They had a guard posted so I got outta there. Big Boss: Good point. Skull Face: Those "spies" reported well. Big Boss: At least Amanda's on assignment in Cuba. Eat Think you'd make it? BB: Come on, give it up! Skull Face: My village had an oilseed field and a fine factory. He can be found in the West Refugee Camp. What should we do, Master – Master Miller! Or you want to do your hara-kiri for real Thought you didn't want to talk to me. We tried to flee outside. Your boss and I go way back. Kaz: [Shows a number with his fingers.] Dammit! now. Chico brought me a little flower in a cup. "It's Snake, isn't it?" All that is clear is his infatuation with Big Boss. Why does it have to be that way whenever women get together and chat? I know he... likes me. As an army without a nation, they seem to feel the need for a deterrent against whatever the world might pit against them. I did not need to understand the lyrics to know he's an awful singer. These tapes give vital information and are one of the major sources of the game’s story, which is why they are only available after mission completion. His forces are smaller than anticipated. Chico: So... she talked. [Sound of BB obviously beating Kaz.] join me. Play on Spotify Kazuhira Miller: This is a one-man infiltration mission, Boss. There's another way out. Japan. Obtained cassette tape at OKB Zero When you climb to the top of the silo, instead of going straight to the helipad, go left and find the elevator. BB: That’s right. You'll be next! Skull Face: We can't have her waking up – or dying – on us... Medic: I gave her a transfusion, a nutrient cocktail, and an anesthetic. But at least I'll get a look at his body. The Cubans leased the land to the U.S. as a gesture for helping them gain independence from Spain. What do you see? I have never seen such a crude, ridiculous party before. Skull Face: She'll get what she deserves. Got him secured. Remember what I said? It sickens me. Kazuhira Miller: She was rescued by a Belizean fisherman who found her drifting in the Caribbean. Anything else will be OSP. "But not good enough!" Face to face with oblivion, which is where you are, and you still think that help is coming. out. Kazuhira Miller: Your mission objective is to rescue Chico and Paz. Most days they are training from dawn till dusk. "You one tough bastard, Boss..." Miller muttered. With my unit gone now, I guess I’ll never know…. But if you lose, you have to let me go. ], Kaz: Hey. Do not let that happen. Kaz: Field strip and reassemble a firearm! Paz: Do you realize what you're doing?! But it’s nearly sundown. The superpowers deter attack by revealing their nuclear arsenals to one another. While we waited, Amanda shared memories of her mother with us. To him, that "honor" was steeped in the blood of The Boss, the mentor he was force to eliminate. Guess it’s been 8 years. Metal Gear ZEKE, activate! They haven't seen each other in a while. Trampled grass, blade marks on tree trunks, and over there – that [He tightens his grip.] But I was raised in the States from a very young age and can hardly even remember my mother's gallo pinto. Skull Face: You're going to call your boss – for help. Wielding a deterrent, all the while unable to reveal its existence. But an end nonetheless. A smile crept across his face as he caught his breath. Ignore [th]'em? Cassette tapes are a special collectible of Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain. Isn't that right? side by side. landed a job here as a drill sergeant. I launched that ball as hard as I could, only to have it blocked by the keeper. I have to accomplish something. this is oily… No, that’s not right…. And together we watched fluffy white clouds drift lazily across the clear blue sky. That I'm not the only one. Don't die! I haven’t lost yet. So hot. No one suspects I'm neither a teenager nor a student. [BB throws him down, and catches But I wasn't doing it for fun, so I wasn't the least bit disappointed. Skull Face: I'll leave you to think it over. And we are not fighting for the good of any one country." BB: All right. Having power means not being afraid. Unfortunately, stretching my legs has shown me something Skull Face: She looks weak. Kaz: I just want to settle things between us, that’s all. To help us...? Turn right! BB: It’s full of arowana! looks proud about it. There are a total of 12 cassette tapes hidden throughout Camp Omega and they can be acquired by picking them up when found in the environment, completing specific mission requirements and completing levels on various difficulties. Six targets each. Chico: You heard me. Let Keep a look out for bandits. I waved at her. The IAEA has no authority to inspect us. Tell you what, I’ll even the odds for you. Cipher's been in hiding ever since his grand experiment. I whacked her with my pillow. Zadornov's... or should I say, the KGB's plan is to play the two sides against each other, turning the entire region Red. I indulged their chit-chat for a few moments, then one of them asked me to give the thing a name. This is a golden opportunity. Kaz: I know that with you, I can make my dream come true. You told us plenty. Think you'd make it through that? All right. them more than anyone, which is why they’ll have a piece of the ground floor. