5.8 … Profiles 9–11 are dominated by the low velocity of the Salton Trough, whose southern boundary is sharply vertical, perhaps associated with the Superstition Hills fault. The San Jacinto Fault Zone (SJFZ) is a major strike-slip fault zone that runs through San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties in Southern California.The SJFZ is a component of the larger San Andreas transform system and is considered to be the most seismically active fault zone in the area.

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