A Chaos Daemon, or simply Daemon (pronounced DEE-mahn), also known as a "Neverborn" amongst the forces of Chaos, is an intelligent and usually malevolent entity of the Warp comprised of purely psychic energy. Despite being one of the four cardinal Chaos Powers and Khorne’s supposed rival in The Great Game, Slaanesh has felt like the neon-haired stepchild of the Chaos pantheon in recent years, even getting tossed into a sack and kidnapped in Age of Sigmar. In most versions of the Slaanesh lists we build, we’ll start with a Flawless Host Lord Discordant (we tend to avoid making him the Warlord though–his double-digit Wounds count make him too easy a target). If you think there’s something we missed, or if you’ve got a great idea for a Slaanesh-heavy list, we’d love to hear it — shoot us an email at [email protected] and share your weird creation. Is it just me or is this very good? You get exploding 6’s with one, -1 to hit on a unit 3” away, and the ability to reroll failed hits for a phase. Finally, Hellbane can pile in or intervene 6″ toward the nearest enemy CHARACTER, which can cause some fun shenanigans. Lithe. Or just pushing a few piles of Nurglings around some Daemon Princes. If you think there’s something we missed, or if you’ve got a great idea for a Slaanesh-heavy list, we’d love to hear it — shoot us an email at [email protected] and share your weird creation.Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Related, Iconoclast Super Heavy – 1279 2x Despoiler w/ 2x Thermal Cannons – 794 Despoiler w/ 2x Avenger Gatling Cannons + Heavy Flamers – 485, Slaanesh Daemon Battalion – 718 Contorted Epitome – 195 The Masque – 65 30 Daemonettes, Banner, Instrument – 205 28 Daemonettes, Banner, Instrument – 193 10 Daemonettes – 60. This option is outshone by the Soulstealer relic weapon (which you should absolutely windmill slam onto a Keeper), but can be a nice option for a secondary Keeper. Syll’Esske’s 4+ armor save and 5+ invulnerable isn’t great, but as an 8-Wound character, they can be protected from enemy fire by the character rules. Daemonettes seem like a good solution to this – they’re on smaller bases, and in a full Slaanesh detachment can pick up Advance and Charge from the characters, so they’re mobile enough to clear a path when needed. Here what we’re doing is using Greater Possessed to get an additional +1 S buff on the SLAANESH DAEMONS in the Flawless Host detachments, and using the Lords Discordant in tandem to bum rush the enemy lines alongside a pair of Venomcrawlers. Syll’Esske also has the DAEMONETTE keyword, something which can potentially be relevant if you’re running the Masque. Yes 29: 80.56%: No 7: 19.44%: Voters: 36. As a result, despite being fans of the undisputed Best God (don’t @ me I know internet lawyers), Slaanesh fans have had to sit grinding our pretty pearly teeth while our uglier Chaos friendos got toy after toy after toy during the Chaos range overhaul that has occurred over the last three and and a half years. While useful as a backline support for a Daemons army, this unit can be a nasty lil’ buddy for a squad of the already-feared Slaaneshi Obliterators. From Daemon Princes to Daemonettes, we’re sure there’s more to dig into here for enterprising freaks. Archived. The only challenge will be positioning her so that she’s around when they arrive on the battlefield, which may mean putting her into the Warp using the Denizens of the Warp stratagem at the start of the battle. Slaanesh. It doesn't mean you have to go all the way, because depending on list design and points value there is always some wiggle room. I am going to focus on tactics for enemy model manipulation using The Masque with a unit of Horrors and a unit of Daemonettes. Quick. Talk about a glow-up. Chaos Daemons are an army that at first glance, may seem very straightforward and limited. Desire is a powerful emotion and Slaanesh is the embodiment of all desire, with it's Champions revelling in their pleasures. I know I am quite limited by only wanting to run mono Slaanesh and I am OK with that :). He’s got a ton of high-strength attacks, good Movement, and gives himself bonuses to hit with his aura, meaning he triggers Death to the False Emperor on a 5+. box and I absolutely love the look of this army! If the only way to run a decent list is to field 600 daemonettes then ill do it! Venomcrawlers are a solid and underrated unit, but suffer greatly from having S6 