We should find out and discover the constituents of all the products we use in our daily activities and try as much as possible to use only products that are eco-friendly. In conclusion, the journey to save mother earth is still at its early stages but through the strategies that have been put in place, it is possible to restore Mother Earth and protect it. The development and use of technologies that is environmental friendly so that we would not harm the mother earth. We all should also participate in the volunteer works and make efforts to keep our neighbourhood and planet clean and green. We as consumers want to be sustainable and take care of the Earth we live on while ironically expanding our collection of trinkets. All Indians must pledge to contribute in every way possible by adopting environmentally friendly lifestyle to conserve the environment and save Mother Earth. Extinction of Flora and Fauna Species: Wild animals have no places to live. Little steps taken by one person can leave a great impact on the health of our planet. Likewise, the expanding wants of land for inhabitation purposes, for setting up factories, and buildings have resulted in enormous deforestation. We have a big responsibility to protect our environment. Save the earth, save a hope of life. As a result, their chances of being hunted or killed also rise. It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. Specific purpose: After listening to my speech, my audience will know how they can change their lives for a bigger challenge – to save the world. Our planet harming activities are resulting in causing an irreversible damage to the environment which results in … We all know that Earth is the only planet that has life on it. Similarly, Earth Day is also celebrated every year on 22nd April to organize several events showing the urgency of protecting the planet. Jackson”, “Nanabush” and Iroquois creation story”, the hero’s share common traits of courage Save Mother Earth is the popular slogan that creates awareness about saving the Earth from destruction. It is our responsibility to raise awareness about saving our mother earth. Our Mother Earth is currently suffering from different types of pollution brought about by humans. If we truly love our mother earth, we must work together without any delay. Don’t forget to share it! For instance, compensating the fuel needs for the growing population and a countless number of vehicles, many oil wells have been exhausted. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. neelam rani on June 22, 2013: pagal. Stringent measures must be adopted to save our planet from the havoc created by climate change. Save the earth is the very real campaign for everyone. For India, especially Earth is regarded not just as a planet alone, but it is treated as our mother. By Saving the Earth we Save All Life. Had it not been for the abundant resources available on Earth along with the adequate atmosphere containing gases, especially oxygen and carbon-dioxide, we would not have been able to flourish on this planet. Causing a mother to suffer cuts the life supply due to the child. Here are a few recommended articles for you to read next: I love dancing, singing, travelling, watching videos on Youtube and making new friends. Saving our planet largely depends on the good habit and dedication of all of us doing our part and contributing our best to saving the earth. And in return, asks for nothing but love and care. Every year 22nd April is celebrated as the ‘Earth Day’ to create awareness on environmental issues. Lack of rain creates drought and farmers face a big challenge when it comes to irrigating the crops. Are we not responsible for the deteriorating resources and condition of our mother Earth? Deforestation is leading to loosening of the soil which means higher chances of flood. For the past few decades, harmful human activities have damaged our planet Earth in many ways. In the process, we would also contribute to the welfare of the future generations. Also in Good mind it shows dedication because Good mind works really hard on In preventing further destruction through pollution of the environment, policies like recycling of all things that can be recycled have been implemented globally. Water is the basis of our lives. Now it’s your job to spread the word and let everyone know how important and vital it is to take care of Mother Nature. We have exploited earth for our own interests and today the planet we call our mother, faces the threat of extinction of life on its soil just because of our ill practices. All of these are provided in ample supply on earth. nitant on June 09, 2013: We all owe a duty and responsibility to make our Earth a cleaner and safer place to live in for ourselves as well as for our next generations. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. And with this, a lot of negative effects have emerged. We are exploiting our so-called Mother Earth for many years by using its resources vulgarly and without giving back anything for its further growth. This is the reason, many animal species are becoming extinct. Which planet do you consider as the most beautiful planet in our solar system? The Earth is our Mother. Whereas the non-renewable resources include oil, gas, fossil fuel, coal, forests, metals, and minerals, etc., the supply of which is quite limited. Such is the beauty of the Earth that is has allowed so much life to originate and sustain on its soil. The earth basically has everything that sustains our existence and that is why it is important to save it from extinction. Without plans to replenish them, it has caused serious damage to Earth. Not all of us can help in big ways of course. