Advertisement. Of the deaths from cattle, 40% were due to multiorgan trauma, 35% trauma to trunk and chest, and 18% from head trauma. Handling livestock is a dangerous activity. Further information is available in Github at In the 16,600-person county where Smith lives, at least five people have died in ag-related accidents since 2010. This investigation reported finding evidence that some mutilated animals had been tranquilized and treated with an anti-coagulant prior to their mutilation. In her 1976 publication Mystery Stalks the Prairie she documents the experiences of Deputy Sheriff Keith Wolverton of Great Falls, Cascade County, investigating cattle mutilations with suspected cult involvement. If livestock facilities are driving higher COVID-19 incidence, and if livestock processing is an essential industry, we would expect people in livestock-plant counties to work more compared to those in nonlivestock counties in response to COVID-related lockdowns. There were 16 incidents of livestock worrying by dogs recorded in Kerry last year. Online ISSN 1091-6490. Using our calculation of 236,000 to 310,000 cases nationwide due to livestock plants, we estimated that livestock workers represent 12 to 15% of these excess total cases. 2 years ago . 3: The strongest relationship is found with National Beef, whose indicated relationship with COVID-19 case rates is approximately five times greater in magnitude than that of other livestock facilities. In fact, through —, — percent of COVID-19 deaths nationwide have occurred among those ages 55 or older. • About one-third of cattle operations had deaths in adult cattle. Number of frontline workers were derived from Center for Economic Policy Research data (54), transforming from Public Use Microdata Area-level to the county level, assuming even allocation. Experimental transmission studies of SARS-COV-2 in fruit bats, ferrets, pigs and chickens, Assessing the role of live poultry trade in community-structured transmission of avian influenza in China, USDA allows poultry plants to raise line speeds, exacerbating risk of COVID-19 outbreaks and injury, Petition to permit waivers of maximum line speeds for young chicken establishments operating under the new poultry inspection system; criteria for consideration of waiver requests for young chicken establishments to operate at line speeds of up to 175 birds per minute, Notice, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Washington, DC, 2018, Manual on meat cold store operation and management, Causal empirical estimates suggest covid-19 transmission rates are highly seasonal, COVID 19: Challenges for virologists in the food industry, Absolute humidity modulates influenza survival, transmission, and seasonality, Predictors of indoor absolute humidity and estimated effects on influenza virus survival in grade schools, Global environmental drivers of influenza, Monitoring of pathogenic bioaerosols in beef slaughter facilities based on air sampling and airflow modeling. However, attacks have also been recorded against larger animals, including sheep, cows, and horses. At the time, it was suggested that a burst of radiation may have been used to kill the animal, blowing apart its red blood cells in the process. However, not all mutilated animals display these anomalies, and those that do have slightly different anomalies from one another. 2, pork and beef plants are well distributed throughout the United States, and, although, poultry plants are relatively concentrated in the southeastern United States, they are found across 10 states. Dead animals must be disposed of in an acceptable manner within 48 hours of death. Next, we estimated the share of cases among livestock employees relative to total excess cases in an attempt to determine the share of excess cases that may be occurring outside the livestock plants. [11], Samples from the animal's liver were found to be completely devoid of copper and to contain 4 times the normal level of zinc, potassium and phosphorus. Another driver may be the large physical spaces where processing occurs. 0749: Horses - This year 5. This includes (but is not limited to) ruling out the most obvious confounders, a cross-sectional IV, and the event-study analysis leveraging shutdown timing. When Rommel's final report was released to the public...Lauber answered an inquiry by investigator Tommy Bland: "I find it difficult to understand how Rommel could make a statement such as this, without ever having personally witnessed a [real] muitilation firsthand". The story was republished by the wider press and distributed nationwide; this case was the first to feature speculation that extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects were associated with mutilation. Overall, the wide geographic distribution of facilities by type mitigates concerns of this being a regional phenomenon. Additionally, we have shown that the dynamics over time of COVID-19 cases and deaths vary with the timing of livestock-plant shutdowns. The investigation was funded by a US$44,170 grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and was headed by FBI agent Kenneth Rommel. This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 18:16. There is a clear positive relationship between COVID-19 cases and deaths in relation to livestock facilities, and the county-level mean case rate varies directly with a county’s proximity to a neighboring county with a livestock facility. Contraction of missing/damaged areas due to dehydration. Bulls caused 54% of the cattle related deaths. As seen in the map in Fig. We note that the 259 counties in our sample with livestock plants differ in important ways from those without plants. Poultry livestock were filtered to include plants with volumes greater than 10 million pounds per month (category 5) because that category