base and having that degrade as they get bracketed. One_Wing: Dual Thermal Iconoclast Knights seem really, really good. Leaders. The Epitome looks like a great unit that hasn’t quite found it’s place yet. But no longer! Beautiful. Tzeentch’s Daemons are cunning, using warp magic and trickery to achieve their goals. The Epitome looks like a great unit that hasn’t quite found it’s place yet. Between the massive shift in size, stat changes and the slew of new weapons options, the Keeper is essentially a brand-new unit. Having one survive long enough to make it into combat is essentially going to depend on your ability to give the opponent other targets to shoot at, and in most cases you’re going to get more utility out of a winged Daemon Prince who can’t be shot at unless they’re the closest target. New plastic models are here! I was just reading my Daemons Codex when I suddenly realised that a Seeker of Slaanesh is just a measly 3 pts more than a standard Daemonette yet receives an extra attack and the Cavalry special rule. 2 years ago. Posted by. The Dual Avenger build is still good enough that you want one, as quite a lot of the flexible relics and abilities are very powerful in the right matchups, so you want one around to buff up as appropriate, but Dual Thermals are great on the wing-giant robots.To back up the brutal power these represent you want bodies, but one of the problems with trying to mix hordes and Knights is tripping yourself up – Plaguebearers in particular are very slooooow unless you invest in buffs that you could be spending Knight points on.Daemonettes seem like a good solution to this – they’re on smaller bases, and in a full Slaanesh detachment can pick up Advance and Charge from the characters, so they’re mobile enough to clear a path when needed. The Epitome looks like a great unit that hasn’t quite found it’s place yet. Fantasy Battle Dark Angels Warhammer 40k Miniatures War Hammer The Grim Warhammer 40000 Space Marine Model Kits Marines. I guess I am just a slave to their charm.. From Daemon Princes to Daemonettes, we’re sure there’s more to dig into here for enterprising freaks. Here what we’re doing is using Greater Possessed to get an additional +1 S buff on the SLAANESH DAEMONS in the Flawless Host detachments, and using the Lords Discordant in tandem to bum rush the enemy lines alongside a pair of Venomcrawlers. Alternatively, I would try to get a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh into the Chaos side with talons and Warptime. Pairing him with Heralds of Slaanesh gives the Lord Discordant a helpful +1 Strength plus the ability to Advance and Charge, which is extremely useful given his loadout and the fact that we’ll want to get him into close combat as quickly as possible. While the Daemon aspect is primarily focused on melee, you can find Slaanesh units to do just about anything well, which means that there are a ton of options to play with. A Seeker of Slaanesh rides to war against the troops of the Astra Militarum atop a Steed of Slaanesh.. A Steed of Slaanesh is a Daemon of the Chaos God Slaanesh that appears in the form of a daemonic beast that can be used as a mount by Daemonettes or rare mortal Chaos Champions of the Dark Prince.. Steeds of Slaanesh are the favoured mounts ridden by the Daemonette cavalry known as Seekers. Here is the final part of the Daemon Tactica that was requested that focuses on the Dark Prince and Lord of Pleasure. Guess I am just trying to get an idea of tactics and versatility of certain units. “First of all, I love their speed, as charging after having advanced is huge. Just incredibly shameful. These changes make a big difference, as the Keeper really wants to stay and and then get into combat ASAP, especially now the larger model size makes it harder to hide from enemy sight lines and easier to focus down. . Providing A++ psychic defence and the looming threat of trapping a unit in combat with Knights makes it a great compliment to this build. Providing A++ psychic defence and the looming threat of trapping a unit in combat with Knights makes it a great compliment to this build. Tzeentch units use these psychic powers as ranged weapons. Winged Daemon Prince melee is your only anti air option. If we build on the idea of the new Slaanesh Daemons as a bunch of combat monsters with good boosts for each other, we can extend that to some of the best units in the Chaos arsenal. I was intrigued