Native observes a sharp increase in energy, courage, aggression, and desires. This Video talks about the Results of mars in 12th house for Cancer Ascendant as per Bhrigu Samhita. But the negative impacts of Mars in 1st house would make them highly aggressive and hasty in … It is believed that this portion allows a much more detailed … 5th house has scorpion sign and lord is Mars. People born in Makara (Capricorn) and Thula (Libra), Kanni (Virgo) lagna people will experience the worst results of Jupiter Mahadasha. Moon mahadasha for Cancer ascendant Moon will be ascendant lord for cancer ascendant and it is of utmost importance that Moon should be stronger such that positivity in life can come. Sixth house lord and second house lord would mean differently to people. SCHOOL ARTICLES: Free will or destiny (concept of homes) Shadow of Rahu and Ketu in Jetish The principle of Gunite (Satwa, Raja and Tama) in Jetish Vedic Cosmology: structure of the universe and the three main planetary systems The curses in the natal card I-Calasarpa and Kalamrita Yoga Ascendant Aries - characteristics Ascendant … When Pisces Ascendant is aspected by the Sun, Mars, and … Fond of recreations. Business issues, losses, martial problem etc Shani Ki Mahadasha for … b) The planetary positions determine what will be the real effects of the Dasha. They generally enjoy challenges. Role of Rahu Mahadasha in Mars Antardasha. Also, they may face ignominy (badnami) and physical fights. Will see in detail what are the good and bad planets for this Lagna. You will get success very easily. You will be very lucky in terms of career, business, money, family, love, and everything. The time from Sept this year to June 2015 is a very good period for Sanjay Dutt, as transit Jupiter from Cancer sign will be aspecting the mahadasha lord Saturn in Scorpio. a) Rahu Mahadasha is highly adverse for the life of the native and brings in many malefic and strong effects which stay on with the native for 18 years. As 5th is a Kona/trine, 10th is a Kendra house... Jupiter: as the lord of 6th and 9th houses Jupiter gives good results. Cancer Ascendant: Mars is the ruler of 5th and 10th house transiting in the seventh house for you. 10) Capricorn Ascendant: For Capricorns moon is the most negative planet for them. Example Cancer ascendant and Mars in 7th, Jupiter in 10th. But this is a general rule and there are lots of exceptions. It has been rough. Jupiter ruling the 9th house of fortune becomes one of the auspicious planets for Cancer ascendant natives. Thanks For Watching. If Mars is well placed, and well aspected there is great possibility for the person. Best placement for Sun in Cancer ascendant is 2nd , 5th , 9th ,10th and 11th house. One may have to consume contaminated food. Effect of the Rahu Mahadasha Sun Antardasha. 6th house has sagittarius sign and lord is Jupiter. For example Mars in Cancer ascendant rules over the 5th house, which is a trine house and same time Mars rules over 10th house also, which is a Kendra house. Meaning of Cancer Ascendant. Being Yogakarka Mars have all powers to bless the native with wealth, status, command, and happiness in life. So generally Mars Mahadasha will be very good for Cancer and Leo native. If Mars is posited in 5 th or 9 th house or in Kendra house without any malefic aspect, one will get child happiness, better love life, success in higher education and professional life. Worship Mahadev every Monday . For Cancer ascendant, the Parivartana yoga or mutual exchange combination between Mars in Cancer in the 1st house and Moon in Scorpio in the 5th house can bestow abundant emotional strength to the native. For Cancer ascendant, the Parivartana yoga or mutual exchange combination between Mars in Cancer in the 1st house and Moon in Scorpio in the 5th house can bestow abundant emotional strength to the native. Capricorn and Cancer are its signs of exaltation and debilitation respectively where it gives good and bad results respectively. Now, both Scorpio and Aries are ruled by Mars. Relationships with these natives can be exciting, but keeping up with … Factors To Consider If You Have Rahu Mahadasha. Mars is debilitated in your horoscope because it is with the Cancer sign situated at the 12 th house. Cancer ascendant – For a Cancer ascendant, Mars is the Lord of the 5th and 10th house. Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and wealth. This Video is applicable to Cancer Ascendant only. Venus is the Lord of 7th house for Aries Ascendant. Mars for cancer ascendant is raj-yoga karaka planet. So in this way you may prove to be an assertive and aggressive natured person. For Cancer Lagna, Mars is the lord of the 5th and 10th house. You cannot avoid a Rahu Mahadasha. Followings are the results of Mars in difference houses of the chart... read more. If your birth Moon sign or the ascendant sign is Taurus or Scorpio Cancer Ascendant; For Cancers, Mercury proves harmful. I am going through the last phase of Rahu mahadasha that is Rahu M.D. Saturn: as the lord of a Kendra house and trine, 4th & 5th, Saturn becomes raja yoga karaka. Tags Ascendant, Cancer, Cancer Ascendant 2020, Karka lagna 2020 Cancer Ascendant 2020 Predictions – With the onset of year 2020, every males and females is looking forward to know what this year hold for them in career, job, marriage, finance, health, love, business etc as per vedic astrology. Mars brings good outcomes as it owns the 5th house and 10th house. Read Aditya Hridayam for reaping benefits of Sun Mahadasha. It is fire, personal power, and vitality to do something and our ability to take action. Fundamental Understanding Meaning of the word- Asta means two things in Astrology 1. Leo ascendant – Mars is very friendly to Leo natives. Mars relationship with Moon, Jupiter or even Venus produces a Rajyoga of high quality. 2nd house has leo sign and lord is Sun. Here the 9th house is the most spacious … Being the 9 th lord, Jupiter is also said to be very helpful for this ascendant. Overall: For Cancer ascendant, Mars and Jupiter (rulers of houses 9 and 10) give political and social power and prestige. The native feels endowed with more courage and better problem-solving skills. Mars is free will and will power for getting things done. Amongst all these, Mars is the most malefic being lord of eighth and eleventh house. Jupiter Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Mesha (Aries), Kataga (Cancer), Meena (Pisces) and Dhanushu (Sagittarius) lagna people. This can be the worst phase for Pisces and Aries sign, leading to very complicated years and uncountable troubles. If undergoing the Mahadasha of Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars or undergoing their Antardasha in the Mahadasha of other planets. 7th house has capricorn sign and lord is Saturn. 4th house has libra sign and lord is Venus. Cancer Ascendant: For Cancer Ascendant/ Lagna, Mars becomes the lord of the 5 th and 10 th Mars is the Yogkaraka in this ascendant. It is the Lord of the 4th and 9th house. Grah yudha causes minor issues in this case for significaitons of Jupiter and can cause some injury in the dasa of moon as Jupiter is 6th lord with karaka of 6th mars all deposited by moon and conjunct moon Combustion (Helical Setting) when a planet is Behind Sun or to say when Sun comes between Planet and earth, he is farthest from earth and due to Sun obstructing his rays from reaching earth, he is said to be combust. Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and wealth. My natal Saturn is in my 5th house of Scorpio. Enemies may cause agony and fear of king, poison, fire and weapons prevails. Mars in Aries natives are often a step ahead of the rest of us. Effect like cordial … Mars here is the owner of two powerful houses and is termed as a Yoga Karaka. 4th house has libra sign and lord is Venus. Mars gives Raja Yoga even by itself. Astrosaxena. When Mars is beneficial, one will rejoice because of a gain in social status, success in marriage, worldly pleasures and success in career. It is male planet and Taniasic in nature. In Vedic astrology, your life span is control by a single planet at certain points of your life. a) Rahu Mahadasha is highly adverse for the life of the native and brings in many malefic and strong effects which stay on with the native for 18 years. 18) When Mercury and Venus interchange their houses, Rahu Bhukti or Sun Bhukti in Mercury Dasa brings about death. In a well-placed powerful Mars, the person becomes ambitious and independent. Mars has lordship of auspicious trine 5th house and 2nd house. Good news for Cancer ascendants. Mars in Aries people enjoy starting fresh new ideas, pioneering action, and fresh projects make them happiest. Mars is a Yogakaraka for Cancer ascendant. the lord of the 5th and the 10th giving benefic results during its dasha and bhukti periods, provided there is no other malefic influence. Mars will act as functional benefic for Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces Ascendants. Here, Mars is in the Taurus signs (Venus own house) ascendant. Mars is free will and will power for getting things done. Mars is a Yogakaraka for Cancer ascendant. On the other part, if the placement of Rahu and Mars are favorable in the horoscope chart then, … Mars is the lord of the 12th house hence a person can expect mixed results both good and bad during the Mahadasha of Jupiter, Mars, Venus. The planet Mercury is the lord of the 3 rd and 12 th house. Mercury: the lord of 9th and 12th houses, mercury gives good results. the lord of the 5th and the 10th giving benefic results during its dasha and bhukti periods, provided there is no other malefic influence. This makes Mars a yogakaraka planet for Cancer ascendant. Jupiter is