alone accounts for the majority of US production. In most cases, mutilation wounds appear to be clean and carried out surgically. [10] A 1979 FBI report indicated that, according to investigations by the New Mexico State Police, there had been an estimated 8,000 mutilations in Colorado, causing approximately $1,000,000 damage. What happens if workers cutting up the nation’s meat get sick? The proclamation enables local livestock owners to work with Angrist and Krueger (65) noted that “one should always be wary of drawing causal inferences from observational data.” We know of no random-assignment design that could address our research question and thereby yield the most reliable path to causal inference. The association is found primarily among large processing facilities and large meatpacking companies. Are swine workers in the United States at increased risk of infection with zoonotic influenza virus? A visualization map is included in SI Appendix, Fig. Compared with people of white ethnicity, Black and South Asian people were at higher risk, even after adjustment for other factors (HR 1.48 (1.29-1.69) and 1.45 (1.32-1.58), respectively). In the famous "Snippy" case, there was an absolute absence of tracks in a 100 ft (30 m) radius of the carcass (even the horse's own tracks disappeared within 100 ft (30 m) of the body.) Meanwhile, there is a lesser and imprecise relationship with retail and recreation activities, which may contribute to viral spread. SI Appendix, Table S4 categorizes beef, pork, and poultry plants by order of magnitude based on the pounds per month processed: large (category 5; over 10 million), medium (category 4; over 1 million), and small (category 3; over 100,000 and under 1 million). Salmonella initiative program participants table, (Tech. Theories of government involvement in the cattle mutilation mystery have been further fueled by "black helicopter" sightings near mutilation sites. So the main problem that we all face is that the causes remain undetected and it spreads on the other cows of your livestock. During the six to eight month time frame of Rommel's investigation, RCMP investigator Corporal Lyn Lauber of the Calgary detachment (who was in charge of the Canadian mutilation probe) investigated numerous high-strange cases. Likewise, death rates increase by 0.07 per thousand, or 37% over the county baseline of 0.2 deaths per thousand. Income levels, by contrast, are similar. Increases in production-line speeds due to technological enhancements as well as policy changes have also been hypothesized to exacerbate COVID-19 transmission (5, 42). That is, the figure we have calculated could, in fact, be more complete than the Kansas figure in capturing the spread resulting from livestock plants. ↵¶In our collected sample, the number of facilities per company varies: National Beef has only seven plants in seven counties, whereas Tyson Foods has 80 plants across 69 counties. Livestock What you need to do ... HSE aims to reduce work-related death, injury and ill health. In addition, through consolidation over the decades, the meatpacking industry has potentially increased its monopsonistic power over labor markets, which has been linked to greater work hazards (58⇓–60). ↵**A balance table for the entire sample is shown in SI Appendix, Table S11. Since lightning related fatalities (LRF) in livestock are mostly covered by fire insurance, an independent veterinarian, referred to in this context as the ‘expert veterinarian’, is asked to perform an investigation to determine whether the case complies with death due to lightning (veterinary expert investigation) (Schelcher, 1994). This association is relative to the baseline behavior change across all other counties, indicating that people in livestock-plant counties are working more (or cutting back on work less) than people in other counties. ... followed by livestock carcass removal, culling older cattle to prevent death loss, and frequent checks in areas or seasons in which predator risk is high. Ruminants like bison, cattle, sheep, and goats are highly susceptible and are often infected by consuming forage contaminated with spores. Among livestock plants in our sample, we have the dates of closures that occurred in 26 counties, or 10% of counties with plants. Los Alamos detected the presence of naturally occurring Clostridium bacteria in the heart, but was unable to reach any conclusions because of the possibility that the bacteria represented postmortem contamination. Although lacking a natural experiment to cement causality, we employ a combination of empirical tools—including an event study, instrumental variables (IVs), and matching—to support our findings. In addition, the positive relationship between COVID-19 transmission and production-line speed waivers issued to poultry plants, particularly those during the 2020 pandemic, is notable, given that these waivers are intended for plants with safe commercial production practices and microbial control.