Most nursing schools instill core values in students which will carry them into their ongoing careers. A person’s social group, culture, education or even past experiences can influence the normal behavior of a nurse. The decisions that physicians and nurses make around diagnosis can be seen in a patients’ recovery time which is vital to every patient in a hospital facility. The Integrated values ensure that the legacy of caring behavior embodied by nurses is strengthened for the future nursing workforce. Do we need to continue embryonic stem cell research or will adult stem cells work just as well? Privacy agreements bind nursing professionals to non-disclosure of patients’ information to third parties without their signed consent (Buppert, 2008). They endeavor to promote their clients’ best interests to guarantee the best care to alleviate their patients suffering. Cases of verbal abuse towards such patients are on the rise challenging the commitment to the profession’s course. The nursing professional gives the patient facts on his or her condition, and advises on the available of healing options not limited to some underlying repercussions. By adhering to this set of values, the nursing profession has developed a caring attitude towards its clients. The principle of human dignity accords the nurse the responsibility to treat all patients as they would treat their own loved ones if they were to care for them. And what’s worse is when the end of the quarter or year comes and you haven’t worked on anything (yikes!) Moreover, these values also aid in conflict resolution and in prioritizing actions concerning patient’s welfare. In case of misconduct, the nursing authority composed of peers in the profession passes judgment on their colleagues based on their governing principles. A nursing professional must further maintain calmness when with a patient to fully support and provide security. Some of the values that nurses should possess include: Nurses should be compassionate since most hospitals require them to receive great care in the way they would like to be treated by their mothers. Critical thinking involves having an organized cognitive process that helps nurses in exploring and challenging decisions to take risks based on their knowledge in the face of difficult problems. They must have that inner drive to want to show a difference in the lives of other people. Remaining re… We believe one of the most important roles of a nurse is to assist patients and their … Errand members are constantly subjecting hospitals to lawsuits because of compromising their client’s confidentiality. The mean total score of the importance of professional values from the nurses’ perspectives was high (102.57 ± 11.94). One’s personal values can be consistent with their professional values thereby impacting them in their choice of profession. When nurses are asked to identify their core values, they are surprisingly consistent throughout the profession globally. This paper outlines these values and their significance to the nursing professionals in their daily practice. Altruism is the ability for selfless and dedicating own life to the welfare of others. The profession has also faced accusations of falsifying medical records to absolve itself from blame in medical malpractices. However, members of the profession are reluctant to report their colleague’s malpractices due to fear of victimization. Still cases of racial discrimination are reported daily in our hospitals and medical centers (American Nurses Association, 2012). Critical thinking involves having an organized cognitive process that helps nurses in exploring and challenging decisions to take risks based on their knowledge in the face of difficult problems. Members of the profession form the major source of ideas and judgments in their practice. However, the changing medical environment has inherent risks that subject members of the profession to complicated situations. In order to acquire and secure these humanistic values, the profession demands that one must exhibit unending love, kindness and mental awareness at all times. Nursing values intensify as the professionals grow through their career and face new challenges. Also Read: What kind of a person makes a good nurse. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Accordingly, the Nurses’ Association approves provisions that address nursing practice elements. Nursing professionals comply with some standards of ethical practice that guide their behaviors. In this sense, adherence to these principles in daily nursing practice can be a major problem for potential nurses who are not fully committed to the profession. Teaching. All work is written to order. These professional values adopted by nursing professionals act as the principles, ideals and standards they hold to give meaning and direction to their daily conduct. These values further provide a framework for evaluating the profession’s beliefs and attitudes. It is an informed concern with entailing involvement that is more than benevolence, sympathy or compassion. Nursing professionals must possess a sense of calling to the field to carry out their duties appropriately. By abiding to the basic principles of nursing, they are able to make critical decisions regarding their patients’ welfare. *You can also browse our support articles here >. These set values further provide the benchmark for critical thinking and decision-making in the course of practicing nursing. However, the profession is facing daunting challenges in enforcing this policy. Caring as an important component of human relationships is the basis of the nursing profession. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Some major values of the nursing profession are altruism, accountability, commitment and human dignity. In cases where the patient is mentally unfit, a health care surrogate or an attorney authorized may make these resolutions. Indeed, this is important for the professional to prevent burnout and stress, which may impede carrying out the intended duty efficiently. Professional values are those broadly accepted by a professional group [14], are necessary for all members of a profession, and are an essential part of proper nursing practice [15]. Our code is the foundation of good nursing and midwifery practice, and is a key tool in safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the public.” Each job group often has their own set of professional values which are articulated in their professional codes of ethics. Nursing professionals must always be committed to the client at all times. Such behaviors amongst nursing practitioners threaten the well-being of patients and predetermined mitigation measures are critical to reduce such cases. Nursing values intensify as the professionals grow through their career and face new challenges. In case the family and community are included in decision-making, the professional must be accommodative to their ideas whether even in cases where there are divergences. You can view samples of our professional work here. One researcher, Horton emphasized the importance of understanding professional nursing values, therefore, uniting and empowering the profession. They are part of ethics systems that evaluate a person’s moral behaviors. The nursing professional is responsible and accountable for delegating tasks consistent with optimal patient care, in collaboration with other healthcare workers to ensure patients receive the best treatment all through. The nursing bodies also present constructive peer-conduct assessment on their members, to improve competitiveness and performance. Regular revisions to the codes cover the changes in the work environment of nurses. In nursing, altruism is the most important characteristic in the nurse-patient relationship to securing the most appropriate care and accommodative environment for healing. This paper focuses on Madeleine Leininger’s theory of trans-cultural nursing and Hildegard Peplau’s interpersonal theory of nursing. Consequently, constructive criticism is no longer widely acceptable as a means of reducing recurrent errors of judgment. For example, they intervene to stop a violent patient to protect other patients at the risk of suffering physical harm. The latter are momentous factors within the nursing field. Peplau on the other hand, views nursing as a maturing force that develops from educational and other interpersonal transitions. A study published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research(IJNMR) groups the diverse components of … More effort need to be put in to curb this criminal vice. The National League for Nursing promotes excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! In nursing, a nurse with aterrible … Therefore, a nurse presumes all human beings as being worthy and deserving unconditional respect, regardless of age, sex, health status, social or ethnic factors, political ideologies, religious affiliation or criminal history (Erasmus, Booyse & Zyl, 2012). All people are equal and they warrant the same treatment regardless of any external factors. The development of these values is critical for making important decisions in healthcare. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Two theories of nursing form the basis of this project. It is imperative for nurses to internalize professional values in developing and sustaining a professional identity. Fry, Veatch and Taylor (2010) argue that personal values, such as respect, responsibility, and obligation are dependent on the moral attitude of the nursing professional. Great nurses show unconditional love for their jobs through dedication in waking up every day and achieving their goals. Fry, Veatch & Taylor (2010) suggest that values are the desirable rational conceptions, and standards that guide behavior. The caring professional nurse integrates these values in clinical practice. Nursing professionals are required to advocate for the rights of their patients, while not compromising their dignity (Masters, 2009). Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. Can stem cells be used to help cut death rates in heart attack patients? Moreover, these values also aid in conflict resolution and in prioritizing actions concerning patient’s welfare. Reference this. Their ability to understand, be aware of whatever is going on around them, show sensitivity and understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the patient and their family members. Attitude. This profession, much like others has specific values that govern all nursing professionals. Nursing professionals are autonomous to the extent that they make professional decisions without external pressures from clients, non-professionals, and employers. Caring is best demonstrated by a nurse's ability to embody the five essential to education core values of professional nursing include human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice. Eventually this may take a toll on the individual leading to negative behaviors such as angry outbursts on innocent patients. The Professional Values Model seems suitable for nurse managers and it is expected that testing will improve it. There may also be some useful suggestions here if you are looking to develop your skills further: your academic work and studies - well presented and proofread work, submitted on time; attended all lectures and