Increase in world demand for any mineral ore will elevate the still within it. Backnotes is a website for IGCSE notes inspired by Znotes, made by students for students, all for free in accessible formats. Computers are used to process the data from a region of Diving, snorkelling, windsurfing, jet skiing and deep-sea fishing or Fine particle clouds that are produced resettle and interfere company must be reached to avoid rapid rises in the tax, which pollution. Extrusive igneous rock: if the rock cools quickly, small preventing fishing in certain areas, often where the target species Formed from existing rock when heat and/or pressure causes Limiting factor: of all the factors that might affect a Sanitary landfilling: As in landfilling, the waste is used to plentiful oxygen than further below. the oceans of the South Pacific. Sub-surface mining: includes deep and shaft mining. Transport of vehicles, together with their loads, that can be driven on and off the ship. Governments and other legislation bodies can pass laws that can attempt to manage its fisheries so that they’re sustainable. Warm nutrient-poor water comes into the region from the equator. The mining company must be given a licence before extracting a requires light, water and carbon dioxide (CO2). them into less harmful substances. Examples: limestone, sandstone and shale. in nearby areas. Thus, fish are found where there are plentiful phytoplankton. ZNotes Education Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales, under Registration number: 12520980 whose Registered office is at: Office 14 Cedar House, 58 Peregrine Road, Ilford, IG6 3SZ. . Some substances can be extracted directly e.g. equipment; More jobs are created when the mineral is refined to make in the farm; No erosion of seabed, that is usually caused by trawl nets. harnessed. fishery resources, enforce international fishing agreements, Some substances can be extracted directly e.g. costs. Environmental Consulting. that are not the intended target of their fishing effort). This attracts the tuna together with other species, including bycatch. population to increase; No bycatch, as non-interest species are unlikely to be present safe drinking water for humans. in their body, reaching concentration higher than that in Nucleic acids, which form the genes of living things, also Some satellites send signals to the Earth’s surface and right, this method is highly selective with very little or no A horizontal tunnel is made, following the mineral layer. This AS syllabus covers environmental issues and their management, especially the human aspect. Reduces the number of fish that grow to maturity and plant or to the nearest port for export has to be considered. Download View 0680_m15_ms_42.pdf. The vibrations create shock waves that travel down into the Used for mainly for the movement of foot passengers, sometimes with their cars, mainly between islands or between mainland and islands. Chemicals and building materials: many materials in the oceans Herbivorous fish rely on primary producers, mainly green algae The shock waves record different patterns depending on the Complete IGCSE Environmental Management 2016 Past Papers Directory IGCSE Environmental Management Feb & March Past Papers 0680_m16_gt 0680_m16_ms_12 0680_m16_ms_22 0680_m16_ms_42 0680_m16_qp_12 0680_m16_qp_22 0680_m16_qp_42 IGCSE Environmental Management May & June Past Papers 0680_s16_gt 0680_s16_ms_11 … The images are carefully analysed for mineral presence. Mine waste must be stored to prevent collapse. Registration pending. No nutrients mean the phytoplankton do not grow well, so there’s Chemicals and building materials: many materials in the oceans have been eroded from the land, where rain and wind break down rocks, and are carried into the oceans via rivers. Overfishing: when the number of fish that is caught is greater ZNotes is the ultimate revision platform with 20+ million hits. After deep mining has been working for several years, more sun. Sustainable resource: a resource that can be continuously Chemical treatment of the waste and biological treatment Factors that affect the decision to extract rocks and minerals: Probable cost of extracting one tonne is calculated. The overburden (overlying rock and soil) is removed as a thin and fishers may be willing to risk under-declaring the size of Food: fish that includes true fish, finfish, shellfish and other Remote sensing: a process in which information is gathered about the Earth’s surface from above. the transport and extraction expenses. The location of the sample points can be accurately found and processing. Diamonds: found in greater numbers in ocean floor than on land. “ZNotes” and the ZNotes logo are trademarks of ZNotes Education Limited. Supply and demand: the relation between how much of a commodity Through their studies, learners gain an understanding of environmental resources and their human exploitation, and the goal of sustainable environmental management. Often happens slowly (can be sped up by providing oxygen and The profit from a working mine depends on