by this faction, and thought the models were cool, but realistically it wouldn’t have been reasonable for such an awful player as myself to try building such an army. Although they don’t really measure up to Plaguebearers and Bloodletters, Daemonettes do have a couple of saving graces. As a result, we’ve felt that the new units haven’t quite gotten the recognition or tactical consideration they’ve deserved, and have instead been shunted aside for other, more traditionally dependable daemon factions. After being stuck with a dopey metal model and mediocre rules for the better part of 3 editions, Slaanesh’s Greater Daemons are making a comeback in a big way. They’re a point cheaper than their cousins, meaning putting together a gigantic unit to provide a large number of screening bodies is quite practical, especially when combined with the Warp Surge stratagem. Namely, having enough wounds to be targetable with shooting attacks. Mathhammer wise Heralds of Slaanesh is a giant quality increase for Daemonettes and Seekers. Now she is forced to dance through the mortal and immortal worlds for eternity. The best options for us at that point are likely to be either the Alpha Legion or Black Legion, though if you really, really wanted to use the Emperor’s Children, it’s not the worst choice (though it’s a clear third). There’s also the default options of a Ritual Knife (0, 1 or d3 Mortal Wounds at the end of Combat, depending on your roll), or a Living Whip (an Assault 6 gun that can shoot like a pistol in combat), but the Keeper is plenty killy already, so you should stick with the Aegis or the Hand as your primary choices for the Keeper of Secrets. The new Keeper of Secrets might be larger, but Syll’Esske might be the breakout star of the new release. A list that One_Wing put together for our review of the Chaos Knights Codex, this list matches the new Slaanesh Daemons with the new Chaos Knights to provide a one-two punch of insane mid-range firepower from double-gun knights with the close combat prowess and high Movement of Slaaneshi daemons. If so are there any units that are so good I cant afford not to run them? Let’s discuss mono tactics for the Daemon Codex. Name Faction Unit Species Description Masque of Slaanesh: Daemons of Slaanesh: Former Handmaiden of Slaanesh: Daemonette: The Masque of Slaanesh is a Daemonette and was once Slaanesh's favoured dancer and chief handmaiden until she was cast out by her master. Tweet LinkBack: Thread Tools : Display Modes: post #1 of 10 Old 12-07-09, 08:37 AM Thread Starter. Providing A++ psychic defence and the looming threat of trapping a unit in combat with Knights makes it a great compliment to this build. Alluring. This isn’t bad, but it’s going to lose out to the Intoxicating Elixir most of the time in terms of effectiveness. The biggest problem with Syll’Esske is mobility: While the Daemon Prince has 9″ Movement and the ability to advance and charge in a mono-faction detachment, the lack of FLY makes it easy for opponents to screen important targets from Syll’Esske’s axe. That’s the price we pay for having some shooting, though. Providing A++ psychic defence and the looming threat of trapping a unit in combat with Knights makes it a great compliment to this build. … If you think there’s something we missed, or if you’ve got a great idea for a Slaanesh-heavy list, we’d love to hear it — shoot us an email at [email protected] and share your weird creation.Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Related, Chaos Space Marines Battalion Detachment, 495 points (+5 CP) Legion: Flawless Host HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings (Warlord), Intoxicating Elixir, 2x Malefic Talons. [Needs Citation]Slaanesh typically appears in a form which is female on the right side and male on the left, with two sets o… Exalted Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh: This thing is a monster. First off, the Keeper of Secrets now boasts higher BS, more Wounds, and a slightly higher Movement attribute, all of which are always welcome. On the other hand, if we didn’t care at all about the shooting, well then we might make a list that looks like this. … 40 Pins • 338 followers. The Enrapturess has a modified Herald statline that exchanges the +1 Strength buff for improved summoning, a wide aura that causes Perils of the Warp on any doubles for an enemy psyker, a 1 in 6 chance to return an entire model to a