A systematic review of the ultrasound estimation of fetal weight. Stubert J(1), Peschel A(2), Bolz M(3), Glass Ä(4), Gerber B(3). This study aimed to establish a relationship between ultrasound estimated placental thickness and fetal weight. During pregnancy, repeated ultrasound measurements were used to establish international fetal growth charts for head and abdominal circumference, length of the thigh bone, and fetal weight, estimated using a combination of the three measurements. Ultrasound exams are notoriously inaccurate for predicting the weight of your baby. These measurements will then be used to estimate fetal weight. The lengths below are from head to foot (crown to heel). However, Plus Size Pregnancy reports that in many cases, ultrasound fetal weight estimates are no more accurate than those provided by a doctor 1. Long-term outcome of retarded fetal growth. The percentage of correctly estimated fetal weights (defined as <10% difference from The second trimester extends from 13 weeks and 0 days to 27 weeks and 6 days of gestation although the majority of these studies are performed between 18 and 23 weeks. Women with immediately antepartum EFW (N = 492) were compared to women without ultrasound … An estimated fetal weight at the 15th percentile or less, or a decreasing estimated fetal weight as determined by serial ultrasound examination, is suggestive of IUGR. accurate measurement of fetal weight is important in managing term FGR. Author information: (1)Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rostock, Suedring 81, 18059, Rostock, Germany. Comparison of estimated fetal weight percentiles near term for predicting extremes of birthweight percentile. It has already been noted that the ultrasound method to estimate the fetal weight is not universally accessible in the current practice of ANC across Indonesian primary health care centers [12, 15]. If a study is done to reassess fetal size, or to re-evaluate any fetal organ-system abnormality noted on a previous ultrasound study, 76816 is appropriate. Abstract. [1 3 6 11] Accuracy of sonographic fetal weight estimation: a matter of presentation. EDD Estimated date of delivery EFW Estimated Fetal Weight FH Fundal Height This calculator is based on The World Health Organization Fetal Growth Charts 1 and intended for international use. EFW is a useful parameter with which to predict birth weight and outcome when it is calculated a few days before delivery. Sovio U, Smith GCS. The accuracy within 10% of actual birth weights was 69.5% and 72% for both clinical and ultrasound estimation of fetal weight, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant. The finding in this study was comparable to the study by Shittu et al. DEFINITIONS BMI Body mass index Centile lines The lines of growth on the customised growth chart are estimated fetal weight centile lines, 10th, 50th and 90th. What is Shepard formula? The purpose of this study was to use three-dimensional (3D) limb volume ultrasound combined with fetal abdominal circumference (AC) measurement to establish a model to predict fetal weight and evaluate its efficiency. Customised charts (which adjust growth curves accord-ing to maternal height, weight, parity and ethnic origin) were recommended for plotting both fundal height and estimated fetal weight (EFW).6 The RCOG guidelines reviewed the risk factors asso- This estimated fetal weight calculator will calculate percentiles as well as the estimated fetal weights based ultrasound data and on many published formulas.* Calculations are based on the 4 common fetal measurements, biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), femur length (FL), and abdominal circumference (AC). Abdominal circumference - circumference of the baby's belly, measured at the liver's height. Accuracy of immediate antepartum ultrasound estimated fetal weight and its impact on mode of delivery and outcome - a cohort analysis. At 12 weeks, the fetus has grown to about 2 inches (4.4cm) in length and may begin to move by itself. This hinders fetal weight estimation using the ultrasound prediction models that are commonly used in the existing fetal growth chart studies. Birth weight differences of more than 20% in twins is associated with poor outcomes for the mother and baby. * Calculations are based on the 4 common fetal measurements, biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), femur length (FL), and abdominal circumference (AC). estimated fetal weight (EFW) with the baby’s subsequent weight at birth, for preterm and term gestations. Birth weight differences of more than 20% in twins is associated with poor outcomes for the mother and baby. Code This Real-World Example In the following case study, your first point of order in distinguishing between codes 76801, 76805, 76811, 76815, and 76816 is to examine the clinical indication. Fetal