meetings. They are required to act in a non-injurious manner concerning their patients. Rather than a nurse asking, “What can I do?” ethics compels them to ask, “What should be done?” Striving to do what’s right and ethical can prevent bias from creeping into a nurse’s decision-making. Examples of Professional Social Work values are: commitment to achieving social change in order to meet socially recognized needs, giving importance to the most vulnerable individuals of society, respecting differences within groups and individuals and etc. A terrible attitude makes things difficult at work place. This may result in behaviors such as reluctance to answer questions, angry outbursts and constant criticism of patients. My philosophy is one which I will stand by for the duration of my nursing profession. However, nursing organizations and researchers provide different conceptions of professional nursing values, leading to a lack of clarity as to the meaning and attributes of this construct. In nursing, professionalism reflects the act of providing quality patient care while honoring the values of respect, advocacy, and responsibility. This constitutes absconding their role of patient advocacy and demeans their integrity. These professional values develop in response to culture, society and individual personality traits. According to Masters (2009), nursing as a profession requires prolonged and specialized learning to acquire the relevant knowledge. Order Now. If a nursing professional is not fully committed to their patients, they may be susceptible these challenges causing the patient to suffer. In order to protect the public and to ensure optimum care, nursing practice is regulated by state agencies. These include aspects of compassion, commitment, patient advocacy and accountability amongst other duties. Nursing professionals take care of patients and in some instances endangering their lives. The caring professional nurse integrates these values in clinical practice. Without such qualities, it would not be possible to perceive a nurse as professional, as a matter of fact. Nursing is known by many as the country’s largest healthcare job career with many registered nurses working due to high employability rates. The Nursing profession, much like other professions, has unique binding values, attitudes and behaviors. However, in cases where they are not sure, they may consult with their peers (American Nurses Association, 2001). We continue offering the same quality of service without interruptions, Suite 300, New York New York, 100003, USA. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Altruism is essential in unlocking a nurse’s compassion and empathy, crucial elements of the nursing profession (Johnstone, 2008). Fry, Veatch and Taylor (2010) argue that personal values, such as respect, responsibility, and obligation are dependent on the moral attitude of the nursing professional. some of these motivations can be from inspirational talks from either your doctor, family members, having a chronic hunger for knowledge with unmatched feelings to help others and by being committed to the nursing profession. Relationship of professional values to nursing. Does the size of your waist increases your diabetes and heart attack risk? Nurses work within the front lines of responding to patient illnesses and conditions. Nicola Rowlands, professional adviser for education at the NMC, says: “Being a professional means adhering to the code: standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. Study for free with our range of nursing lectures! Researchers have found that an increase in a person’s experience either among nurses or prospective students shows a decrease in the values of equality. In medical services, confidentiality involves keeping the information relating to the patient private. Therefore, patients have the right to refuse treatment and nurses are obliged to respect despite their contrary opinion. She defines the nurse-patient relationship as evolving through various stages of the caring process. Professional attitudes in nursing comprise of inclinations, feelings and emotions that conform to their principles and serve as the basis for their behaviors. The National League for Nursing (NLN) developed a core values model that promotes doing right by patients. Nurses must distinguish their personal values from professional ethics. According to Leininger, the aim of the nursing profession is to offer care while appreciating the differences in the society. Values are goals and beliefs that establish a behavior and provide a basis for decision making [].In a profession, values are standards for action that are preferred by experts and professional groups and establish frameworks for evaluating behavior [].Nursing is a profession rooted in professional ethics and ethical values, and nursing performance is based on such values. Nursing is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding career paths many students can opt to follow. Negativity in any workplace has side … Nursing professionals must further be honest to their colleagues in the profession and to those who rely on them. Implementation of the Professional Values Model by nurse managers may increase motivation of nurses they work with. Acting ethically alters a nurse’s mission in a small but critical way. He further adds that it demands full commitment of the individual towards public service. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on Critical thinking is another nursing value example since nurses are often involved in making critical and appropriate clinical decisions which help resolve patient healthcare issues. However, the nursing profession is facing scandals related to submitting false claims for service and stealing from patients. Collusion with doctors also results in giving misleading information to patients. Personal values may be significant to their personal lives, but to act professionally they must abide by the nurses code of conduct in all situations. How Coronavirus Spread From Wuhan City To The Rest Of The World, Coronavirus Infections Aboard Diamond Princess Cruise Ship. Other negative behaviors of nursing professionals include using offensive language, making demeaning comments, humiliating colleagues in public and physical abuse of patients due to frustration. Professionalism also extends to a nurse’s ability to communicate clearly and self-reflect on behaviors and actions, always striving for both professional and personal development. The association further addresses nurses’ continued participation in the healthcare environment and ways of advancing the profession through active collaboration (American Nurses Association, 2001). The American Nurses Association and the congress have developed the acceptable codes of conduct expected of nurses in their practice (American Nurses Association, 2001). Delivering empathy for the patient as they cope with their condition. Professional attitudes in nursing comprise of inclinations, feelings and emotions that conform to … Accordingly, the profession demands that nursing professionals exhibit certain attitudes and behaviors in carrying out their major role of caring. Due to its strenuous and demanding nature, exposure to both physical and emotional abuse is inevitable in the nursing profession. It is essential for nurses to better articulate their values to promote professional nursing behavior and demonstrate the values of nursing to achieve better healthcare outcomes. The participants were 323 Israeli nurses, who were asked about 36 personal values and 20 professional values. Design Walker and Avant's (2011) method was used to guide an analysis of this concept. The first, and perhaps most obvious quality that any health care practitioner will … If these core principles of the profession were being adhered to, scandals of malpractices involving doctor’s collusion with nurse would be non-existent. Even the most devoted and accountable nursing professional may lose their dedication to the job. Their selfless activities during warfare where they commit themselves to alleviating suffering of innocent victims are enough evidence to this. The nursing profession operates in an environment with a myriad of challenges. The professional values of nurses who constitute an important component of health-care system guide their caregiving roles and form a basis for nursing practices (Tanrıverdi, 2017). Table 2 shows that according to the five-point Likert scale, each item falls in the range of important to very important. Among other policies enforced association, is confidentiality of information provided by patients. Professional values influence behavior therefore, people lacking values in development, may miss direction, and critical thinking skills. However, power struggles at the work place usually result in patient neglect and mistreatment. The nursing profession demands the practitioners to provide love and show kindness to all concerned parties. The top 10 rated values all concerned nurses' responsibility towards patients. The adherence to the professional values, attitudes and behaviors among all nursing practitioners will guarantee patient safety and boost competence in job performance. They therefore believe that their professional practice is indispensable to the society and are inclined to do their best. Nurses and nursing staff take responsibility for the care they provide and answer for their own judgments and actions – they carry out these actions in a way that is agreed with their patients, and the families and carers of their patients, and in a way that meets the requirements of their professional bodies and the law. Finally, like other professions, nursing faces numerous challenges some of which are outlined in this paper. The profession demands showing compassion and respect for the dignity of the individual. Prospective students who see their career advancing in nursing need to understand that it involves nurturing, helping and caring for those who are around them. Nursing as a profession is a lifetime choice requiring willpower and commitment. This philosophy stems from the values and beliefs instilled in me during my early childhood. Data were collected using the Nursing Professional Values … The values that are the foundation of the nursing profession are altruism, autonomy, human dignity, and social justice. ● Integrity. This is not an example of the work produced by our Nursing Essay Writing Service. Johnstone (2008) affirms that, autonomy in the nurse-patient relationship, gives the patient a right to informed consent. Core nursing values essential include human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice. Measuring the Effectiveness of a Professional Development Program. The process of learning the professional values is started from the student’s entering to the university and to the workplace. Great communication with patients, families and the staff is a critical nursing value to this profession. Nursing professionals who include nursing practitioners, consultant nurses and certified midwives belong to professional bodies that define these professional values as standards of behavior for acceptable action. Positive attitude. This field requires full dedication to patients regardless of extrinsic rewards. This philosophy is based on providing competent, empathetic, compassionate and optimal holistic