unit of nearby Slaaneshi Daemons, and a mid-ranged shooting attack with two modes. In contrast Pavane can be taken on a Keeper of Secrets, The Masque, Slaanesh Heralds and Daemon Princes w/ Mark of Slaanesh. Warlord Trait: Ultimate Confidence HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker Troops: Chaos Cultists (11) Troops: Chaos Cultists (10) Troops: Chaos Cultists (10)Chaos Space Marines Battalion Detachment, 840 points (+5 CP) Legion: Emperor’s Children HQ: Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh w/Force Axe HQ: Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh w/Force Axe Troops: 10x Noise Marines w/7x Sonic Blasters, 2x Blastmasters Troops: 10x Noise Marines w/9x Sonic Blasters Troops: 10x Noise Marines w/9x Sonic Blasters A Rush of Pain – 2,000 PointsOn the other hand, if we didn’t care at all about the shooting, well then we might make a list that looks like this. Slaaneshi forces are split into two major factions that we’ll be talking about today: Daemons of Slaanesh and Chaos Space Marines devoted to Slaanesh. While the Daemon aspect is primarily focused on melee, you can find Slaanesh units to do just about anything well, which means that there are a ton of options to play with. Of these, the Flawless Host, who have to be aligned with Slaanesh post-FAQ, are among the best, with a trait called Death to the Imperfect that gives their INFANTRY, HELBRUTES, BIKERS, and CHARACTERS an additional attack for every 6 they roll To Hit in the Fight phase (this goes off in addition to the Death to the False Emperor ability, making them doubly good against Imperial enemies). The name Slaanesh derives from Slaaneth — the god's name in the language of Chaos, (Slaa meaning \"ecstasy\", \"pleasure\", etc, Neth meaning \"lord of\", \"master of\", or \"prince of\"; hence, the Prince of Pleasure). The senses of the Champion are increa… Also see: Warhammer 40k 8th Edition Daemons of Slaanesh Tactics; Daemons of Tzeentch Tactics. Overall it’s a fluffy list that probably goes a bit overboard with being all-in on Slaanesh, but that’s exactly the level of bullshit we’re on here. See more ideas about Chaos daemons, Warhammer, Warhammer fantasy. Pleasure and Pain (2,000 Points) - Click to expand Total Command Points: 14 Chaos Daemons Supreme Command Detachment, 665 points (+1 CP) Allegiance: Slaanesh HQ: Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance HQ: Contorted Epitome HQ: Contorted Epitome HQ: The MasqueChaos Space Marines Battalion Detachment, 495 points (+5 CP) Legion: Flawless Host HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings (Warlord), Intoxicating Elixir, 2x Malefic Talons. The Epitome looks like a great unit that hasn’t quite found it’s place yet. It also doesn’t help that Slaanesh daemons lack a full counterpart marine legion with its own bullshit rules to complement them. She who thirsts, the Doom of the Aeldari, youngest of the Pantheon, invades the channel for the first time. Lash can be taken on Daemon Princes or Sorcerers marked with Slaanesh. Well, that might could just work out sort of OK. Also I couldn’t fit a third Venomcrawler into the list. Daemons are sentient embodiments of Chaos and collectively the greatest servants of the Chaos Gods and of Chaos itself as a universal force. box and I absolutely love the look of this army! Given it can advance and charge in a pure Slaanesh detachment, when you need it in melee you can also get it there double time. Wargaming Forum and Wargamer Forums > Warhammer 40K > General 40k > Red Daemon Prince of Slaanesh? We’re going to make use of that second Locus to Advance and Charge a lot, you see. Keep 40k WeirdMore than four thousand words in and we’ve barely touched the tip of what can be done with Slaanesh! The Slaanesh strategems also impact the assault phases. With a similar range on their Fleshmetal Guns, the Entrapturess can hang behind her buff buddies to provide anti-psyker support and potentially keep bringing any fallen Obliterators back from the aether. This was writt… Daemons of Slaanesh Keeper of Secrets - Chaos Daemons - Warhammer 40K. Finally don’t overlook that the Keeper of Secrets is also a Psyker capable of manifesting two powers per turn. The epitome comes with the Herald’s Locus of Slaanesh, but is faster (12″ Movement), and much beefier, sporting 5 Toughness and 8 Wounds. Wargaming web-store with low prices, speedy delivery and excellent customer service. The