the sixth house and the ninth house lord for cancer ascendant people. Meaning of Cancer Ascendant. For Cancer ascendant, the Parivartana yoga or mutual exchange combination between Mars in Cancer in the 1st house and Moon in Scorpio in the 5th house can bestow abundant emotional strength to the native. Rahu Mahadasha Mars Antardasha: Bad effects: Circumstances causing anxiety may arise. Mars Mahadasha: Mars Dasha is the time for passions and drives taking the front place. Mars Transit in Pisces 2020 for Each Ascendant. The Mars Mahadasha is by far the best Mahadasha for the person born with Cancer ascendant. If there is debilitated Mahadasha of Mars or if Mars is conjoined with Malefic planets such as Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, then it will bring many negative result such as loss of money, failure in profession, career and business etc. For example, the first bhukti of Ketu is Ketu/Ketu, the second is Ketu/Venus, the third Ketu/Sun and so on. Wealth and prosperity and interest in charity and religion increase. Mars is natural friend of lagna lord Jupiter. Jupiter is the Lord of 8th house. There may be unnecessary enmity and opposition with friends and brothers. I'm a Cancer Asc. Moon Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant: The period of Moon Mahadasha is considered to be very beneficial for those who are the ascendants of Cancer. Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 31 July 2015 on your Rashi Mars will transit from 31 July 2015 to 15 Sep 2015 in Cancer … This is the time when a person finds his lost confidence. Yellow Sapphire for Leo Ascendant You are highly recommended to use Yellow Sapphire as the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 5th … So, all of us run through different time periods, i.e. So, all of us run through different time periods, i.e. Cancer ascendant is ruled by the moon. There may be a conflict with the dear ones, opposition with friends & enemies. The Maha-Dashas are Ketu Mahadasha is 7years, Venus mahadasha is the longest at 20 Years, Sun Mahadasha is 6 Years, Moon Mahadasha is 10 Years, Mars Mahadasha is 7 Years, Rahu Mahadasha is 18 Years, Jupiter Mahadasha is 16 Years, Saturn Mahadasha is 19 Years and Mercury Mahadasha … Rahu in 11th house for Virgo ascendant. Since 2008 I left an abusive relationship, rebuilt myself. Aries is your 10th house if If you are a Cancer ascendant Person. Mars is 5 th and 10 th house lord for Cancer. I have read that You are also capricorn Ascendant … Role of Rahu Mahadasha in Mars Antardasha. Sun has lord of most beneficial trine(9th … Mars mahadasha lasts for 7 years or mars mahadasha duration for 7 year. Mesha (Aries) and Rishaba (Taurus) lagna people will experience the worst results of Saturn Mahadasha. If Mars Mahadasha or Venus Mahadasha is running then a person gets married. Do Surya Namaskar every day. Wearing a Red Coral Ring can improve the native’s intelligence, power and knowledge. The owner of Aries Ascendant is Mars which is Agnitatava Pradhan. Every ascendant tends to have a different impact of the Mahadasha of Sun, this depends on factors like the ruling planet, and their association with the Sun. However, Mars is on 8th Navamsa with Rahu in Cancer house. Though Mercury is ascendant lord, but due to kendraadhipati dosha, he should be considered as neutral. Functional Beneficial planet for Sagittarius Ascendant. Hard work is the keyword for this Dasha. Mercury and Venus (ruling houses 3 and 11) give difficulties through too much emotion. Mars is a Yogakaraka for Cancer ascendant. So, Mars is lord of a Kendra House and Trikona House, hence Mars becomes Yoga Karaka Planet for Cancer Ascendant people. Mars will act as functional benefic for Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces Ascendants. Since 2008 I left an abusive relationship, rebuilt myself. Mars Characteristics : It controls the head and occupies a sign for about 1. Saturn mahaDasha and bhukthi give auspicious results. Functional Malefic: Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Jupiter and Sun are functional malefic planets for Gemini Ascendant. Sun – Sun in Virgo sign of Cancer ascendant makes a person tall and slender, but very well proportionate body, good complexion, dark hair and cheerful. Different people may react to this differently for the same combination with Jupiter in the ascendant in Cancer. 