Investment plan refers to pure investment in securities which shall range from an equity-based fund to debt-based fund to hybrid funds. Withdraw from the Florida Retirement System If you select option 4, you MUST also submit the Employment Certification form on page 3. You will invest your money in mutual funds that you pick and depending on how these investments perform, that’s how much money you will get in the long run. Partner The Investment Plan offers a wide choice of funds in many asset classes - 19 funds in all, which is about the same number of options typically offered in a large private-sector 401(k)-type plan. The FRS Investment Plan is a defined contribution plan. You can select a spouse, family member, trust or an estate executor as the beneficiary of the investment plan. The Florida Retirement System must ensure that sufficient funds are available when your benefits are due and bears the market risk and investment decisions. To put it simply, it is based on the following: Your age (expected mortality). Self Directed Investment Plan Option. Well, Dave likes mutual funds because spreading your investment across many companies helps you avoid the risks that come with investing in single stocks—like Dogecoin. If you selected Option 2 or 3 in Section 1 (Elected the FRS Investment Plan or FRS Hybrid Option): I acknowledge that I reviewed the Fund Profiles, the Investment Fund Summary, and the Annual Fee Disclosure Statement in the “Investment Funds” section at My before selecting any investment funds or submitting this form. the FRS Investment Plan. If you have questions during the meeting, please pose them to John Kuczwanski in the GoToMeeting Chat function and they will be answered as quickly as possible. Their fees will generally decline as their asset size grows, according to current contracts. When it comes to understanding your Florida Retirement System benefits, we provide one-on-one guidance in working towards a successful path to your retirement. The FRS Investment Plan is a defined contribution plan, in which employer and employee contributions are defined by law, but your ultimate benefit depends in part on the performance of your investment funds. The Florida Retirement System Investment Plan was created in 2002 to serve mobile employees, short-term hirees and employees who want a large degree of control over their retirement investments.The FRS Investment Plan accepts contributions from both employees and employers and is calculated on an employee's salary and membership status. 2055 FRS 2055 Retirement Date Fund 2060 FRS 2060 Retirement Date Fund Visit the “Investment Funds” section of for more information FRS Investment Plan Fund Choices Asset Class Fund Number Fund Name Cash 60 FRS Money Market Fund Bonds 80 FRS U.S. How does the FRS Investment Plan Work? 2 2015 Proposed Legislation ... • Roll DROP $$ Investment Plan • Low-cost funds and inactive admin. Generating Life Time Income. Member adds personal data/goals Non-FRS assets (qualified plans, home value, etc.) FRS Investment Plan. In investing the FRS Pension Plan assets, the SBA follows statutory guidelines. Institutional funds represent about 80% of all retirement plan investments in the country. In the FRS Investment Plan, you and your employer make a monthly contribution for your retirement based on your salary and membership class. Despite popular belief, FRS does not have a “separate” account for each employee in the pension plan. When you work for the state, the Florida Retirement System (FRS) offers two retirement options: The FRS Pension Plan provides a monthly benefit to you when you retire. Since we talked about the risks associated with investments, it is highly important that you find a reliable and experienced professional to manage your investments for you. History has shown this to be a productive partnership, with approximately $2 out of every $3 paid to a retiree today coming from investment gains, not from taxpayers. The starting amount of your initial FRS Investment Balance is based on an advanced calculation of the “Net Present Value” (NPV) of your pension. You The FRS Investment Plan is funded by employer and employee contributions that are based on salary and FRS membership class (Regular Class, Special Risk Class, etc. The following rules in Chapter 19 of the Florida Administrative Code deal with the FRS Investment Plan: Chapter 19 - State Board of Administration; 19-9 - Investment Plan Policy Statement; 19-11 - Procedures for the FRS Investment Plan; 19-13 - Roles and Responsibilities of the FRS Investment Plan As you will have to contribute 3% and the state will add funds for you. The FRS Investment Plan is a defined contribution plan, in which employer and employee contributions are defined by law, but your ultimate benefit depends in part on the performance of your investment funds. BENEFIT . To participate in the SDBA you