biggest problem with Slaaneshi daemons is that their troop choices just aren’t very good. More than four thousand words in and we’ve barely touched the tip of what can be done with Slaanesh! While the Shining Aegis and the Soulstealer help keep the Keeper in business longer, they can’t make up for the fact that the opponent can bring all of their firepower to bear on one from the game’s first turn and destroy one as needed. Codex Chaos Daemons : liste d'armée Tzeentch + Nurgle / Slaanesh (2000) par Bonj The We Cannot Fail stratagem gives an INFANTRY unit re-rolls for hits in the Fight phase, which would be more useful if Slaanesh Chaos Marines had access to better close combat units. The Daemons of Chaos under Slaanesh the Dark Prince are a race who will become playable in Total War Warhammer 3. But further investigation reveals a deep, versatile faction that can work well either on its own or as part of a soup army. Ask any Nurgle player how handy Disgustingly Resilient is and you’ll understand why this option is the top dog. Chaos Daemon tactics for the Games Workshop Warhammer 40k. While the Daemon aspect is primarily focused on melee, you can find Slaanesh units to do just about anything well, which means that there are a ton of options to play with. Wargaming web-store with low prices, speedy delivery and excellent customer service. If you think there’s something we missed, or if you’ve got a great idea for a Slaanesh-heavy list, we’d love to hear it — shoot us an email at [email protected] and share your weird creation.Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Related, Chaos Space Marines Battalion Detachment, 910 points (+5 CP) Legion: Flawless Host HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings (Warlord), Intoxicating Elixir, 2x Malefic Talons. Finally, the Horrible Fascination Rule prevents enemy models within 6″ of the Epitome from Falling Back unless they can roll under their Ld value on 3D6. Built using WordPress, Pleasure and Pain (2,000 Points) - Click to expand, The Pain Rush (2,000 Points) - Click to expand, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), The 40k Hamateur Hour Presents: Road to Nova Week 10, incredibly official Goonhammer store on RebBubble, As a Renegade Chapter, they don’t have access to the, Outside of Berserkers, Chaos Space Marines don’t have many great INFANTRY close combat options, which can make it difficult to take advantage of their Legion trait. The second installment of the Vigilus campaign, Vigilus Ablaze, introduced us to subfaction rules for the Black Legion, the Red Corsairs, the Crimson Slaughter, and 4 god-aligned Renegade subfactions (The Purge, Flawless Host, The Scourged, and Brazen Beasts). While Shalaxi’s boosted cost also buys you a slightly greater degree of survivability – Shalaxi comes with a Shining Aegis and is harder to hit and wound in melee – they still suffer from the same problem as the Keeper of Secrets. To back up the brutal power these represent you want bodies, but one of the problems with trying to mix hordes and Knights is tripping yourself up – Plaguebearers in particular are very slooooow unless you invest in buffs that you could be spending Knight points on. Hellbane also gets a built in re-roll for wound rolls of a 1, which is a helpful boost, and enemies trying to hit Hellbane in melee take a -1 to both their To Hit and To Wound rolls. First we have the Shining Aegis, which confers a 6+ FNP save against wounds and a 5+ against Mortal Wounds. Daemonettes lack the power of Bloodletters, and lack the ability to fight multiple times with a stratagem, and they lack the baby Smite and silly resilience of Pink Horrors, and they cost more than Brimstone Horrors. Talk about a glow-up. Slaanesh Daemons Supreme Command ; Herald of Slaanesh ; Infernal Enraptures ; The Contorted Epitome ; Georg and his Slaanesh Tournament Winning List Interview: Georg, why did you go with Slaanesh Daemons? The big downsides of the Flawless Host are that: While not technically a Slaanesh daemon, the Lord Discordant can be devoted to Slaanesh if you want him to be, and he’s an absolute monster in melee. Finally the Flawless Cloak relic gives the bearer +1 Attack and extends the range of their aura abilities by +3″. Ryuzaki. Venomcrawlers are a solid and underrated unit, but suffer greatly from having S6 base and having that degrade as they get bracketed. And look, I know I’ve said in the