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Music Cassette Tape Locations Afghan Lullaby This short but sweet little ditty can be recovered from the Wakh Sind Barracks. Get down! of. Your only backup will be one extraction chopper. BB: I think I understand now how a foreigner with no connections or experience We'll get her whatever papers she needs. "Maybe this'll teach you!" Nothing will disturb us here. Kaz: Sounds the same to me. Found on one of the dumpsters in the alley next to the stairs going down to the boiler room where Paz is being held; on the north-west side of the Administration Building. Kaz: …No… it’s nothing you need to hear. Big Boss: Don't get the wrong idea. 42 songs. But what do they fight for? PAZ: Mother Base has developed rapidly since being established in the Caribbean Sea. Two major Western networks want to do stories on us. Paz is our only link to Cipher. Or what about the manual? I’ll even be your kaishaku. Soldier: Enough. We're at the prison area on the coast. I make my move now. constrictor. It was not a sporting match - they were not playing by rules. Kaz: Not that kind of dream. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Beyond the Bounds: Complete every mission on Hard. PAZ: Zadornov has been detained. In a place they'd never look. They have apparently divided themselves into Costa Rican and Nicaraguan teams and started playing each other. them want to leave the military so they can go with you. Nicola. ...I tried to sabotage ZEKE. To interrogate me? What’s so funny? Here, I'll show you..." He began to take off his pants, so I threw my tissue box at him to make him go away. Kazuhira Miller: ZEKE stays, but we'll have to move all other AFVs to shore. [Gunfire.]. weapons! To play, you need a ball and two goals. What is wrong with them? splinters under the fingernails. Big Boss has elected to arm it with a nuclear weapon. You even took my own men from me…. When the arroz was done cooking, we folded it into the frijoles and added salsa, stirring the mixture as it simmered. [He runs away.] Our "friends" at Cipher suspect Paz could be a double agent. Aren't you satisfied?! When the frijoles were ready, we drained the water, stir-frying them with the rest of the vegetables. getting out of the country won’t be easy either. The instant after I felt that first gentle tug, the fish yanked the line with astonishing strength, and I let out a cry of surprise. nails’ll be gone, but they’ll just be getting started. The Boss laid down her gun, choosing to sing for peace instead. here don’t have a taste for human flesh. M-Master Miller! Chico's Cassette Tape 4: Rescue the P.O.W. I wondered what kind of fish live below the surface, and thought back to the deep-sea dives I had to do as part of training. A bunch of grown, hard men, and they are the ones acting like schoolgirls! air.] PAZ: Every month, Mother Base throws a party for all the soldiers whose birthdays fall in that month. How cute. When they found out ZEKE was complete, I was ordered to execute the operation immediately. Chico's Cassette Tape 1: Awarded for completing "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op. No ideology, no balance of power to worry about. drugs for the cartels. BB: The base commander and I have an understanding. I still cannot fathom such behavior. Each one contains information surrounding the events of MGS Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. stone’s been turned over. That's all I had. Maybe it was one of those nights where he could not sleep. And yet I could not help myself. The medical team said I'd need a few days' rest, so I've been restricted to my room and put on bed rest. BB: But what are the rebels going to think? Soldier: Go! The guy you gave that letter to while you were recovering. There are some sprinkled around the map and there is always one of them on each floor of the BRIBBLECO™ building. Just get through the first series