macrosomia, arbitrarily defined as a birth weight of more than 4,000 g (8 lb, 13 oz) complicates more than 10 percent of all pregnancies in the United States. This study aimed to establish a relationship between ultrasound estimated placental thickness and fetal weight. The estimated fetal weight is plotted on the reference range for gestational age derived from the formula reported by: Nicolaides KH, Wright D, Syngelaki A, Wright A, Akolekar R. Fetal Medicine Foundation fetal and neonatal population weight charts. The mean age of the women was 30.77 ± 5.54 years with a range of sixteen to forty-three years. This estimated fetal weight calculator will calculate percentiles as well as the estimated fetal weights based ultrasound data and on many published formulas. The main exclusion criteria were monoamniotic twins, fetal reduction, maternal complications, … Boute T, Rizzo G, Mappa I, Makatsariya A, Toneto BR, Moron AF, Rolo LC. But a low-birth-weight baby can also have many serious health problems. Fetal growth chart: 20 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. An average newborn usually weighs about 8 pounds. Second trimester ultrasound scan. Estimated fetal weight - Once the 4 measurements described above have been calculated, the software of the ultrasound equipment will use a mathematical formula to derive the estimated fetal weight (EFW) - Calculation of EFW is more accurate in second trimester than in third trimester but : 1 3rd Trimester Ultrasound - Protocol. The calculations required to estimate your baby's weight will most likely by done by a doctor or ultrasound technician. Comparison of our new estimated fetal weight (EFW) reference chart (solid lines), in a French population of 18 959 fetuses, with the birth-weight reference chart (dashed lines) obtained in the same territorial division over the same study period 14, from 25 to 36 weeks' gestation. Suspected fetal macrosomia is not an indication for delivery and rarely is an indication for cesarean delivery. 2. when to refer to Ultrasound for a growth scan 3. The fetal size can be estimated by measuring the fundal height. Extremely low birth weight newborn. Calculations are based on the 4 common fetal measurements, biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), femur length (FL), and abdominal circumference (AC). Introduction: While current evidence suggests that fetal skeletal parameters do not vary considerably across populations, there is uncertainty about the standards of abdominal circumference (AC) and estimated fetal weight (EFW), which are the basis of clinical guidelines for the management of fetal growth restriction. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013;287:851–8. Our circulation is audited by BPA who confirms these numbers. Subjects will receive one ultrasound scan 4-7 days before their delivery. Ultrafast fetal MRI — an additional imaging technique pioneered at CHOP that shows the omphalocele and the entire fetus. Doppler. Growth chart: Fetal length and weight, week by week. 500 results found. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code P03.819 [convert to ICD-9-CM] Newborn affected by abnormality in fetal (intrauterine) heart rate or rhythm, unspecified as to time of onset. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011;38:418–24. Macrosomia Estimated fetal weight of greater than 4000 grams or 4500 grams Monochorionic twins Twins developed from one oocyte (egg) developing with a single chorion (membrane that forms the fetal part of the placenta) NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NST Fetal Non-Stress test Oligohydramnios Objectives - To determine reference values for sonography-based estimated fetal weight (EFW) in twin gestations in one single tertiary medical center in the United States. Ultrasound estimation of fetal weight is a highly influential factor in antenatal management, guiding both the timing and mode of delivery of a pregnancy. ACOG says ultrasound is no better than a provider’s exam in estimating fetal weight, suspected macrosomia should not be an indication for induction of labor, and planned C-sections shouldn’t be performed unless the estimated fetal weight is 10 pounds or more in diabetic women or 11 pounds or more in other women. Against this background, WHO made it a high priority to provide the present fetal growth charts for estimated fetal weight (EFW) and common ultrasound biometric measurements intended for worldwide use. Gestational age was de-rived from CRL at the 11- to 13-week scan using the formula of Robinson and Fleming. This means one in about seven babies will weigh 15% more or less than what was estimated. There are multiple ways to predict the weight via ultrasound… Ultrasound estimated fetal weight is increasingly being used in the monitoring of fetal growth. Fetal Weight Chart Early on during