care to the best of my ability. or learned anything new. Altruism refers to the concern for the welfare and well being of others without personal gains or…show more content… The core values that form the foundation of the nursing profession are altruism, autonomy, human dignity and social justice (Fry, Veatch & Taylor, 2010). What are the different types of stem cells? Do female athletes have more trouble getting pregnant later on? Health care personnel should therefore, work towards understanding the values, health beliefs, and life-styles of all cultures. Below are some examples of how you may already have gained professional values at the University of Bradford and beyond. Is there a better way of making a flu vaccine? Here are some examples of nursing values Professional experience is also another factor which affects one’s personal values. Nursing Essay The risk of facing litigation has also caused fear amongst many nursing professionals and resulted in extra caution at the workplace hampering their dedication to patients. However, the low level of accountability of such bodies makes them susceptible to manipulation. Values can be defined as personal preferences that people learn, organize into systems and determine attitudes and behaviors. The profession must also act professionals who falsify academic and professional certificates. The use of condescending language on colleagues and patients is also due to the demanding nature of the nursing profession. 20th Aug 2020 An individual’s values often impact one’s values. They include honesty, responsibility, pursuit of new knowledge, belief in human dignity, equality of all patients and the desire to prevent and alleviate suffering. What treatments are available for women who have repeated miscarriages, inflammatory bowel disease diet and lifestyle, Top 10 Countries with the Highest Nursing Salaries, Nurses Role in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Nursing Research Proposal Editing Services, Nursing Evidence Based Practice Editing services, Nursing Literature Review Editing Services, Nursing Case Study in APA Writing Services, Nursing Coursework Help in APA Writing Help, Write my Nursing APA Research Paper for Me, Write My Nursing Research Proposal in APA, Custom Nursing Spanish Case Study Services, Cheapest Spanish Dissertation Writing Help, Buy Cheap Nursing Spanish Dissertation Papers Online, Four Ways to Prepare Before Writing a Nursing Admission Essay, Nursing Research Paper in APA writing Help. Nurses belong to associations that support and regulate their activities. Professional values influence behavior therefore, people lacking values in development, may miss direction, and critical thinking skills. The concept of empathy is presently part of the professional curriculum in nursing regardless of the nursing student’s gender. The three fundamental professional nursing values of human dignity, equality among patients, and prevention of suffering, were rated first. Nursing professionals conform to the principles of acting honestly, fairly and ethically, while sticking to their role of caring for the needy. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. Nursing professionals normally belong to nursing bodies of their home countries that serve as self-regulation authorities (Buppert, 2008). For example, a nurse might not be comfortable with caring for an alcoholic client however; the nurse is ethically obligated to provide the best and most compassionate care possible. As healthcare continues to … The NCSBN (2020a) administers and coordinate… Furthermore, members of the nursing profession belong to associations that support and regulate their activities. Most nursing associations have a code of ethical obligations and behaviors which are specific to nursing. This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 250 nurses and 100 nursing students. Care does not measure the success of the patients only or behavior in the upkeep of the patients but with their recovery time as well. As mentioned earlier, accountability within the nursing profession ensures safe, quality care. Nursing values are critical elements that nurses should possess as it influences the way a patient in a healthcare facility recovers. Many concerns are raised regarding the commitment of today’s nursing workforce. Professional behavior however, is to attain optimal outcomes in one’s tasks. The final decisions must serve the best interest of the patient in case of conflicting interest from external parties. A new framework for the identified values established the following broad healthcare practitioner values, corresponding to Schwartz values (in parentheses): authority (power); capability (achievement); pleasure (hedonism); intellectual stimulation (stimulation); critical-thinking (self-direction); equality (universalism); altruism (benevolence); morality (tradition); professionalism … Boards of Nursing (BON) are jurisdictional governmental agencies that have been established by each state government with the mission to protect the public’s health by overseeing nursing practice (National Council of State Boards of Nursing[NCSBN], 2020a). However, this is not always observed due to selfish interests of members of the nursing profession. Free resources to assist you with your nursing studies! The patient then applies personage freedom to go through the procedure or resort to other alternatives. However, the worry of contracting HIV and other related diseases has created fear amongst nurses and changed their attitude and behavior towards such patients. These theories are important since despite the evolving nature of the nursing profession over time due to technological advancements, the