of events in MGSV and claim your prize. Kaz: Contact, 10 o’clock! Help me, Snake... Kazuhira Miller: Their lives are in your hands. She should stay put for now. And don’t join government forces either, all like a slave driver. BB: It isn’t about the money. Awarded the title of "Big Boss" for his service, he later became a mercenary, abandoning both his title and his country. An out-of-shape woman does pose any real threat to me. Trying to impress the girl, little man? They were left in reserve during the op, so they had to still be alive. Kaz: What do you say? Sound good, Boss? Don’t look much like bandits to Get Chico and Paz outta there. Skull Face: At the infirmary they carried me to, a nurse in the corridor saw me and remarked, as if it happened every day: "They should let the poor thing die." And they saw right through that story about you being a government And then they'll eliminate you. Kaz: All right. Amanda made me a soup with herbs she said were good for a cold. Four miles of barren, America-controlled soil. Skull Face: You shall not see triumph. We're their bait to catch Cipher. [Soldier A gets shot.] BB: …Fine, it’s a deal. He shouldn't be here right now. Kaz: [Kaz struggles as he is being grabbed.] Do you like what you see? Kaz: So the negotiations are over? I want Big Boss to hear his little diary. C! The timing's too perfect. Those nicknames had nothing to do with their skills. If she's still alive... ...We need her on our side. Those were difficult days, but I remember finding the multi-colored fish gliding through the water incredibly soothing. I need your help. Huey: We finished ZEKE's waterproofing reinforcement yesterday. for some guerillas I’d taken under my wing. Unfortunately, it was not the kind of food a cat would like. With women, it is not enough to just to bat your eyelashes and giggle. "You son of a bitch!" Cipher's the ones who sent Paz to us in the first place. Kazuhira Miller: Yeah. As always, I answered according to our pre-defined scenario, feigning a smile. Paz: It's okay, Chico... You won't hurt me. Gently, carefully, she rubbed the lotion all over my entire body. What about the Sandinistas? It was not a proper match by any means - the pitch was not even regulation size - but the players and spectators alike got pretty excited. Kaz: I was hired by the revolutionaries. BB: That Kazuhira Miller is a government spy whose mission was to infiltrate Remember their faces. Kaz: Guess we stumbled onto somebody’s turf. Everybody laughed. I'm sure he's just... exploring Havana or something. BB: How did I ever talk down to a businessman like you? Chico's Cassette Tape 7: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements Side Op. Kazuhira Miller: All civilians, save Huey, will have to return to their countries. Found in the central watch tower in the Administration Building. And if bandits hear our gunfire, we’ll Come back in one piece. If they come and go without discovering the nuke, we can tell the world we're clean. Now that I think about it, Mother Base's numbers are on the rise, with soldiers coming from all different places and backgrounds. The crowd of people. Miller took another swing, yelling, "Try this, then!" I now better placed than ever to monitor their internal affairs. The letter was They’ll take their time on every one of them. I could not be bothered to run at first, but chasing the ball out there in the hot sun, I was soon drenched in sweat. Kazuhira Miller: The upcoming inspection of Mother Base has to be connected somehow. Time to make your choice. The Cassettes have three tracks, except for the Elevator Cassette, which only has one. I'm using English language, so I will open gz_cassette.lng#eng. The nearest Cuban border is four miles to the east. Even so, it was far less gruesome than if they had given it their all. Also I added some select track related. Or rather, so that little world we knew could continue. Chico: I got close to the fence to see if I could spot her. Go, go, go, go, go! They drift from place to place, with nowhere to call home. It's gotta be off-the-rader... And it's gotta be you. Chico: Don't make me mad! Come at me again! Kazuhira Miller: This is the target. Kaz: Of course. BB: My contract with the government expired yesterday. Signs of human activity Let's try something else. Line up the Skull Face: First Big Boss, then Zero. little temperamental. This skull is who I am. And if you need anything, let the guys here know. Move! X Research source This will give you a new spool with a clean-cut piece of tape to splice the tape from your old cassette to, so that it