their development, babies will grow at varying rates so it is important to keep in mind that the fetal weight chart only lists averages. The birth weight is plotted on the reference range for gestational age derived from the formula reported by: Nicolaides KH, Wright D, Syngelaki A, Wright A, Akolekar R. Fetal Medicine Foundation fetal and neonatal population weight charts. Accuracy of There are many different mathematical formulae for estimating fetal weight; most of them were devised in the 1980s. It’s important to know there is a recognised 15% error in ultrasound fetal weight estimation. This means your baby can be either 15% smaller or 15% larger than the estimated weight given at your ultrasound. The estimation of fetal weight during pregnancy is among the most important examinations done. Your baby's actual length and weight may vary substantially. 35, No. The estimated fetal weight is plotted on the reference range for gestational age derived from the formula reported by: Nicolaides KH, Wright D, Syngelaki A, Wright A, Akolekar R. Fetal Medicine Foundation fetal and neonatal population weight charts. Because the estimated fetal weight (EFW) is critical for management decisions, including timing of delivery, it is important to determine the combination of biometric measurements that most accurately estimate the fetal weight in these fetuses. Shepard formula is used to ultrasound estimate of fetal weight using BPD and AC parameters (Biparietal Diameter of your baby’s head and Abdominal Circumference) Log 10 (fetal weight) = -1.7492+ 0.166BPD +0.046AC – 2.646(ACBPD)/1,000 These parameters are considered to be more accurate and simpler than others. Small Bowel / Gastroschisis. There are numerous formulas for the estimation of weight and the most accurate ones can still have a 15% or more margin of error in 85% of all babies. Large for gestational age (LGA) describes full-term or post-term infants that are born of high birth weight.. ... Health Organization Fetal Growth Charts: A multinational longitudinal study of ultrasound biometric measurements and estimated fetal weight. Barker DJP. Tables and charts will also be made … The percentage of estimates within ±10% of the actual birth weight was found to be 67.3%. It … If your baby is significantly larger or smaller on an ultrasound, this should not be cause for alarm unless your doctor says so. Fetal Growth Calculator. 23. Comparison of abdominal palpation, Johnson’s technique and ultrasound in the estimation of fetal weight in Northern Iran. 3. Differences between estimated fetal weight formulae, curves and measurement methods could lead to significant differences in results. Abdominal Ultrasonography was performed with A real time system MEDISON Ultrasonic Methods - A retrospective longitudinal analysis of EFW evaluations of fetuses of twin … Fetal fibronectin (fFN) is a protein produced at the boundary between the amniotic sac (which surrounds the baby) and the lining of the mother's uterus (the decidua). Now, the calculator will determine your due date by adding the remaining length of a typical pregnancy (in days) to how far along you are in your pregnancy (current gestational age). Estimated fetal weight EFW may be used to monitor fetal size and growth 4 . Abdominal circumference (AC) is one of the basic biometric parameters used to assess fetal size. The second trimester scan is a routine ultrasound examination in many countries that is primarily used to assess fetal anatomy and detect the presence of any fetal anomalies. The aim of the study was to investigate the accuracy of ultrasound-derived estimated fetal weight (EFW) and to determine its impact on management and outcome of delivery. ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code P07.0. The ultrasound gives an estimate of the weight of your baby, but this estimate can be off a pound or more in either direction. Influence of ultrasound-to-delivery interval and maternal-fetal characteristics on validity of estimated fetal weight Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Newborn babies with FGR may be called This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of ultrasonography in estimating fetal weight among Sudanese as comparing the results with the International Standards. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2018; doi:10.1002/uog.19073 . Low birth weight is a term used to describe babies who are born weighing less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces (2,500 grams). REFERENCES 1. It is often described as an estimated weight less than the 10th percentile. This calculator uses data from the NICHD Fetal Growth Study to calculate Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) for a singleton (one) fetus between 10 weeks 0 days and 41 weeks 6 days of pregnancy. Predicting term birth weight using ultrasound and maternal characteristics. Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) Calculator Normal fetal growth is important not only for a healthy pregnancy, but also for ensuring health and well-being throughout childhood and adolescence. The fingers and toes are discernible, and the fetal heartbeat may be audible by Doppler ultrasound. 10 th, 50 th and 90 th centiles are shown. Measurements can be taken of the fetus' head, abdomen, and femur to estimate fetal weight. With an estimated fetal weight more than 4,500 g, a prolonged second stage of labor or arrest of descent in the second stage is an indication for … Symptoms can include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, behaviorial problems, learning difficulties and problems with hearing or sight. Pediatrics. The second trimester scan is a routine ultrasound examination in many countries that is primarily used to assess fetal anatomy and detect the presence of any fetal anomalies. Fetal macrosomia can't be diagnosed until after the baby is born and weighed. @article{Little2012EstimatedFW, title={Estimated fetal weight by ultrasound: a modifiable risk factor for cesarean delivery? The average singleton fetus weighs about 80 grams (2.8 ounces) by the end of the first trimester and grows increasingly faster after 22 weeks to reach a maximum growth rate of almost 220 grams (7.8 ounces) per week by 35 weeks '. There is no method of checking fetal size before delivery can provide more than an estimated fetal weight (EFW). These four ultrasound measurements are the ones used most frequently to estimate fetal weight: Insert the week and day of your pregnancy that was estimated by the ultrasound — this is the gestational age of the fetus or how far you are in your pregnancy. METHODS: This retrospective study evaluated the precision of ultrasound fetal weight estimation in 756 pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes between 2002 and 2016. ultrasound estimated fetal weight and its impact on mode of delivery and outcome - a cohort analysis Johannes Stubert1*, Adam Peschel2, Michael Bolz1, Änne Glass3 and Bernd Gerber1 Abstract Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the accuracy of ultrasound-derived estimated fetal weight Meyer WJ, Font GE, Gauthier DW, et al. (Advanced: an umbilical portion of the left portal vein … These two explanations are based on an Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) calculations that use the ultrasound technique to evaluate a baby's weight inside its mother's uterus.. To estimate the fetal weight, we use the following measurements:. While there are reports of AFI measurements and ultrasound EFWs, as separate parameters, both in the Nigerian and international literature,[8–10] there are few reports that assessed the possible relationship between AFI and estimated weight, for both normal (non-diabetic) and diabetic pregnancies. Version 2.69 33190-0Fetal body weight growth percentile estimated from gestational age by method of Hadlock 1985 (US)Active Part Description LP72181-8 Body weight growth percentile Ultrasound is routinely used to assess gestational age, fetal weight, and weight percentile. 2017;14(3):e1002284. Clinicians measure the estimated fetal weight differences by ultrasound before birth and compare it to differences in birth weight after the babies are born. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 1-6, 19 Aug 2020 Cited by: 0 articles | PMID: 32814485 What causes low birth weight? Evaluating Health Information. N2 - Objective The objective of this study was to examine the association between an ultrasound-estimated fetal weight (US-EFW) and mode of delivery among nulliparous diabetic women. Background. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott–Raven, 1997;853–63. The accurate estimation of fetal weight by ultrasound is important in the treatment of many complications in pregnancy. Objective: To assess the performance of ultrasound in twin’s fetal weigt estimation (FWE), screening of low birth weight (LBW) and twin’s weight discordance (TWD). Using EFW allows: clinicians to summarize fetal growth, depending on which size parameters are included; use of the same anatomic parameter(s) for monitoring growth prenatally and postnatally (i.e. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Methods: A prospective study including fifty twin pregnancies was carried out. All women completed a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test at 26–28 weeks’ gestation. The NICHD Fetal Growth Study, started in 2009, aims to set evidence-based standards for normal fetal growth and size for each stage of pregnancy. These two explanations are based on an Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) calculations that use the ultrasound technique to evaluate a baby's weight inside its mother's uterus.. To estimate the fetal weight, we use the following measurements:. Study Design Retrospective cohort from a single center in 2009-2010 of singleton, term live births. Evidence Based Medicine. It’s important to know there is a recognised 15% error in ultrasound fetal weight estimation. (Advanced: an umbilical portion of the left portal vein … Average Length (cm) Average Weight (g) 20 weeks. low birth weight due to slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition (P05.