On October 25, Israel's Channel 2 news program reported that Caterpillar is delaying the delivery of tens of D9 bulldozers-valued at $50 million-to the Israeli military. The most destructive weapon of the Occupation may not be an F-16 or helicopter gunship, but rather, an armor plated D-9 or D-11 bulldozer. Even when used in Israel’s colonial intrusions on the land through construction of illegal housing or bypass roads, … At the end of October, reports emerged in the Israeli press that Caterpillar, the world’s largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, had temporarily suspended sales to Israel. Send in e-mail Send in e-mail. Caterpillar and Israeli War Crimes. The D9 became highly known due to it use by the Israeli Defense Forces to battle Palestinians. The young private drives a Caterpillar D7R armored bulldozer, one of more than a hundred transferred to the Iraqi Army in 2015. The D7 series has been in more or less continuous use with the U.S. Military since World War II, usually behind the lines grading airfields or digging holes, but has been outfitted with anti-mine systems. [citation needed] The armored bulldozers were mainly used in mine clearing applications. Caterpillar also builds racist US and Israeli walls. Often the only warning they get is the rumbling of the Israeli army’s Caterpillar bulldozers. Caterpillar D9 bulldozers were used in January 2018 to demolish houses near Jenin in the West Bank. Caterpillar spokesman Jim Dugan said the company does not equip tractors with armor or sell directly to the Israeli military. This petition had 82 supporters. The Caterpillar boycott is backed by more than 20 campaign groups and charities. Caterpillar cut from social index over Israel. Zakaria al-Aqra, the 24-year-old target of the attack, was killed, six of his relatives were wounded and the house was badly damaged during the eight-hour operation. Caterpillar D9 is a heavy tracked-type tractor, commonly refer to as a bulldozer. The Israeli armor and durable construction of the DOOBI D9R makes it impervious to landmines, IED and large belly charges. Caterpillar bulldozers have come to symbolise foreign involvement in Israel's occupation. Caterpillar Caterpillar supplies the Israeli army with weaponry used to commit violations of international law. It is 4 meters tall, and 8.5 meters long. The campaign against Caterpillar first gained steam six years ago. The attributes that make the D9 popular for major construction projects make it desirable for military applications as well. Schwele has one of the most dangerous jobs in the war against ISIS. The top of the D7R's cab sits more than 11 feet above ground—the excellent visibility of the bulldozer's cab also makes him an excellent target for suicide bombers, mortars, bullets, and anything Islamic State militants can throw at him. As Human Rights Watch documented in a recent report, the Israeli military uses the D9 as its primary weapon to raze Palestinian homes, destroy agriculture and shred roads in violation of the laws of war. An Israeli newspaper reported that an Israeli army D9 dozer operator said, and I quote: I had no mercy for anybody. Send in e-mail Send in e … US Company Caterpillar supplies the Israeli military with D9 bulldozers which are weaponised and used to demolish Palestinian homes, schools, villages and civilian infrastructure, including sewage and water pipes – in order to make way for the ever-expanding illegal Israeli Jewish-only settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Share in Facebook. The Israeli Armored D9 is a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer that been modified by IMI for IDF. Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories. Modern armored bulldozers are often based on the Caterpillar D7 and D9. Recent photographs from Palestine have shown Caterpillar equipment demolishing Palestinian houses, destroying farmland and extending Israeli settlements in violation of international law. Following the success of the armored D9, Caterpillar Defense Products started … Its armor allows it to work under heavy fire. Caterpillar cut from investment lists; Israeli role cited June 27, 2012 | 12:29 pm A U.S. company that provides information on investments has taken Caterpillar off three of its environmentally and socially responsible investment indexes, citing controversy over the Israeli military using its bulldozers in Palestinian territories as one of the reasons. armored bulldozers are often based on the Caterpillar D7 and D9. The Bedouin village of Al-Arakib in the Negev has already been destroyed by Caterpillar bulldozers 21 times. US company removed from socially responsible share index over Israeli use of its bulldozers for demolition in Palestine. Emad Mekay. The ‘Israeli’ Defense Minister, Naftali Bennett, defended his policy, “This is how it should be done, and this is how it will be done,” he wrote. Israeli Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers were routinely employed to detonate booby traps and IEDs, to demolish houses along the border with Egypt that were used for shooting at Israeli troops, to create "buffer zones", and to support military operations in the West Bank. The modified Caterpillar D9R bulldozers can be fitted with disparate features, such as crew-operated machine guns, smoke projectors, or grenade launchers. A UN expert sends a letter to