is attached to the new wheel hub. The place is their old haunt. The first recoverable music cassette in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is given to players for completing the Prologue. Having an American private intelligence agency involved's bad news. It's gotta be Paz! The final moment is yours. Take a swing! The information came from Cuba through Amanda. You can bet on it. However, this was only after The Boss A.I. Just like that “scheme” of yours! As you can see, there is 8 gz_cassette file in different language like gz_cassette.lng#eng and gz_cassette.lng#deu. Once you've gotten them to the RV, call in the extraction chopper. I suppose she doesn't much care for you, anymore. Growing up means choosing how you're going to live your life. Just tell me what you know. And frankly, we should be inspected. soldiers. Survival 10162: - Mentioned in TppDefine.lua, set in Middle Africa. Cassette Tape Locations¶. Going over for a look, I saw they were feeding a kitten. Kazuhira Miller: That's target B. Palitz - the finger. Along with them. You're heading onto the lion's den, Snake. Look. But that does not mean I have got a grudge against those who believe in peace." His only discernible weakness is...her. Those lights are so bright... Time to get moving. I wouldn't mind looking the other way if he did come for you. They had been separated because of Somoza, but the taste of her mother's cooking was still fresh in her mind. She was acting strangely, now, as if aroused. So what are we doing here? 28 of those. But still no sign of Paz. I thanked her and took the tube. BB: This is battle. Chico: To bring him here...? This is the kind of woman you'll want to avoid. It happened so suddenly, and I was so taken aback that I did not even think to protest. Zadornov was paying my room, board, and tuition, but he has since been captured. "Hold still," she whispered in my ear. Only my target is… You, Snake. If the player owns a Radio, the Cassettes can be inserted and played. My mark, my proof of humanity. That's the kind of man he is. Is it education? They grow Recon from the Intel Unit supports this, so it's safe to assume that's where they are. Suppositories! When I stop and think about it, my time here has been the most peaceful of my life. There was really no reason for her to hang around. And not just one or two guys. Nice and Show him. Kazuhira Miller: Yeah. Paz: Naked Snake, the man who once saved the world from the brink of nuclear war. Fortunately, these atmospheric conditions will continue until dawn. Below, you will find tables with all the regular, as well as special cassette tapes that can be found when exploring the game world. If your game's language is English, you will need gz_cassette.lng#eng, if your game's language is German you will need gz_cassette.lng#deu. BB: Even then, you thought I’d only have one man watching you? Or is there a chance he will keep it secret? If you're a real soldier, you'll find your own way out. Here, I brought you a present. I do not know all the details, but apparently that is what Snake and Miller decided. he buzzed over to that Scotch like a regular bee. Skull Face: I said... Do you like what you see? BB: A no-man’s land. Wialo Village (NE Guard Post 18) The location of the tape #2. in the service of the Colombian Army. Until then, we let everyone think we're just a private army with conventional firepower. And then he was back on the offensive. Now for the second one. Paz: You're dumber than you look. Kazuhira Miller: Snake. Chico walked in before my sabotage was complete, so ZEKE should still be operational. battlefield! His presence has greatly accelerated weapons development at Mother Base. Their nuclear strategy differs from the Americans and Soviet Union. Huh? But I could tell he was not aiming for anything vital. Soldiers going, “Ooohhh!” BB tosses a bunch of He does not bother me, most likely because he considers teenagers off limits. If Chico talks, he could blow the nuke cover-up. A slice of American pie on communist soil, and out of U.S. legal jurisdiction. they shouted. asked them to leave their group and follow me, how many of them would have done body wasn’t among the dead. This face would be burned again, in torture, at foreign hands, but I, I still writhe in that burning factory. Or else he will have to kill me. "Wha-? Of course, scars like those make it rather difficult to lead a normal life. What do you say? for those who want to fight. By swotam, September 28, 2015 in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. {A} little time with big sis and he'll forget all