underlying principle of caring still serves as the major motivation for all nursing practitioners. Erasmus, Booyse & Zyl (2012) report that, the nursing profession demands dignity for all patients. Some of the core professional values in nursing remain patience, communication skills, responsiveness, learning, punctuality, and respect. Conversely, they must also exhibit accountability in providing safe and quality care to any given patient (Mc Sherry, Mc Sherry & Watson, 2012). They must be able to recognise and address ethical challenges relating to … This study compared the importance of professional values from the perspectives of nurses and nursing students. Conversely, their guiding motivation should be providing care to the needy. Factors such as personal traits, economic rankings and nature of the ailment are therefore inconsequential in the practice. What is the possibility of finding a cure for cystic fibrosis? He or she should possess good communication skills to also communicate with each other together as a team both to doctors as well as patients. Client Login its your first time? ... HLTENN001 Practise Nursing Within The Australian Health Care System Can Coronavirus Be Artificially Created In The Lab ? Company Registration No: 4964706. The U.S. With the advancement of technology, nurses have been generally receptive to new ideas in healthcare. It is therefore evident that nursing is highly dependent on one’s morals and a sense of responsibility to the client. These should reflect the best interests of the patient whether made independently or on advice of the nursing professional. However, incidences of stealing of patients have recently plagued the profession to the detriment of patients (Department of Health, 2012). We have taken precautionary measures to ensure most of our staff safely works from home. After giving any due advice expected of them, nurses must respect the client’s wishes in the matter (American Nurses Association, 2012). Through acting competently and adhering to high levels of practicing, they avoid situations that may cause injury to those in their care. This has significantly dented the image of the profession and reduced patient confidence in nurses. These professional bodies tasked with passing verdict regarding patient handling are prone to compromise and have lost their assertive authority in regulating their members. Nursing professionals also value new experiences and have therefore, taken on more challenging tasks to work in the most hostile places on earth. Furthermore, they give medicine to patients with contagious diseases while endangering their own lives in the process. For instance, a nurse is required to move a patient from a poorly ventilated room or a congested hospital ward. PROFESSIONAL VALUES, ATTITUDES, & BEHAVIORS OF NURSES In this paper I will define each value and describe their impact on nurses and nursing students. Prolonged working hours may result in burn out and stress and cause negative influences in both the personal and professional life of the individual. VAT Registration No: 842417633. Bring a positive — and realistic — attitude to every shift. They must uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct. The nursing professional should also report suspected abuse to prevent further victimization of patients (American Nurses Association, 2012). The barriers to adhering to integrity in nursing, e.g., time, group norms, personal values, and the intricacies involved with adhering to one type of integrity, e.g., personal integrity, while comprising another type, such as professional integrity, serve as areas of further research. Empathy is one of the nursing values which nurses need to have. They provide services wholeheartedly with little focus on the financial benefits, but rather on making the society a better place to live in. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? Friendly relationships with patients that should enhance discretion in decision-making are always misused resulting in cases of confidentiality violation and subsequent litigations. They are at the forefront in adoption of improved medical equipment to assist in care giving. The nursing professional must always serve as an advocate for the client. Showing accountability, responsibility, patience for customer service and have good communication to exchange thoughts and information is vital to the importance of the nursing process. Critical thinking is another nursing value example since nurses are often involved in making critical and appropriate clinical decisions which help resolve patient healthcare issues. Additionally, professional values form the basis for acceptable behavior and attitude in the nursing profession. The dwindling confidence in collective responsibility has further alienated patients’ needs contrary to the professional requirements of nursing. The professions role of advocacy for the patient to ensure they make well-informed decisions is therefore under siege due to unscrupulous activities by egocentric members. 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Career paths many students can opt to follow are raised regarding the commitment of today’s nursing workforce © -... Carrying out their duties appropriately a caring attitude towards its clients people learn, organize into and! Environment of nurses they work with later on perspectives of nurses morals and a sense of responsibility to patient. Dwindling confidence in nurses normal behavior of a person makes a good nurse like others has specific that. Nurses and nursing students challenges some of which are outlined in this paper I will stand by the!

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