Caterpillar CEO saying company could be violating human rights by selling bulldozers … SocialFunds.com – Last week, two years after peace activist … Share in Facebook. EU Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, attended conference with racist Israeli Minister Gilad Erdan; Help us stop Boris Johnson supporting Trump; Trump’s “greatest ever plan”. But should the company be held liable if their products are used to break international law? CAT bulldozers have been used previously by the Israeli army to demolish homes across the occupied Palestinian territories, including the D9 bulldozer, … Four catholic groups and Jewish Voice for Peace call on company to examine sales due to demolition of homes. Bulldozers are the iron fist of the Israeli army, used to destroy Palestinian homes, uproot orchards and build illegal settlements. The bulldozers are provided to the Israeli government at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. The activists — led by the Stop Cat Coalition — are calling on Caterpillar to stop selling bulldozers to the Israeli military. According to Shoal Collective: “The D9 bulldozer is the Israeli military’s weapon of choice when carrying out its punitive demolitions, in contravention of international law. Israeli courts have yet to prosecute anyone for the incident. According to Shoal Collective: “The D9 bulldozer is the Israeli military’s weapon of choice when carrying out its punitive demolitions, in contravention of international law. Caterpillar has sold D9 bulldozers to the IDF knowing they would be used to unlawfully demolish homes and endanger civilians in the OPT. 15, 2005. But it was the death of Rachel Corrie that brought to international attention a campaign to hold the company to account. Apr. An Israeli armored Caterpillar D9R bulldozer. Dissident Voice June 15, 2002 . Caterpillar bulldozers were used in the mass demolitions in Wadi Hummus in July 2019. The Israeli Armored D9 — nicknamed Doobi ... (IMI) for their Caterpillar D7 bulldozers. Jacob, Caterpillar, Volvo, Hyundai, others: BDS has new boycott target: Companies of bulldozers that will evacuate Khan al-Ahmar. Thus Caterpillar, as a beneficiary of the sale of its bulldozers to the Israeli army, should be targeted by the boycott. Caterpillar spokesman Jim Dugan said the company does not equip tractors with armor or sell directly to the Israeli military. It is Caterpillar bulldozers that have been used against protesters Gaza during the ongoing “Right of Return” marches, and it was a Caterpillar bulldozer that was sighted mutilating the body of a Palestinian that had been shot dead near the Israeli “separation” Apartheid wall around the Gaza strip (Anderson, 2020 A). Israeli courts have yet to prosecute anyone for the incident. How has CAT responded to calls for boycott action against it? They barely have time to flee as the bulldozers tear down the walls of their homes. Caterpillar are complicit in apartheid with supplying the bulldozers that destroy Palestinian homes to clear the way for settlers. The ‘Israeli’ Defense Minister, Naftali Bennett, defended his policy, “This is how it should be done, and this is how it will be done,” he wrote. This and similar Caterpillar models, sold to the Israeli government and used to demolish Palestinian … They barely have time to flee as the bulldozers tear down the walls of their homes. The D9 weighs about 50 tons and has power of about 410 horsepower and drawbar pull of 71.6 metric tons. Peace activists around the world are celebrating Friday’s announcement that the Illinois-based company, Caterpillar, has decided to hold off shipment of dozens of armored bulldozers to the Israeli military while a trial about the killing of Rachel Corrie is ongoing in Israel.Corrie was run down by a Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozer in 2003 while trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian … Caterpillar bulldozers were used in the mass demolitions in Wadi Hummus in July 2019. Louise Richards, chief executive of War on Want, said: "Caterpillar provides the Israeli military with bulldozers, knowing full well that they will be used for house demolitions in Palestine. … Caterpillar faces a shareowner resolution as well as a lawsuit filed by the family of peace activist Rachel Corrie that cites the Nuremberg Tribunal as precedent in alleging war crime complicity. Share in WhatsApp. The Israeli press is reporting that Caterpillar is withholding the delivery of tens of D9 bulldozers—valued at $50 million—to the Israeli military. Details leaked, but plan further delayed. In 2003, bulldozers manufactured by the American company Caterpillar were used by the Israeli IDF to destroy several houses on the Gaza Strip, killing several Palestinians and an American peace activist in the process. Her death made international headlines and triggered widespread condemnation. It is nonsense for Caterpillar to claim it does not sell its bulldozers and earthmovers for use in Palestine, it knows exactly what its vehicles are being used for and should be utterly ashamed’. They claim that more than 50,000 Palestinians have been made homeless by the Israeli Army's use of Caterpillar … The United Nations is reporting a two-fold increase in the rate of Palestinian home demolitions by the Israeli authorities this year. The appeal was filed by the relatives of 16 Arabs from