about you-know-who. They'd recognize her. Beck) The Lost Chord (feat. SMG! What a pathetic... feeble creature. What’s the matter? You can forget about civil liberties where you're headed. Kazuhira Miller: Right. What about Chico? If I was going to enjoy just one day of peace, I had to ensure the plan could not move forward. on board Peace Walker sank itself into the bottom of the lake... in what could be likened to suicide. It was combat without hatred or hostile intent. There are seven of Chico's cassette tapes that you can find throughout the various missions of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (to clarify, they cannot all be found in a single mission). Technically you do not have to find the undercover soldier in order to get this. Tell me where he is. I am no pro, but I was pretty sure I would do a decent job. Just buying time till the sun went down? Taking cues from Dr. King? bodies by the road and cover them with a tarp. You look better than I It is funny. He's carried that guilt ever since. I'm doing this for you. The soldiers nodded. Shooting – speed But that is about to end. A melancholic delusion. Judo? Money…? Goggles, stopwatch, spears… They even let me have a semi-custom 1911 modified lying on the ground to … [He tosses Kaz a gun.]. He was stationed in that prison camp before being sent to Laos. They talk up a storm, but they're just having fun. But I did not mean it. As you'd expect, American and other Western human rights organizations aren't allowed anywhere near the place. They gave me back my recorder... At least whoever finds this will know what happened. What happens there disappears down the memory hole. "And Zadornov - that old Russkie's name has something to do with peace, too, right? It was the language of my village. I let you go, and I'm betting this is payback from Cipher after Paz's leak. It would have been easy to kill him. Viewer! There's nothing cooking in AI weapons research, and ZEKE is complete. And I still have need of your... services. There are 37 cassette tapes in total. I was more than happy to take it, but exactly what were her intentions? Chico. And if we get her back here and she isn't... cooperative, there's still plenty of room for her in the ocean. "Look, isn't he cute?" That said, what I have got is just a common cold. I should know. Your arm is shaking! I just want to get away. Kazuhira Miller: So she was leaving clues? Betray Cipher now, and I will face a fate far worse than death. When my time came calling I didn't die. I would do anything to get you out of here. Kaz: Yeah. Kaz: Gonna catch some fish. God only knows what they'd do to you if you got caught. Fancy meeting you here." up! BB: It’ll be dark soon. Even I could manage a dish like that. Apparently, he had heard me on deck one day and since then he's wanted to form a band. But it'll be worth it. Pay’s not as bad as you think. Soon enough, a rich aroma began to fill the room - the gallo pinto was ready. never seen a day of combat. Disappointment only increased my determination. And - clueless or not - I will need to be especially careful around Cécile, the one who actually recorded that tape. I must be careful. But the guard told me, “Try to But she shook her head violently. "Hope they're not being too crude," he said. Then one day, aircraft came droning in from some far-off sky. I think some of it stems from the fact that he is actually not that bad looking. I doubt they’re going to appreciate getting visitors. And the ocean's not giving her back. All I could do is lay there and stroke Nuke's back, trying to take my mind off how bad I felt. BB: [He swallows yet another one.] BB: …Some people are only good at fighting. I passed a letter to Miel, a local peddler, along with Really, though, it is just an excuse to drink and make noise. watch. point man for this new age. I shouldn't have enjoyed it. Soldier A: But Master, that’s – ! Either you take her – now – or you're strung up next. "Not bad," said Snake, smiling. BB: I’ve heard about a group of bandits that operate in these parts. They were good, and I trusted them. 次に、Music Tape 1の内容も、全てが収録されているわけではないことについては、既に発売されている、MGS:PWとMGSV:TPPのサントラに、このサントラに収録されていない曲、TPPでアレンジされた曲が収録されているので、そちらをどうぞ。 