must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000 in the Investment Plan’s primary investment funds and initial and subsequent … Monthly contributions based on salary and FRS membership class are paid by you (a 3% contribution) and your employer . The amount of the retirement benefit is determined by the employer and employee contributions and the performance of the investment fund choices. ; The FRS Investment Plan lets you choose how your money is invested and how you want to … A health insurance subsidy is available under this plan at the time of retirement. Performance & Reports. funds in the Investment Plan are established by contracts with the FRS. A Self-Directed Brokerage Account is also available. The Florida Retirement System must ensure that sufficient funds are available when your benefits are due and bears the market risk and investment decisions. Creating investment funds specific to a particular retirement plan is very cost-effective, and commonly done by large retirement plans. You decide how to invest your account balance in various investment funds the plan offers. 2. These reports discuss the fees, investment strategies, and other factors that may significantly affect the fund’s performance. Any investment gains or losses are borne by the trust fund, and they do not affect your accrued retirement benefit. Pre-loaded member data All FRS benefit data All FRS benefit data and FRS investment funds 2. For additional information or professional financial guidance regarding this plan, contact Ernst & Young Financial Planners at (866) 446-9377 or visit the Florida Retirement System … While these choices are somewhat limited in number, there are some worthwhile investment options. Since mutual funds are actively managed by pros trying to pick stocks that will outperform the stock market, they’re a great option for long-term investing. on all investment funds offered under the FRS Investment Plan, including Financial Engines’ Fund Score Cards and the Fund Profiles, Fund Details, and Investment Fund Summary, which are updated regularly. ). Your investment performance will be based on your underlining investments. The transferred funds shall be invested in the FRS Intermediate Bond Fund. The FRS Investment Plan offers: … A Self-Directed Brokerage Account is also available. Pension Plan Investment / Hybrid Plan 1. This means that your employer makes contributions, but you control the investment of those funds. The FRS Investment Plan features 19 funds you can choose, including 9 funds spread across five asset classes, and 10 retirement date funds that are mixtures of various asset classes. Participants decide how to allocate the money in their account among the available investment funds. Note: The fees listed on this form may have changed since the form was printed. fee. Please visit the Human Resources Disability Retirement page for additional information regarding disability retirement guidelines. To make it easier for you to compare fees, the dollar amounts listed (in bold italics) next to the name of each FRS Investment Plan fund are the first-year annual fee for a $10,000 account balance. date, you can roll these funds into the Investment Plan. 3. The act allows the SBA to invest up to 1.5% of Florida Retirement System Pension Fund (FRS) assets in technology and growth enterprises that have significant presence in Florida. The Florida Retirement System must ensure that sufficient funds are available when your benefits are due and bears the market risk and investment decisions. Investment Funds The FRS Investment Plan features 19 funds for you to choose from. The FRS Investment Plan Administrator is Alight Solutions. Since the fund is only now a little over 87.5% funded the above amounts will not help shore up the fund. Other financial products might not only charge higher fees, but might also charge additional fees. A defined contribution plan where participants decide how to allocate the money in their account among available investment funds. In case of Fees come straight out Low Fees The Investment Plan’s investment management fees are some of the lowest available anywhere. the Pension Plan Trust Fund for all FRS members. Please refer to the fund summaries and profiles for a full description of each Non-Sworn Investment Plan members will see a smaller reduction from 6.00% to 3.30%. This statement is designed to set forth relevant information in simple terms to help you make Why the FRS Is Offering This Plan The Pension Plan has been offered to employees for over 40 years. The plan has adjusted the assumption annually since in 2014, to reach the current 7.0% for 2021. FRS Pension Plan members are eligible for the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) The Investment Plan is made up of 21 funds, more than half are Retirement Date Funds.

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