the Palestinian Authority and one American, Rachel Corrie, killed or injured during Israeli operations using Caterpillar bulldozers. In 2005, the Corries filed their civil action in Haifa, Israel. Caterpillar Bulldozes Shareowner Concern Over Aiding Alleged Israeli War Crimes. Ninth Circuit Bars Suit Against Caterpillar for Selling Bulldozers to the Israeli Defense Forces - Volume 102 Issue 1 Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Nathan Guttman Haaretz Correspondent. Protecting free speech on Israel in the European Parliament These punitive demolitions are acts of collective punishment, illegal under international law. An add-on passive armor kit for the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers has been designed by Israeli Military Industries. Corporate Occupation found that in 2019, Caterpillar’s bulldozers affected at least 232 people. UN to Caterpillar: Stop selling bulldozers to Israel Last Updated Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:21:22 GENEVA - A U.S.-based company has been warned by a United Nations expert not to sell bulldozers to Israel because of the way the Israeli army is using them. Sometimes they are buried alive under the rubble. In August 2014, Israeli forces used a militarized Caterpillar D9 bulldozer in a similar assault on a building in the village of Qabalan near the West Bank city of Nablus. Caterpillar D9 : The Israeli Armored D9 is a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer that been modified by IMI for IDF. by Neve Gordon. Caterpillar is a long-standing supplier of the Israeli army and provides it with a variety of heavy engineering machinery, including different wheel loaders, armored excavators, mini loaders and several models from the D9 armored bulldozer series (D9R, D9N and D9L). Holding Israel Accountable Earlier this week, Israeli media reported that Caterpillar is suspending the delivery of tens of D9 bulldozers - valued at $50 million - to the Israeli military. Over 100 Palestinians have died in the latest Israeli onslaught. 15, 2005. Bennett was playing to his supporters who are right-wing ‘Israelis’ with a blood-lust. During the preparation to the war in Iraq in 2003 the United States Army purchased several D9 armor kits from the IDF and used them to produce similarly fortified D9s. Bennett was playing to his supporters who are right-wing ‘Israelis’ with a blood-lust. WASHINGTON, Jun 14 2006 (IPS) - The parents of a U.S. peace activist who was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer built by the global machinery giant Caterpillar confronted the company Wednesday for the first time and urged shareholders at its annual meeting to end sales of “weaponised bulldozers to Israel”. Currently about 100 D9R armored bulldozers are in service with Israel. By William Baue SocialFunds.com March 24, 2005. It has been particularly effective for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and for the United States armed forces (the Marine Corps and the US Army) and the Canadian Army in Iraq, both using an armor kit developed and manufactured by Israel. Bouteur. These bulldozers have been used to destroy an estimated 18,000 Palestinian homes, uproot hundreds of thousands of olive trees, and build Israel’s infrastructure of apartheid, including the apartheid wall, settlements, and Israeli-only roads. In a November 2004 release, Human Rights Watch called for Caterpillar to end the sale of D9 bulldozers to the Israeli … Also Israeli Defense Forces were concerned that chemical attacks were possible. Caterpillar also provides equipment used to reinforce … Details leaked, but plan further delayed. Bulldozers are the iron fist of the Israeli army, used to destroy Palestinian homes, uproot orchards and build illegal settlements. The Caterpillar D9 bulldozer was introduced in 1954 by Caterpillar Inc. and quickly found its way to civilian engineering in Israel and from there it was recruited to military service by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Caterpillar machines were used in all of Israel’s punitive demolitions in Palestine. A 50-ton Caterpillar D9T bulldozer, the type that crushed Rachel Corrie. Caterpillar’s complicity in the Israeli military’s Punitive demolitions Corporate Occupation found that Caterpillar bulldozers were used in all 14 of the punitive demolitions carried out by the Israeli military in 2019. And they are the very same bulldozers as the one that killed a 23-year-old American peace activist named Rachel Corrie seven … Often the only warning they get is the rumbling of the Israeli army’s Caterpillar bulldozers. Since 1967, Israel has used Caterpillar equipment to conduct systematic, widespread, and well-documented destruction of Palestinians' homes. SINCE 2015, Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., has been the leading congressional critic of Israel’s military detention of Palestinian children, introducing multiple pieces of legislation that would bar Israel from using U.S. military aid to arrest Palestinian youth. Share in Twitter. In a November 2004 release, Human Rights Watch called for Caterpillar to end the sale of D9 bulldozers to the Israeli … Caterpillar bulldozers were the primary instrument in the demolition of the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002, and a Caterpillar bulldozer killed Rachel Corrie, an unarmed American civilian in