To him, this means betraying his country. How you handle this mission is entirely up to you, Boss. I know I am only delaying the inevitable. And Snake, himself a gun, parted ways with her. I know how you feel. Protect me... ...No. "We're not competing for national pride here. Skull Face: Now, you've got quite a problem on your hands. [Explosion. It almost felt like Carnival. Just thinking that helps keep the pain away. In any case, he saw me, panicked, and took off running. thing. Kaz: This is a whole new ball game. Right? He ran without even questioning what I was doing. Without the slightest chance or reason left to them, humans are capable of hope. Kaz: And you got two, four, six… seven. For both you and the girl. We don’t invest in something BB: They were already here. Man, this takes me back. Kazuhira Miller: That's right, you were away on a mission. Huey, the referee, blew a whistle to start the match. She won't last [much] longer than that. But I will change the world. Cipher watches all. around. There's something strange about a military organization having parties. Kaz: Yup. Your hideous face wi... Skull Face: Repulsive, isn't it? We may be hired guns, but you’re still my A Song Machine Mix by Noodle Strange Timez (feat. I must complete my mission... How did it come to this... All I wanted was three more days, just three... Miller's already finished writing the song. Be mindful of their sensory perceptions – sight, sound, smell... and pain. One of the base personnel used to belong to El Frente. all happened in an instant. BB: We just sat down and talked man to man. agent. Easy, right? My gun! Extracted 7 red containers from OKB Zero The first batch of … To make room for the bomb, I removed organs she won't need. But a few years ago, the CIA and its like started using it as a black site. Don’t mess with the Boss! Do you see me. This way! The crocs Kaz: Hey! Right! At some point, I got a bite myself. I have no country, no language, I have no face, but I haven't lost my skull. The military hasn't retrieved the information themselves, probably because they no longer know who in the Marines they can trust. Shoot!" Those Marines have the place locked down tight. I mean, it cannot be any worse than Miller's singing. But their deaths served as a message to others. All the cassette tapes can be played on your IDroid. Kaz: Survi- what? Boy, would she get pissed. Nevertheless, distasteful as it was, I went along in order to maintain my cover. What can you do? Equipment is the bare essentials. PAZ: As of today I will be living here at Mother Base. It has not caught on yet in the US, but it has legions of rabid fans all across Latin America. The entirety of … I'm their last hope, all those who perished and left me here. I held it out in my palm, and the kitten happily ate it up. someone made ‘em that way, their place has always been on the battlefield. We added water to the pan, and watched the arroz begin to steam. Think about that. I will fight Big Boss. Kazuhira Miller: Relax, Amanda. *spoilers*". I'd heard rumors that she was a... lesbian. This many. I suppose finding one's own food does have its merit, but I prefer not to be involved in such a degrading task. BB: I’m holding you to that. I must act now. Kazuhira Miller: Yeah, his crush on Strangelove was never much of a secret, huh. I did lose some of my men. I gritted my teeth and played it coy: "Maybe." What do your eyes see? This is our chance. PAZ: I failed to anticipate Coldman's madness, but nuclear was was averted. I’m a samurai. But if I disobey my orders, the fear and despair awaiting me will be far worse than anything I can imagine. It was nice and sunny, with a gentle breeze and waves. She does have a knack for cooking, though - she is French, after all. BB: Lapdog? Silence her before we're compromised? But don't bother trying to escape. They welcomed us warmly. I ask, you answer. Although initially reluctant, Big Boss came around when Zadornov played him the tape. Kazuhira Miller: What?! Home » Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain » MGSV: The Phantom Pain Guides & Walkthroughs. And you can’t boil them or grill them. You guys wait here. That you too can return to this world, for revenge. There are a total of five, each with its own genre of music. There's no more time left. Big Boss: Meaning it isn't American soil, so the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply there. The final preparations. BB: Wrong. BB: He just doesn’t want to get lined up too. It’s the dawn of a You wouldn't get any help from the Cubans. So what do I call you? Free iOS App iPhone & iPpad. Well, I figured enemy. Even the smallest deviation would have done it. All we hear are orders delivered by proxy. This way! BB: Miller, this area’s no good. BB: You’re in a makeshift camp set up by the government. Kaz: …No, I’m just getting started… Okay, next is…. Kazuhira Miller: Exactly. My family died, my country died, but they didn't take me with them. She's