2nd house has leo sign and lord is Sun. Currently running through Ketu Mahadasha- Moon. 6th house has sagittarius sign and lord is Jupiter. Good planets : Mars: as the lord of 5th & 10th house Mars becomes the " raja yoga karaka" for Cancerians. Sun Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Mesha (Aries), Kataga (Cancer) and Simha (Leo) lagna people. Cancer is the 11 th house for Virgo ascendant. I have Mars in 2nd house and I am going to have Mars mahadasha from 2021. In general, badhaka planet in the 2nd house will give only … Lets see today, what all result one Mahadasha planet can bring in life. 1/2 months. b) The planetary positions determine what will be the real effects of the Dasha. Pearl strengthens Moon (Chandra) in the wearer’s horoscope. Rahu in 10 th house for Cancer Ascendant in the sign of Aries. Mahadashas, during our lifetime, right from the birth. Mars Transit in Pisces 2020 for Each Ascendant. If there is debilitated Mahadasha of Mars or if Mars is conjoined with Malefic planets such as Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, then it will bring many negative result such as loss of money, failure in profession, career and business etc. The planet Mars is highly beneficial as it owns the 4 th and 9 th house. Mars Mahadasha or Mars Mahadasha in Astrology. Mercury Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant. I'm a Cancer Asc. Mars dominates the native’s life in this period. Mercury and Venus dasas will not be favorable. There may be pain to children & long journeys. Tags Ascendant, Cancer, Cancer Ascendant 2020, Karka lagna 2020 Cancer Ascendant 2020 Predictions – With the onset of year 2020, every males and females is looking forward to know what this year hold for them in career, job, marriage, finance, health, love, business etc as per vedic astrology. It is also known as (Vimshottari dasha). Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will give average results based on their positions. Astrosaxena. When Rahu is in your 10 th house Aries, It is not a Beneficial placement. the lord of the 5th and the 10th giving benefic results during its dasha and bhukti periods, provided there is no other malefic influence. Next step is to check the Nakshatra of Mahadasha planets because it will help to … Read Mars effects in each house: Avoid Green color. This is a male dominating indicative sign. Mars is known to be a fiery planet and is famous to be the most aggressive amongst the rest. 3rd house has virgo sign and lord is Mercury. So this means for a Cancer ascendant if 3 rd house is having malefic influences then Mercury is bad otherwise not. Jupiter Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha Antar Dasha Interpretation JUPITER - RAHU Effect of the Jupiter Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha. Afflicted Mercury can bring you severe misery, hence remedial measures are important. and Mars A.D. My question is that I am a person of Capricorn ascendent How is Guru Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant . It has been rough. It is fire, personal power, and vitality to do something and our ability to take action. They are free soul and convey all the masculine expressions. How does Mars behave when for Cancer Ascendant it is placed in the 10th house (Aries). For life readings and personalized guidance, you can seek us out here. The inauspicious planet for the Cancer ascendant can bring many problems in life. Mars is the planet, causing affliction in the 2nd house for this ascendant. Now, if Mars is even decently placed, then Mars Mahadasha or Antardasha can bring great results for Cancer Ascendant people in matter of Education and Career. However Moon should also be un- … For Cancer Ascendant 3rd house has virgo sign and lord is Mercury. I am going through the last phase of Rahu mahadasha that is Rahu M.D. We will talk about Mars dasha, Jupiter dasha, Saturn dasha, Venus dasha, Mercury dasha, Rahu dasha, Ketu dasha, Moon dasha and Sun dasha. Now in Jupiter MD, Mars effects will be seen doubly strong, one as its rashi depositor and bhaav (Aries) and secondly as Mars has a 100% aspect on Jupiter (assuming degree of aspect is below 15) even though Jupiter in this case has no aspect on Mars If talking in terms of zodiacs, the most beneficent ascendants in budh Mahadasha are Gemini, Taurus, and Virgo. For life readings and personalized guidance, … A life that is too predictable makes them antsy. You may be adventurous and short tempered person. 1st house has cancer sign and lord is Moon. In addition to that, they have a strong emotional attachment with their life project/path which increases the … Relatively mars is second strongest in the chart of native by shadbala but has more kashta phala than ishta (34.83) and sthana: 146.32 which is low but strength ratio: 1.42. Mahadasha Results. Danger from a disease of bronchitis or T.B., loss and difficulties due to brothers. Pearl is also the birthstone and the rashi ratna for Cancer sun sign (22 Jun – 22 Jul). Third House. Is yellow sapphire good for Leo? Mercury Mahadasha works best with planets like Venus, Sun, and Moon. OR This transit can give problems in your partnership or legal marriage. Since mahadasha lord Saturn will be retrograde until July 20th this year and there will be a Saturn / Mars conjunction in August this year. Because