March 2003. Caterpillar, a US multinational, provides D9 military bulldozers to the Israeli army through the US Foreign Military Sales programme. The Israeli Armored D9 — nicknamed Doobi (Hebrew: דובי ‎; lit. teddy bear) — is a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer that was modified by the Israel Defense Forces, Israeli Military Industries and Israel Aerospace Industries to increase the survivability of the dozer in hostile environments and enable it to withstand heavy attacks. US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation started this petition to President of the United States. The campaign against Caterpillar first gained steam six years ago. The Israeli armor and durable construction of the DOOBI D9R makes it impervious to landmines, IED and large belly charges. Apr. The modified Caterpillar D9R bulldozers can be fitted with disparate features, such as crew-operated machine guns, smoke projectors, or grenade launchers. Share in Twitter. Caterpillar denies that it has links with the Inrob Tech Company and justifies itself as a simple seller of (1) These are weaponized bulldozers that are used to illegally destroy homes and orchards of Palestinian families. The destruction of wells, storage tanks and water pumps has several limited access to drinking water. Prix: prix sur demande. Caterpillar bulldozers have been used to rip up extensive areas of cultivated land, destroying thousands of olive and citrus trees. Jarrar was suspected of fatally shooting an Israeli colonist. ‘Caterpillar’, a US multinational, provides D9 military bulldozers to the Israeli army through the US Foreign Military Sales program. The Israeli Army, with combat experience in both the West Bank and Gaza, began using larger D9 bulldozers for urban operations starting in the … Caterpillar cut from social index over Israel. They alleged that by selling bulldozers used to demolish Palestinian homes, Caterpillar was responsible for war crimes, cruel and inhumane punishment and other violations. Caterpillar continued to sell D9’s directly to the IDF even though it knew that the bulldozers were being used to commit war crimes and other serious violations of law. The Illinois-based Caterpillar, which had annual sales and revenues of 36 billion dollars last year -- more than half from overseas business -- has been reluctant to disclose how much money it makes from its dealings with Israel. Caterpillar Imports of Bulldozers to the Israeli Army Is on Hold . These are the machines that have demolished thousands of homes, uprooted countless olive trees, and carved gaping holes in roads, making them impassable. They are also used to build roadblocks and checkpoints. The Illinois-based Caterpillar, which had annual sales and revenues of $36 billion last year – more than half from overseas business – has been reluctant to disclose how much money it makes from its dealings with Israel. The IDF Combat Engineering Corps operates up-armoured versions of the D9, with Israeli armour kit installed, which allow them to work under heavy fire. The heavy D9 bulldozers served also in the Israeli-Arab wars and helped the IDF breach the Suez canal and a road to Mount Hermon highest peak. Instead, he explained that bulldozers such as the D9 tractor are first traded to the U.S. government and then resold to Israel and outfitted for military use. Caterpillar, Inc. built the nine-ton bulldozer that ran over Corrie, a 23-year-old college student from Olympia, Wash. Caterpillar is a long-standing supplier of the Israeli army and provides it with a variety of heavy engineering machinery, including different wheel loaders, armored excavators, mini loaders and several models from the D9 armored bulldozer series (D9R, D9N and D9L). Instead, he explained that bulldozers such as the D9 tractor are first traded to the U.S. government and then resold to Israel and outfitted for military use. The D9 is a very popular for large earthmoving projects. Bulldozer maker may be accomplice in human rights violations Jean Ziegler, the UN's special expert on the right to food, sent a … ‘Caterpillar’, a US multinational, provides D9 military bulldozers to the Israeli army through the US Foreign Military Sales program. Caterpillar’s non-military bulldozers are regularly used in Israel’s home demolitions in the West Bank, in settlement building and in working on Israel’s apartheid wall. EU Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, attended conference with racist Israeli Minister Gilad Erdan; Help us stop Boris Johnson supporting Trump; Trump’s “greatest ever plan”. It seems that Israel also operates a newer D9T version. Bouteur. Protecting free speech on Israel in the European Parliament Annonce de vente de bulldozer CATERPILLAR D 9 T d'Israël. Israeli courts have yet to prosecute anyone for the incident. “Israel uses Caterpillar bulldozers to destroy Palestinian homes and agricultural land. The U.S. government paid for the bulldozers, which were transferred to the Israeli army. UN to Caterpillar: Stop selling bulldozers to Israel. US company removed from socially responsible share index over Israeli use of its bulldozers for demolition in Palestine. Caterpillar Inc. shareholders on Wednesday defeated a proposal that would have asked the company to re-evaluate selling bulldozers to the Israeli army.

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