being held for interrogation at a camp on the southern tip of Cuba. If I am to keep playing the teenager, I will have to start paying more attention to my skin. Move it!! I already know all about you, Kazuhira Miller. The only line not scratched out is the final one, which reads Test #110. Everything continues to unfold according to plan. I selected one of the drive system's load-bearing parts and carefully worked to warp its shape. No one suspects me of being the one to let Zadornov out of his cell. Morals, faith? But this was something else. Skull Face: The feeling is mutual. But... You wouldn't want the girl leaving here alive. ¿Hablas inglés? But that is exactly why I am going to have to kill him. I'll never help you. The question is, which of the two would you like to give a shot at survival? Mission: Ground Zeroes How To Unlock: After dropping off Chico in the chopper, head to the refugee camp at the west side of the map. Forget about this place, samurai. PAZ: Futbol, or "soccer" as it is known in the states, is extremely popular here. "Resurgence" / "Theme of Tara" Songs: Deja Vu. here. Kaz: Agreed. How did we end up agreeing to the nuclear inspection? But she pressed on. The label on this cassette tape has several scratched-out lines on it. While waiting for them to cook, we sautéed onions and arroz in a frying pan. Snake parried, then responded in kind. Knocking them out or tranquilizing them won't work. The factory was bombed. ...It's an old grassy facility. The day after tomorrow we'll be done installing the main depth control tank, the compressed air tank, and the attitude control propeller pod. PAZ: Today Chico invited me to go fishing with the soldiers. BB: The fish we just caught? Paz: November 4, 1974, at the outskirts of Barranquilla, Colombia. When the day comes, one of us will have to die - Snake or me. I think I just realized how the Japanese turned their economy You’re just making it worse for yourself. Kaz: I get it… Charisma’s what makes the difference. But the IAEA can only do inspections in countries that are party to the NPT. Better that than killing each other. Impressive. I know it hurts right now, but it will all be over soon. It's like... fruit. Watch out when you grow up, boy. You want to broadcast this place to the world? Actually… this many. After I quit the JSDF, I made my way there and got myself a position Chico: There are some cages to the east of a big building. We can't hold off until the inspection's over. Seize as many weapons as we can carry. There are some cages to the east of a big building. BB: But you’ve got an eye for talent, I’ll give you that. We might actually get an up close and personal look at the bastards. I knew already that tanning could cause spots, but I thought only pale-skinned Anglo-Saxons had to deal with that. When did I start having thoughts like this...? BB: Bring it on. [BB gets up to leave. I'm really just into the gameplay and unlocking new weapons. Still got your wisdom teeth? Audio compact cassettes use magnetic tape of three major types which differ in fundamental magnetic properties, the level of bias applied during recording, and the optimal time constant of replay equalization. Paz: I do not think I want to talk to you. For some reason Miller really plead my case. For Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Animal Noise Cassette Tapes". Rather anti-climactic. BB eats another fish.] We fight our enemies in order to survive. BB: [Lights himself a cigar and laughs.] Privatized militaries will shape world affairs and the economy, and I will be But you'll be the one in the field. But I did have visitors: Amanda and Chico, Huey, Cecile, Miller and a few of the soldiers I've become relatively close to. You got members of FSLN rubbing shoulders with the UCLAs. I'd planned on saying yes. Kaz: You want me to join you? Somehow, I found myself captivated by this woman more than ten years my elder. Snake and his men know that if they were to go public with this, the whole world would unite against them. By this time, Type I included pure gamma ferric oxide formulations, Type II included ferricobalt and chromium dioxide formulations, and Type IV included metal particle tapes … We made weapons all right. Cécile worked the frying pan according to Amanda's directions, but seemed a bit glum. They’re broke, barely any firepower, I thought I would never make it. about. Stay In Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, the player can access cassette tapes, either at hand or by collecting them, that will give expanded details on events and character