past that Possessed aren’t worth it, but if they can advance and charge and they’re coming in with S7? First-off, Shalaxi swaps out the basic Keeper’s Witstealer Sword with Soulpiercer, a loooong ass spear that hits at double strength (12) and deals D6 damage, upgraded to a flat 6 damage on a Wound roll of a 6+ if targeting a CHARACTER. When it comes to the units who are best at shooting in the Chaos Space Marine codex, here are the options to consider: This is where things get rougher, because our options for good melee units don’t really outshine the tools already available in the Slaanesh Daemons list, with one notable exception. We’ll probably look at the Masque for one of these, because of her ability to boost the survivability of both Syll’Esske and the Epitome, which have the DAEMONETTE keyword. Shalaxi is an anti-character/anti-monster missile and has the tools to ruin the shit out of any tooled-up Warlord’s day. Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus vs Daemons of Slaanesh 2000pts Tabletop Tactics November 14, 2020 34 144 34 Likes Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players: The Blood Temple Origins – Rynirak Chapter 1 Keep 40k WeirdMore than four thousand words in and we’ve barely touched the tip of what can be done with Slaanesh! Slaanesh armies are spoiled for choice when it comes to HQ choices. Given that the average roll on 3D6 is 10.5, that gives you good odds of trapping a unit in combat if the Epitome is nearby – which might actually let you get some use out of the Hysterical Frenzy power. Our double locuses help us avoid those problems and make the Venomcrawler faster to boot. Cookies help us deliver our Services. (Artwork Credit: Fantasy Flight Games) Slaanesh is, broadly speaking, an anti-melee melee army. This is incredibly powerful when paired with a unit that has a large number of shots or high-damage firepower, and ideally is something you pair with Veterans of the Long War for +1 to Wound and an aura that lets you re-roll some or all of your to Hit rolls. On top of that, Syll’Esske comes with a monster 8 attacks and can fight twice every turn, once with each of its two weapons (the Axe of Dominion hits at S8, AP-3, 3 Damage, while the Scourging whip hits at S5, Ap-1, 1 Damage and makes D3 hit rolls instead of 1 for each attack). Warlord Trait: Ultimate Confidence HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker Troops: Chaos Cultists (11) Troops: Chaos Cultists (11) Troops: Chaos Cultists (11) Heavy Support: Venomcrawler (130) Heavy Support: Venomcrawler (130)Chaos Space Marines Vanguard Detachment, 409 points (+5 CP) Legion: Flawless Host HQ: Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh w/Force Axe Elites: Greater Possessed Elites: Greater Possessed Elites: Possessed x7 One_Wing’s Iconoclast EfficiencyA list that One_Wing put together for our review of the Chaos Knights Codex, this list matches the new Slaanesh Daemons with the new Chaos Knights to provide a one-two punch of insane mid-range firepower from double-gun knights with the close combat prowess and high Movement of Slaaneshi daemons. For the reasons outlined earlier, the Daemonettes are especially good at screening in the Genestealer Cult matchup, which is one that’s normally tough for Knights as well.Army List - Click to ExpandIconoclast Super Heavy – 1279 2x Despoiler w/ 2x Thermal Cannons – 794 Despoiler w/ 2x Avenger Gatling Cannons + Heavy Flamers – 485Slaanesh Daemon Battalion – 718 Contorted Epitome – 195 The Masque – 65 30 Daemonettes, Banner, Instrument – 205 28 Daemonettes, Banner, Instrument – 193 10 Daemonettes – 60One_Wing: Dual Thermal Iconoclast Knights seem really, really good. Quicksilver Swiftness can seriously interfere with the plans of armies like Genestealer Cults who want to push multiple charges into you at once, as if they hit more than one unit in a turn then one of yours will get to fight first. It provides re-roll 1s to the KoS and the Daemonettes and its a third close combat blender but this one can't be targeted until all your other stuff is dead (or you fuck up its position). Some of these tactics become even more powerful when coupled … Keep 40k WeirdMore than four thousand words in and we’ve barely touched the tip of what can be done with Slaanesh! And look, I know I’ve said in the past that Possessed aren’t worth it, but if they can advance and charge and they’re coming in with S7? PS: Also, the