Guru is karak of 12th house and 3rd house in capricorn ascendant. I have Mars is in 3rd House (Leo Ascendant) with Saturn conjuct. Since, Mars is a masculine planet, a subject's relationship with males, such as son and brothers are … 7th house has … If on the other hand, Below is a small summary of the likelihood of benefic or malefic results if the following ascendants run on a Mahadasha of Sun: Aries Ascendant– Benefic; Taurus Ascendant– Benefic Jupiter and the Sun (ruling houses 2 and 9) give intelligence. So, if someone has born under Moon Mahadasha, then he will have some 10 years of Moon time period, followed by Mars Mahadasha … Check whether Mars is … ... Ketu is more malafic to Virgo Capricorn and Tula ascendant but better for cancer … It is lord of Aries and Scorpio. You may be arrogant, brave and true man of your words. 1st house has cancer sign and lord is Moon. Hence, it is considered as a malefic planet. Dasha - it simply means “A given time period”. and Mars A.D. My question is that I am a person of Capricorn ascendent How is Guru Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant . People born in Makara (Capricorn) and Thula (Libra), Kanni (Virgo) lagna people will experience the worst results of Jupiter Mahadasha. For example for both Cancer and Leo ascendant Mars becomes powerful Yogakaraka. Ketu Mahadasha – Mars Antardasha – Men at War: This is an interesting one, once the calm waters of Moon have been replaced by fiery fury of Mars, results are far more interesting. Cancer is a watery sign and Mars is a fiery planet, therefore it’s all energy will get vaporized. Rahu in 11th house for Virgo ascendant indicates that you will have a very good and satisfying lifestyle. Mars will act as functional benefic for Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces Ascendants. 5th house has scorpion sign and lord is Mars. for cancer ascendant if mars, Jupiter and moon combine in cancer, it is a potent raj yoga and extremely good for the native. So during the mangal mahadasha, you should be ready to feel a little more energetic then you have always been.You will feel very courageous during the whole duration. But you will face hardships if Mercury is with Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn. Mars Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha. The Mars Mahadasha lasts in your life for 7 years. The native Rahu-Mars dasha or bhukti would loose his/her memory in this period and would face a period of much distress and absence of peace. My natal Saturn is in my 5th house of Scorpio. During favorable Jupiter dasa of 16 years, multiple gains from many sources will be seen. You don’t have to work hard. Shani Ki Mahadasha for Cancer Lagna Planet Saturn is not very good for Cancer ascendant folks, as it is the lord of the 7th and the 8th house in the janampatri, which could be very malefic, as it can create all types of problems under the sky for the natives. In addition to that, they have a strong emotional attachment with their life project/path which increases the level of success to a great extent. Here, association of Mars with Venus (kalatra karaka) and exalted Jupiter (badhaka for Gemini ascendant) in the 2nd house is not so favorable for marital harmony. 7th house represents partner, wife, husband dealing with others people, deals in business, business partner, agreements, and open enemies. Jupiter being also the lord of the 6th house can give some troubles to the Cancer ascendant natives but also some great advantages such as advantages from loans and gains from enemies. Jupiter Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Mesha (Aries), Kataga (Cancer), Meena (Pisces) and Dhanushu (Sagittarius) lagna people. Sun will give bad results in 4th(debilitated) ,7th , 8th and 12 house. Mars is very impulsive, explosive and spontaneous in nature. Married and had another kid, now going through a divorce. First check whether Mars is functional malefic or functional benefic for your ascendant. There is a possibility of pain due to eye, heart and infections disease. 3 rd house is not a malefic house unless influenced by malefics. I have read that You are also capricorn Ascendant please guide. There is a fear of many types of conflict and upheavals. Cancer Ascendant borns will have favourable time during Moon, Sun, Mars and Jupiter dasas. Mars Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha. His mooltrikona sign is falling in 5th house. 