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. During the summer season, keep some clean water in a bowl or haudi for the little birds, cows, dogs, and other such creatures. It is affecting the lives through a worldwide temperature alteration and atmosphere changes in light of the release of carbon dioxide and other ozone-harming substances in the atmosphere. But we don’t bother about the destroyed trees or plants and we don’t bother about planting them again. Let me know what you think about this article. We should save the mother earth so that our future generations can live in a safe environment. Conserve water and inspire others to do so as well. Smaller species like honey bees, butterflies, and birds play an essential role in the survival of human beings. and dedication. And my most favorite book is: The Secret. In order for the hero’s to, EFFICIENT WASHING MACHINES Vihanga gunarathna on June 09, 2018: But, what have we done to our mother earth? Therefore, should we not be instrumental in saving our mother Earth when it is fighting for its existence and that due to our own misdeeds? In as much as the destruction of earth affects the animate and the inanimate objects on the surface of the earth and it is important that nature is restored. The National Animal of India, the Bengal Tiger is on the brink of extinction. Solar panels, eco-friendly vehicles, recycling the garbage, and minimizing the plastic products are some of them. Climate change is the defining issue of our time, and this is a defining moment of history. Destruction of nature was first observed in early 19th century and it has been progressive and extensive such that campaigns like “save mother earth” have been initiated. We must have adequate measures in place to save our mother earth. The predicament of the present situation calls us to save Mother Earth. Save Environment speech The threat to environment has increased alarmingly over the years. Say hello to a stranger. It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. Attention Material: Question “Do, driving cars, heating and cooling our houses and cooking food. Reports of flash floods brought about by … Poems for Earth Day. Think of walking outside and seeing a beautiful array of flowers or plants, knowing that you are responsible for their beauty as it can be. You know them but still you don’t act upon them. 500+ Words Essay on Save Earth. Water pollution is a worrying situation because water is an essential life sustaining provision of mother earth. So it becomes our responsibility to take care of it. My greatest strength: My love for reading books, life on internet, affection and blessings of my parents and friends. Since humans cause the destruction of Mother Earth, they should be equally responsible for saving Mother Earth. Human life is dependent on breathing fresh and clean air. A habit I live by and have reinforced my entire life around reading a book a week. Even though a major cause of climate change is human, we are not the only cause. 1) Save Earth is a slogan which is raised to create awareness among the people for saving earth’s environment. Creating awareness among the public through different programs, dramas, etc., can also be helpful to save Mother Earth. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. To deal with these grave concerns, both developed and developing countries have started taking some major steps. There are two types of resources used by human beings. 4. The responsibility to save Mother Earth starts from personal level. Arguably, it is the only planet which has thriving life. Protecting our planet starts with you. Our Earth is the only planet with the continuity of life so it becomes more and more important to generate a sense of urgency of saving our mother earth from all sorts of planet harming activities. Governments across countries and stakeholders are creating the awareness to save Mother Earth. Earth is our planet and is an important requirement for the continuation of life. There is a great deal of interest in how China’s 2060 carbon neutrality target will affect the 14 th Five Year Plan (for 2021-2025), which is currently being drafted, with this being seen as a test of China’s level of commitment.. Discourage the use of polythenes and other plastic materials. We should also deal with the natural life by halting deforestation and advancing reforestation. As of now, it is clear that this planet has been a gift for us humans and other living things that have all the facilities we need, naturally. hero’s, the character presents tricks and courage by entering the serpents territory and tricking them by thinking he is a one of the serpents. Earth is our planet and is an important requirement for the continuation of life. From the biggest species of whales to cows to the small birds, all have fallen victim to its aftermath. If we were to imagine our lives without these resources, that would not be possible. Take a cloth bag when going for grocery shopping. Because of the unnatural weather change, the defensive ozone layer got a gap, ascend in ocean level, liquefying of ice tops of Antarctica and Greenland, and so on negative changes happened. Then only we can have a better Earth and a better tomorrow for our next generations. It’s time to take responsibility… It’s time to save Mother Earth from the mounting environmental threat! Plus, get a FREE copy of How to Make Money Blogging! We all know that Earth is the only planet that has life on it. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. The noble ‘Earth’ has bestowed the human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped … These traits help them succeed in their respective missions. 7 – Grow a garden to help Mother Earth. Women, all females, are the manifestation of Mother Earth in human form. You also learnt how we can change our attitudes in order to stop or diminish the world’s degradation and destruction. Environmental pollution affects the ecosystem and causes adverse effects to animate and inanimate objects on earth. Remember to arrange for a regular servicing of your vehicles. A great number of animal groups and feathered creatures have been wiped out as a result of the annihilation of their environment. Efforts made to save mother earth are focused on restoration of nature and mitigation of destruction of nature. We bring to you 12 Act Wise Ways to Save Mother Earth. The environment occupies majority of the earth and its destruction has been massive over the years. Dilza Borges They are extremely important to adjust the evolved way of life in nature and save our mother Earth. There are many ways we can use to save the earth. And now, I love reading books more than anything else. Human beings need food, clothing, shelter to survive. We must also save our forests. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. For me, my children are the ones who remind me of how important it is to take care of the Earth. They give us sustenance, oxygen, protection, fuel, medications, security, and furniture. Volcanic eruptions cause, In Dianne E, Gray’s Holding up the Earth generations of girls are linked together by one special place, a meadow. Plastic is non-degradable and now it has reached everywhere. Simple decisions to reduce the use of water, electricity, transportation etc., could mean a lot in this direction. Our beautiful planet Earth is 4.543 billion years old. It is important to participate in the cleaning actions whereby we do not throw away trash and pick up any trash we find laying around inappropriately. Shopping is my favorite pastime! The earth is the only planet in our solar system that humanity can comfortably inhabit. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life. Individuals got engaged with deforestation which brought about the elimination of different wild creatures, contamination, and a dangerous global warming. Save Our Mother Earth Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Human Activities Resulting in Damage to Mother Earth: To satisfy our reckless needs and self-interests, we have exhausted most of the non-renewable resources of the earth. Observing International Earth Day and Earth Hour every year generates sensitivity to the issue. Mother Earth is dying. Things like plastic bags and bottles are not biodegradable and therefore disposal is discouraged that is why emphasis on recycling has been made. The destruction in nature began with the industrialization and modernization, whose processes caused a change in the physical and biological nature of the earth and the ecosystem. recreating the world and making the earth a better place for animals.In the myths of “Percy For me, my family and friends are everything. Imagine the sunrise you smile at in the morning gone or the oceans waves that give you peace all gone? And yet so many people in the world have no or negligible access to safe, clean drinking water. Our planet is vital for our survival. CONGRATULATIONS! For industrialization, man got the hang of abusing the common assets past the limit. As a result, not only we have depleted all these precious energy sources but also degraded the quality of life for other living beings as well. The renewable resources include the sunlight, wind, soil etc., which are available abundantly. The present state of the earth has become extremely challenging to the healthy and continual existence of this earth and life, as we know it is due to the air pollution, toxic environment, global warming, water pollution, deforestation and a host of other environmental problems. Save the earth, save a ray of life. Save your mother earth! 100 Ways To Save Mother Earth - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respond Our Mother Earth is currently suffering from different types of pollution brought about by humans. 500+ Words Essay on Save Earth. As life cannot function without sunshine, air, vegetation, and water. People are gradually understanding the importance of using natural and renewable resources instead of non-renewable ones. Sunlight, air, water and vegetation help sustain life on the Earth. neelam rani on June 22, 2013: pagal. ... , but the great solutions is if we want get started today to save our earth from global warming. For most of us, the answer to this question would be our own planet Earth. Our mother earth needs to be saved as our survival depends completely on this planet. The author’s inspiration for the setting of the book comes from her childhood, growing up on a farm in York, Nebraska, near the land her great grandparents homesteaded in 1868. If u can't save mother earth than please don't ruins it. General Purpose: To persuade Mahatma Gandhi once said, “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and one another”. To save the environment Prime Minister Shri. We are her daughters and in my cultural instructions: Minobimaatisiiwin. Despite unavoidable free services provided by the earth to humans, we are not able to pay off her kindness to us. We should spare woods through afforestation and reforestation. In India mostly all of the Forests are under government jurisdiction of the Central and State Forest Departments. The earth is a paradise for the creatures that live on it. Implications for near-term policy. Save Earth or Save Earth Campaign is a very important social awareness Like this post? Its every persons responsibility for save his/her mother earth and all natural resources. Thesis: Knowing what a problem nowadays is global warming, how CO2 gas affects it and how can we change it. Wildlife protection is also a way of preserving nature because wildlife forms a part of the beautiful nature and their existence is important. 2) Earth provides us food, shelter, protection and other necessary resources. We bring to you 12 Act Wise Ways to Save Mother Earth. This 3Rs stand for reduce, reuse, and recycle. However, this is soon going to be our reality if we do not save the earth … God sent Jesus to Earth and earn the trust of, explains that society is headed in the wrong direction, believing that to be greener we need to make our everyday lives more efficient when in reality we need to change our behavior. In order for the Save earth to continue living here. Reason is just one “to kya hua, chalta hai, its ok “. This again gives birth to more serious issues such as scarcity of food and clean drinking water. Afforestation, rain water harvesting, recycling waste, cutting industrial pollution etc., are some efforts of the various Governments. In our daily activities, though we could afford, we should restrain ourselves from using energy excessively. Every species on earth has its place in the circle of life. It’s time to take responsibility… It’s time to save Mother Earth from the mounting environmental threat! The conservative measures include sparingly using energy and water. But by indiscriminate use of the environmental resources, we have disturbed the ecological balance. serpents. It is our responsibility to care for our mother, and in caring for our Mother, we care for ourselves. These traits help them succeed in their respective missions. Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth. Renato Frossard . Save earth to save many lives. The ozone layer is destroyed yet restoration does not seem to be made a reality. Conservation of environmental resources through conservative measures. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard). and courage by entering the serpents territory and tricking them by thinking he is a one of the All types of animals, from birds … More and more trees are being cut to clear the land and build homes. Us from ourselves on it Earth campaign is a shocking view considering most! Are damaging the Ozone layer by creating Black Holes it changes the Earth we could afford, we make! Basically has everything that sustains our existence and that is has allowed so much to! Inanimate things of 2015 is the only planet in our solar system morning gone or the oceans that... By daily rituals morning gone or the oceans waves that give you something fun to do so as get. Will pose severe threats in future common public exotic animals result, their chances of.! Book: Quite afforestation, rain water harvesting, recycling waste, cutting pollution. 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