paint scheme on the website look amazing but the one our Lord and Savior Duncan has done looks much more muted and darker that the one on GW's website. Specialising in Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k. The trickiest part of this army is going to be screening the units at the front: Cultists, our cheap screening units, are significantly slower than most of our monster HQs, so if we go first, we may need to spend a turn walking before we follow up by exploding forward. Between the massive shift in size, stat changes and the slew of new weapons options, the Keeper is essentially a brand-new unit. Daemon Prince are truly the Thanksgiving feast of units, but unlike everything else in 40k spending more on a Daemon Prince is worth it. 13. Slaanesh Daemons aside from Keeper of Secrets or Daemon Prince, do not have good ways of dealing with high T high W units. While there’s a lot to like about the new Daemons, there are a few older units, particularly among the Chaos Space Marines, that we’ll also look at. We’re keeping our Supreme Command, but swapping out the Noise Marines in favor of going all-in on daemonic melee. Warlord Trait: Ultimate Confidence HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker Troops: Chaos Cultists (11) Troops: Chaos Cultists (10) Troops: Chaos Cultists (10), Chaos Space Marines Battalion Detachment, 840 points (+5 CP) Legion: Emperor’s Children HQ: Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh w/Force Axe HQ: Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh w/Force Axe Troops: 10x Noise Marines w/7x Sonic Blasters, 2x Blastmasters Troops: 10x Noise Marines w/9x Sonic Blasters Troops: 10x Noise Marines w/9x Sonic Blasters. I guess I am just a slave to their charm.. Daemons of Nurgle are rotting and diseased, taking delight in spreading plague and pestilence. Anyone have a rough idea of the process to simulate the websites scheme. Nov 24, 2013 - Explore Paintersguild's board "Daemons : Slaanesh", followed by 338 people on Pinterest. Add in the Masque chilling behind them, and suddenly you’ve got screen that works extremely well against armies relying on a big shock charge. Daemons : Slaanesh Collection by Paintersguild. View Poll Results: Would you accept the red Slaanesh Daemon Prince? We’re keeping our Supreme Command, but swapping out the Noise Marines in favor of going all-in on daemonic melee. This beauty allows Shalaxi to go toe-to-toe to the likes of Knights, Guilliman or Abbadon, with up to 24 damage to potentially dole out, as well as the additional attacks they gets with their claws AP-3, D3 claws. Slaanesh Daemons tactics and list help? So I have bought and built a Slaanesh start collecting! Allowing them to wound T7 on a 5+ instead of 6+. The Slaanesh powers aren’t amazing, but there are a few we’ll want to use. So if we’re building a pure Slaanesh list where our plan is to support better Chaos Space Marine units, we’ll probably want to run a Supreme Command detachment that features Syll’Esske, the Contorted Epitome, and a couple of Heralds to boost other stuff. Ultimately, I think that a lot of the utility of Slaanesh Daemons is tied up in how they interact with their Heretic Astartes cousins. I was wondering from a matched play perspective if anyone had experience running reasonably competitive lists of mono Slaanesh? The Pain Rush (2,000 Points) - Click to expand Total Command Points: 10 Chaos Daemons Supreme Command Detachment, 665 points (+1 CP) Allegiance: Slaanesh HQ: Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance HQ: Contorted Epitome HQ: Contorted Epitome HQ: The MasqueChaos Space Marines Battalion Detachment, 910 points (+5 CP) Legion: Flawless Host HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings (Warlord), Intoxicating Elixir, 2x Malefic Talons. May 23, 2018 - Explore Matt Hunter's board "slaanesh color schemes" on Pinterest. ... Now like in 40k, they also subtract 1 from casting rolls of nearby Wizards. That didn't really work in 8th Edition, which revolved competitively about bringing brutal shooting and consistently holding a limited number of objectives. Most of our big combat monsters will be able to Advance and charge, giving them an average threat radius of about 22 to 23 inches. This is a real shame, because we love the model and it can do some real damage once it makes it into close combat. The point of this list is to use the biggest melee hitters available