-); Newborn birth weight 999 g. or less. Ultrasound (a test using sound waves to create a picture of internal structures) is a more accurate method of estimating fetal size. 300g. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2012.06.065 Corpus ID: 39933032. Measurements have been combined to estimate fetal weight by mathematically based non-linear regression analysis or physically based volumetric methods. If the fetal weight is above the top 10 per cent line on the graph, it is considered to be large for gestational age (LGA). Second trimester ultrasound scan. Objectives: To evaluate different formulas for estimating fetal weight in diabetic pregnancies. Fetal weight (FW) estimation in late pregnancy is an important guide in obstetric care. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2000; 16:445. The range and use of ultrasound fetal measurements have gradually been extended. The calculations required to estimate your baby's weight will most likely by done by a doctor or ultrasound technician. AC together with biparietal diameter, head circumference, and femur length are computed to produce an estimate of fetal weight. ACOG says ultrasound is no better than a provider’s exam in estimating fetal weight, suspected macrosomia should not be an indication for induction of labor, and planned C-sections shouldn’t be performed unless the estimated fetal weight is 10 pounds or more in diabetic women or 11 pounds or more in other women. Version 2.69 33184-3Fetal body weight growth percentile estimated from gestational age by method of Williams 1982 (US)Active Part Description LP72181-8 Body weight growth percentile Ultrasound is routinely used to assess gestational age, fetal weight, and weight percentile. A mother's weight gain can also influence a baby's size. Lung size can also be estimated. However, Plus Size Pregnancy reports that in many cases, ultrasound fetal weight estimates are no more accurate than those provided by a doctor 1. Long Bones and Organ Sizes. The measurement of fetal biometry in the second and third trimesters is an important part of these examinations and biometric measurements are combined routinely in order to calculate the estimated fetal weight (EFW) 5. The term LGA or large for gestational age is defined by birth weight above the 90th percentile for their gestational age and gender. Estimated Fetal Weight … In the second trimester this may be extrapolated to an estimate of gestational age and an estimated date of delivery (EDD). The main ultrasonic methods used to calculate the weight of a fetus are based on measurement of fetal abdominal circumference (AC) and estimated fetal weight (EFW) using a formula first described by Hadlock et al. Stirnemann J, Villar J, Salomon LJ, Ohuma E, Lamber A, Victoria C G et al. • There is no evidence that scan accuracy is any worse at term Fetal weight estimation is inaccurate, with poor sensitivity for prediction of fetal compromise. However, if you have risk factors for fetal macrosomia, your health care provider will likely use tests to monitor your baby's health and development while you're pregnant, such as: Ultrasound. Regression analysis was used to establish normal ranges of CRL, fetal HR, GSD and YSD with gestation, and fetal HR, GSD and YSD with CRL. 2016 Nov 2. Ultrasound estimation of fetal weight is a highly influential factor in antenatal management, guiding both the timing and mode of delivery of a pregnancy. Correlation between estimated fetal weight and weight at birth in infants with gastroschisis and omphalocele. the difference between fetal estimated weight and actual birth weight in the same population at the same week of gestation. By Lukas Rob. and plotting of fundal height and ultrasound biometry in low- and high-risk pregnancies, respectively. First Trimester. Although substantial research has investigated the most accurate ultrasound formula for calculating estimated fetal weight, current evidence indicates significant error levels. Customised charts (which adjust growth curves accord-ing to maternal height, weight, parity and ethnic origin) were recommended for plotting both fundal height and estimated fetal weight (EFW).6 The RCOG guidelines reviewed the risk factors asso- Pregnancy week. A simple estimated fetal weight equation based on real-time ultrasound measurements of fetuses less than thirty-four weeks' gestation. 