17) When Mars, Jupiter, and Venus are in Capricorn, the Bhukti of Venus in the Dasas of Mars and Jupiter brings disastrous results. Saturn Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Makara (Capricorn) and Thula (Libra) lagna people. Good effects: Recovery of lost wealth, property at home, and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth, blessings by the household deity (Isht Dev). For Taurus ascendant, Venus is the Lord of 6th house. Lets see today, what all result one Mahadasha planet can bring in life. How will it behave under Venus Mahadasha (D1 – Debilitated in Virgo – in 3rd house (Mars is 8th from Venus in … My Saturn Mahadasha started in 2008, one week before my oldest kid was born. Outer planets [Mars… Aries is Owned by Mars and Rahu is not Comfortable in Aries. Married and had another kid, now going through a divorce. Mars is very impulsive, explosive and spontaneous in nature. Case 3: Mars is yogakarka for cancer ascendant and benefit. Cancer Ascendant (Karka Lagna) – Vimsottari dasas and results. Does it loose all its power to do good? Good and bad planets for Tula Lagna /libra ascendant. BHUKTI - Each mahadasha is also divided into planetary periods called Bhukti, which run in the same order as the mahadashas, and with the same relational length. My Saturn Mahadasha started in 2008, one week before my oldest kid was born. MARS: Being lord of a quadrant and trine Mars is a Yogkaraka for Cancer Ascendant natives and its association with Moon, Sun or Jupiter creates Raj Yoga. Mahadasha Results. If you belong to Cancer ascendant, then the planet Mercury is not a beneficial planet. During this period of Mars Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha, the native observes gains in property matters. If Moon is posited in Kendra or Trikona houses (not in the 5 th house where it will get debilitated) without any functional malefic aspect, then positivity in overall life can come. You have your Rahu or Ketu conjunct other planets in your birth horoscope. Sexual urges and excitement also comes in play. 9) Sagittarius Ascendant: Venus is the Marak planet (enemy planet) for them and they usually get into the trouble of diabetes (a disease) during the Mahadasha or Anterdasha of Venus. c) Now check who is the lord of 7th house in your horoscope for Aries Ascendant in your Navamsa chart. Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 31 July 2015 on your Rashi Mars will transit from 31 July 2015 to 15 Sep 2015 in Cancer Sign. Neutral: Mercury and Moon. Because Guru is karak of 12th house and 3rd house in capricorn ascendant. Many upheavals may be quieted down. As it rules the 3rd and 12th house for cancer, it is a negative planet and can cause immense harm to the natives. Some wealth loss is possible but at the same time, native experiences growth on the professional front. This is very much wondering that the native was died in the mahadasha of Mars and in the antardasha of Jupiter. When any planet lords two houses in an ascendant he mixes effects of both of those houses and here Mercury … The natives of Mars in Ascendant are perceived to be vigorous and dynamic personalities who would be very much courageous and leaders in their approach. Mars Mahadasha for Cancer ascendant. However, the debilitation of the moon may adversely … Mercury is lord of 3 rd and 12 th house for this ascendant. People born in Makara (Capricorn) and Thula (Libra) lagna people will experience the worst results of Sun Mahadasha. It is destined to arrive in every human’s life for a period of 18 years after Mars Mahadasha. It … Mars Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha, the period is marked by increased difficulties and hurdles. But this is a general rule and there are lots of exceptions. Cancer Ascendant. Mars Mahadasha Mars Maha Dasha Good Or Bad Effects General Mars Mahadasha Interpretations: General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Mars are as follows : There may be fear from those in authority, domestic quarrels, and enmity with spouse, children, and relatives is possible. It represents anger, passion and energy drive within us. Mars mahadasha one of the important mahadasha because this mahadasha gives power, energy, stamina, ability to fight and courage which is needed for each and every person in this world. ... For Cancer ascendant, the sun is … Mars is the Lord of 1st house for Aries Ascendant. Instead, you can avoid fatal damages of Rahu Mahadasha by following these measures: Check for anxiety or depression; Things … Case 4: Native was born in Saturn Mahadasha. Mahadashas, during our lifetime, right from the birth. Followings are the results of Mars in difference houses of the chart... read more. It bestows their lives with immense happiness, wealth and also provides these people with good social status in life. This covers the 120yrs of a human life. The lordship of 6 th house is neglected by maximum numbers of astrologers. So Mars is functional beneficial for Sagittarius ascendant. For cancer Asc , Mercury is highly malefic . As his Mool-Trikona sign falls in 3 rd house he is basically a neutral planet for this ascendant. But, the hard work and efforts of the person would save the person to somewhat extent.

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