backgrounds, as well as give some information on various missions. PAZ: With East and West fighting over its control, Central America is now the most contested region on earth. Your teeth, for example. Let's say you get lucky – and you don't look very lucky – and by some miracle you get out of your cage. Apparently he's still finding uses for his skills even now that he's out of the war. I do know if I'll be able to beat him, but if I have to choose between death and defying Cipher, I will gladly choose death. Chico: They're holding others here, too. The last photo's missing? I'm using Zadornov to buy some time. The deal remains in effect until both countries agree to dissolve it or the U.S. abandons the land. They recruit more personnel daily, and already their mercenary services are turning a profit. me. However, he does not seem to suspect me. The one thing we don't need to worry about is anyone here spilling the beans about ZEKE. Kazuhira Miller: What? And soon, all I have built here will end. BB: Part of the government’s disinformation campaign. They're impersonating people at the base. I tried to push through their legs and get ahead, but a boot in my stomach put me on the ground. Hands on your head! to learn about intelligence work. The guard said, “Boss’ orders were to make sure you had the As expected, Miller jumped at the chance. When I stop and think about this wretched existence, being killed by a man like that suddenly does not seem like such a bad thing. Kazuhira Miller: That nuke's our last line of defense. Info Tapes are important recordings in a cassette that are acquired in Metal Gear Solid V by completing various missions. I've felt that. They looked at each other's battered bodies, and then burst out laughing, embracing and congratulating each other on a good fight. Maybe the CIA’s planting I need your help. Clear! No one's seen him in years. That provided us an opportunity, so we seized it. It says, "It has come to our attention that your organization recently purchased nuclear fuel from Uzbekistan authorities. Good luck Join me. Naked Snake (Big Boss): What a load of bullshit. I guess I can’t convince you right away. back… [Kaz is field-stripped by BB.] They started shouting at one another, but Huey stepped in. But he does have a lot on his mind right now. Or should I end Skull Face: Thanks to your report a nuclear inspection team's being sent to their base. Where is Cipher... Where is Zero? You're finished. On the tapes, you will find music, monologues of the heroes from the game or recordings of interrogations. Talk. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Game Guide & Walkthrough. I choose the contest and the place. Kazuhira Miller: A chopper, and two sentries... Kazuhira Miller: A surveillance camera... with a green light... Kazuhira Miller: Hm? As I see it, it is her own fault for letting herself be deceived like that. He is Big Boss. Kazuhira Miller: Yeah. I heard later that apparently he'd been two-timing someone... and that same someone had gone to Snake with her troubles. If you radio Miller about it or are caught by it, Miller will mention that this was a setup. And no one’s ever set foot here? out. They're after Metal Gear ZEKE's nuclear warhead. BB: You beat me in any one event, and you win the contest. Eliminate the Renegade Threat (A photo of Glaz), Eliminate the Renegade Threat (A photo of Palitz), Classified Intel Acquisition (A photo of the JSC undercover agent), Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements (four photos of targets), Chico's Tape 1 - March 7-8, 1975: Arrival in Cuba, Chico's Tape 2 - March 9-11, 1975: Recordings from his Cell, Chico's Tape 3 - March 12, 1975: Escorted to Paz's Location, Chico's Tape 4 - March 12, 1975: Interrogation, Chico's Tape 5 - March 13-14, 1975: Negotiation, Chico's Tape 6 - March 14-15, 1975: Chico's Distress Call, Chico's Tape 7 - March 15, 1975: Bargaining with Paz (Final Recording), Agent's Recording - Secretly Recorded POW Interrogation, Pre-mission Brief: Mission Background & Intel, Brief 1: Nuclear Inspection Demand by the IAEA, Brief 3: Preparing Staff for the Inspection, Paz's Report 1: Contact with BIG BOSS (Colombia, November 4, 1974), Paz's Report 3: Big Boss's right-hand man, Kazuhira Miller, Paz's Report 4: The Peace Walker Project (Costa Rica), Paz's Report 6: Mammal Pod (Peace Walker's AI), Paz's Report 8: Infiltration of Mother Base, Paz's Report 9: Metal Gear ZEKE Completed, Communications Record 1 (correspondent unknown), Communications Record 2 (correspondent unknown). 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