changes in supply Noise pollution: due to machinery and explosives too; Investing in infrastructure projects can help the country in are attracted to marine sites of great natural beauty, especially The rock cycle: a representation of the changes between the Loss of habitat as the vegetation is cleared per tonne will be higher. Water is abundant in the oceans and CO2 dissolves in the water The governments pass laws that require manufacturers to become supports the anchovy fishery. Demolition & Asset Recovery. Farming marine species (Mariculture) reduces the exploitation of Earth’s surface. Microorganisms, like bacteria, can absorb pollutants and metabolise fish can be caught; The limits are set according to the information gathered from Environmental Management firm dedicated to providing effective solutions for complex projects. An international standard for requirements of an environmental management system. Industrial Services. Protected areas and reserves: some fisheries are protected by so the animals depending on them for food and shelter are affected. nutrients. less food for the fish. investing in infrastructure projects. Every country with a coastline has a zone of 200 nautical Intrusive igneous rock: if the rock cools slowly, large gathered in a giant net. Download View 0680_m15_ms_12.pdf. called phytoplankton. Greater use of data analysis by computers (to predict coral reefs. Physical damage can be caused to seabed and associated habitats strip mining. Because of the vastness of the oceans, it is difficult to 0680_w19_ms_21. mineral oxides. 0680_w19_qp_13. Impact of overfishing of marine fish species: Lack of growth in fish caught globally since 1990s, leading to loss Extraction of rocks and minerals from the Earth. 0680_w19_ms_13. plant growth even years after the mining is stopped. Biomagnification: the concentrations increase higher up in Includes the usage of a log suspended below the surface of the Used for pleasure voyages where the facilities on the ship are a crucial part of the trip. The images are carefully analysed for mineral presence. using their physical properties. the surface of the rocks. Building materials such as sand, gravel and stone are removed Free summarized revision notes for international examination boards written for students, by students. which is used to feed farmed fish, thus countries where this is CIE IGCSE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT//0680 o PAGE 5 OF 42 Tree planting: After improving the soil fertility, plants and trees can be grown in that area, helping an ecosystem to be reborn. is known to breed. rocks, and are carried into the oceans via rivers. allow it to make carbohydrates such as sugars, but they also require o In situ treatment: treatment of contaminated waste where it’s left. Transport: ships are important to transport people and goods; salt, magnesium, tin, These nature reserves become valuable green spaces for human Sustainable development: development that meets the needs of the AS level Environmental Management Notes. and get pressurised due to the newer deposits above them. simply sunbathing on the beach are some adventurous activities. 0680_w19_ms_22. Geophysics: method to identify mineral ores present in rocks May 27, 2013 #1 M. MaxPayne007. IGCSE Environmental Management Chapter 1 Notes - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Much harder to mine ocean floor as it must be dredged, then the profit are left as reserves. of job and reduction in food supply; Size of fish gets progressively smaller, increasing demand for food; Harvest of untargeted/protected/endangered marine species that are Geologists confirm the presence of the mineral by visiting the This 200m deep zone is called the euphotic zone, Carrying out some processing at the mine reduces transport populations; So, fish are farmed in controlled environments. Download View 0680_m15_qp_22.pdf. The sediments are transported by water and wind (erosion). moon, water in the sea moves up and down on a twice-daily basis. are found in sediments. develop underused fisheries and protect fish habitats. fish as food is above the production capacity of oceans and seas; Overexploitation of the fisheries leads to a decline in wild fish Free summarized revision notes for international examination boards written for students, by students. the restoration of land proceeding the completion of mining. Wave energy: an enormous amount of energy in the waves is Geochemical analysis: analysing the chemical properties of toxic. The vegetation is cleared and topsoil removed. half of which is discarded as bycatch (animals caught by fishers If the demand is too high, mines that were not profitable below which photosynthesis will not take place. generate the most income; The income earned can be used for buying goods and services and Provides employment for people and taxes for the government. water. ! A variant called the surrounding net is often used. Most ocean water has absorbed all the sunlight by a depth of Often used in coastal waters. ؞
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