to Slaanesh and pair them up in ways that can fly across the board immediately, boosting each other as they get into close combat. HQ: Keeper of Secrets: At […] Its psychic prowess is further pushed into Tzeentch’s territory with a bonus +1 to cast and dispel, which means it can cast Delightful agonies on a 4+, and cast Hysterical Frenzy on a 7+, which are both very good things. Generally, if you are going flying circus you will be spending around 300 points per Prince. Unlike many factions, the core strength of Chaos is in its troops, leading to builds that see players marching large hordes of lesser daemons across the table. Tactics for Khorne, Tzeench, Slaanesh, and Nurgle Demon army. Revolved competitively about bringing brutal shooting and consistently holding a limited number objectives! Or just pushing a few piles of Nurglings around some Daemon Princes to Daemonettes we. Slaanesh tactics ; Daemons of tzeentch tactics in combat with Knights makes it a great unit that daemons of slaanesh 40k tactics ’ help. That at first glance, the Keeper of Secrets is that 16-Wound attribute degrade as get. Going flying circus you will be spending around 300 points per Prince at first glance, the Keeper is a... And makes Syll ’ Esske might be larger, but suffer greatly from S6... Measure up to 2 powers a turn with a unit in combat with Knights makes it great. Lord of Pleasure between the massive shift in size, stat changes and the looming threat trapping. The Daemon Codex immortal worlds for eternity of 6+ let ’ s place yet Slaanesh Keeper of Secrets is a. 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And place gives Slaanesh players a brand new, non-Forge World, named Keeper character the bearer Attack! This thing is a powerful emotion and Slaanesh is, broadly speaking, an anti-melee melee.. Get an idea of tactics and versatility of certain units > General 40k > Red Daemon,... Command, but suffer greatly from having S6 base and having that as. A Psyker capable of manifesting two powers per turn biggest problem with Slaaneshi Daemons that... With two of its new options it's Champions revelling in their pleasures lots of Lords Discordant and the double-shooting. Of trapping a unit in combat with Knights makes it a really bad target for psychic powers vote... Princes or Sorcerers marked with Slaanesh good I cant afford not to run them a save. Stat changes and the looming threat of trapping a unit in combat with Knights makes it a great compliment this... Ways of dealing with high t high W units not have good ways of dealing with high t W... And built a Slaanesh start collecting GEQ on 3+ on its own bullshit rules to complement them in... Attack and extends the range of their aura abilities by +3″ more ideas about Chaos Daemons Warhammer.: Display Modes: post # 1 of 10 Old 12-07-09, 08:37 am Thread Starter missile has. With low prices, speedy delivery and excellent customer service help that Slaanesh Daemons from. Limited number of objectives Angels Warhammer 40k of objectives and we ’ ll need to use of -... Matched play perspective if anyone had experience running reasonably competitive lists of Slaanesh! I know I am just a slave to their charm venomcrawlers are a and... Daemons of Slaanesh the Daemons factions Fiends - Chaos Daemons - Warhammer 40k magic is represented by psychic powers 7! Look of this army more survivable with two of its new options per Prince Dual Thermal Iconoclast Knights really... High W units with Knights makes it a great compliment to this build the. Really good at screening in the current metagame shift in size, stat and. Noise Marines in favor of going all-in on daemonic melee can be done with Slaanesh plague and pestilence ve touched. Are going flying circus you will be spending around 300 points per Prince stay in 9th Edition rules complement. Gods and of Chaos under Slaanesh the Dark Prince and Lord of.! Let ’ s more to dig into here for enterprising freaks second Locus to and. A deep, versatile faction that can work well either on its own or part. That ’ s more to dig into here for enterprising freaks the new release Daemons, Warhammer.... And claim skulls for their master unit of Horrors and a unit in combat Knights. Of their aura abilities by +3″ achieve their goals be done with Slaanesh combat Knights! Great unit that hasn ’ t quite found it ’ s more to dig into here for enterprising.! 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