24. Estimated fetal weight by ultrasound: a modifiable risk factor for cesarean delivery? From this point of view, ultrasound-based estimated references of fetal weight are a better choice. Significant errors in estimation … Prenatal Diagnosis Counselling. 21 weeks. Clinicians measure the estimated fetal weight differences by ultrasound before birth and compare it to differences in birth weight after the babies are born. ultrasound.Fetalweightwasestimatedbymeasurementof biparietaldiameter(BPD)andabdominalcircumference (AC).Gestationalagewasestimatedbymeasuringthe BPDandfetalfemurlength(FL).Placentalthicknesswas Ultrasonography is routinely used to estimate the fetal weight and is often used as a proxy to actual birth-weight. Results: The mean absolute errors ± standard deviation of ultrasound fetal weight estimations performed by maternal-fetal medicine subspecialists and obstetrics and gynaecology residents were 5.89% ± 5.10% and 7.77% ± 5.72%, respectively (p=0.03). Influence of ultrasound-to-delivery interval and maternal-fetal characteristics on validity of estimated fetal weight Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. Fetal ultrasound measurements show how the baby is growing and also help detect abnormalities. Melamed N, Ben-Haroush A, Meizner I, et al. Gary R. Thurnau *, Ralph K. Tamura, Rudy Sabbagha, O. Richard Depp, Alan Dyer, Ron Larkin, Timothy Lee, Colby Laughlin * Corresponding author for this work. If you have a 3D ultrasound, there is more accuracy than with a 2D ultrasound. A low-birth-weight baby may be healthy even though they are small. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether knowledge of ultrasound-obtained estimated fetal weight (US-EFW) is a risk factor for cesarean delivery (CD). Abdominal circumference - circumference of the baby's belly, measured at the liver's height. birth weight above the 5th centile. 25.6cm. Don't worry too much if an ultrasound indicates that your baby is much smaller or larger. Amniotic Fluid Index. CONCLUSIONS • Ultrasound biometry is overall a quite accurate means for the estimation of fetal weight in routine practice. Estimated Fetal Weight & AFI. Exclusion criteria were estimated fetal weight (EFW) more than 4000 g, hyperextension of the fetal head, lethal fetal anomaly or anomaly that might result in difficulty with delivery, or contraindication to labor or vaginal delivery (eg, placenta previa). Many ultrasound estimated fetal weight (EFW) formulae have been designed and these are based on different fetal biometric parameters [3]. Growth then slows down … Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2018; doi:10.1002/uog.19073 . The MRI is used to confirm ultrasound findings and evaluate for the presence of any other anatomic … There possibly exists a relationship between FW and amniotic fluid index (AFI) that can be estimated by ultrasonography. Schild RL, Fimmers R, Hansmann M. Fetal weight estimation by three-dimensional ultrasound. This free pregnancy calculator provides an estimated pregnancy schedule based on due date, last period date, ultrasound date, conception date, or IVF transfer date. International Estimated Fetal Weight Standards of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. Tuuli MG, Kapalka K, Macones GA, Cahill AG. NB aff by abnlt in fetal heart rate or rhym, unsp time onset; Abnormal fetal heart rate. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021; 224:292.e1. and plotting of fundal height and ultrasound biometry in low- and high-risk pregnancies, respectively. In this single-center cohort analysis, women with a singleton term pregnancy in the beginning stages of labor were included. The purpose was to establish an estimated fetal weight (EFW) reference for twin pregnancies in Japan and to compare the growth of twins with singletons. From early in pregnancy, babies grow at different rates, so these numbers are merely averages. PURPOSE: To determine the ratio of fetal lung volume (FLV) to fetal body weight (FBW) by using ultrasonography (US) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and to evaluate the usefulness of this ratio in predicting pulmonary hypoplasia (PH) in fetuses at high risk. Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from fetal biometric measurements performed in the ultrasound unit of the Department Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)/small-for-dates. Macrosomia Estimated fetal weight of greater than 4000 grams or 4500 grams Monochorionic twins Twins developed from one oocyte (egg) developing with a single chorion (membrane that forms the fetal part of the placenta) NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NST Fetal Non-Stress test Oligohydramnios Amniotic fluid protects the fetus against traumatic and infective insults. By Mohammad Mohseni-bandpei. Extremely low birth weight newborn.

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