‡‡ This finding suggests a need for additional examination of this program. Flickinger recorded a number of 'unusual' incidents and circumstantial evidence, but was unable to find sufficient evidence of cult involvement for the ATF to take further action. Waivers were first issued to 20 poultry plants in 2012 as part of a pilot study to test self-monitoring of safety. CR Staff - August 21, 2020. We found that the presence of livestock plants is strongly associated with more time spent at work (SI Appendix, Table S7). It is estimated that each 2,000 pound bull was worth US$6,000. This degree of concentration stands in contrast to the European Union (EU), for example, where the top 15 meat companies represent 28% of EU meat production (28). According to Howard Burgess, nearly 90 percent of mutilated cattle are between four and five years old. On the other hand, many plants remained open due to a perceived lack of risk, while others remained open despite significant local outbreaks. Detailed CSV datasets concerning plant and county-level data relevant to COVID-19 employed in this study are available in Zenodo at Copyright © 2020 National Academy of Sciences. We controlled for the same demographic and location-based covariates as in other models. Our study represents an attempt to address this gap in knowledge. Accessed 1 August 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, News Feature: To understand the plight of insects, entomologists look to the past, Opinion: We need to improve the welfare of life science trainees, Journal Club: Clues to Alzheimer’s disease onset in the aging female brain, Protecting against spaceflight-induced muscle and bone loss. This ses-sion will look at the exposures relating to loose livestock, the own- Estimates are relative to the baseline trend across all counties. Handling livestock is a dangerous activity. Lady's head and neck had been skinned and defleshed, and the body displayed cuts that, to King, looked very precise. And while shutdown counties have higher cumulative COVID-19 caseloads on average, this is likely because closures occurred too late to suppress community spread outside of these plants. Kansas provides a telling example of the outsized role of livestock facilities: As of July 20, a total of 3,200 of 23,300 state cases (14%) were directly linked to meatpacking (67). The band “0–50 km” excludes the county itself. Farm-related deaths in Australia The number of people who are unintentionally killed on Australian farms accounts for 21 per cent of worker fatalities across all Australian industries. More broadly, the finding that meatpacking plants may contribute to high levels of community spread underscores the potential negative public health externalities generated by the industry, which may be attributable to industrial concentration, operating practices, and labor conditions. Se-Jin Lee and Emily Germain-Lee explain a way to preserve bone and muscle mass during spaceflight. Livestock handlers are involved in This model controls for state-level social distancing and stay-at-home policy and includes a fixed effect for each county, thereby isolating within-county variation in timing (among counties with plant closures). The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings, 1994, Doubleday, NYC, NY. ↵‡In our main analyses, we included category 4 and 5 pork and beef facilities and category 5 poultry facilities (which comprise 57% of total poultry plants); see Materials and Methods for a full discussion. Because of the higher milk consumption, especially by young children, pregnant and nursing… Because these plants provide a central location for moving products, it is plausible that a linear increase in the potential infected within the plant would entail a nonlinear response, owing to the complex and exponential nature of disease-transmission dynamics (70). Rep., European Federation of Food Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions, Brussels, Belgium, 2011), Resilience in a concentrated and consolidated food system, Meat shortages reopen costly path to smaller U.S. plants, Estimated daily US slaughter, capacity by plant (head per day), Nine meat plants in southern Brazil face COVID-19 outbreaks, Coronavirus spread accelerates again in Germany, An Australian meatworks is at the center of a virus outbreak, U.S. could be weeks from meat shortages with shutdowns spreading, Trump orders U.S. meat-processing plants to stay open despite coronavirus fears, White House, “Executive order on delegating authority under the DPA with respect to food supply chain resources during the national emergency caused by the outbreak of COVID-19” (Executive Order, White House, Washington, DC, 28 April 2020), Global trends in infectious diseases of swine. For propensity-score matching, we first predicted the probability that a county has at least one livestock facility (binary value) using a binomial regression that includes all of the covariates from our primary model specification in Table 1, as well as their quadratic terms to increase model flexibility. By. The action of carrion feeding insects such as. All stock purchases are charged to the Centre/Project funding the purchase and to the appropriate asset account. National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. There does not appear to be a national database on county-level testing, so we compiled data from 31 states that have livestock facilities and testing data at the county level. However, these estimates are not directly comparable because of the smaller sample size of counties with testing data (1,773 counties across the 31 states). ↵†In line with the literature, we find COVID-19 incidence to be strongly associated with population density, average household size, the timing of the first confirmed case, and the proportion of a county’s population who are public-transit commuters, elderly, Black, Hispanic, in a nursing home, uninsured, or institutionalized (SI Appendix, Table S1). Worldwide, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, bison, deer and elk have been reported mutilated with similar bloodless excisions; often an ear, eyeball, jaw flesh, tongue, lymph nodes, genitals and rectum are removed. Bulls caused 54% of the cattle related deaths. [45], At the same time that UFO reports were being filed with law enforcement, larger number of ranchers claimed to see black helicopters around their fields, coinciding with the cattle mutilations. Valdez was convinced that Rommel never was able to investigate a single high-strange case, because the mutilators moved their operations to other parts of the west. Were confounders instead driving our results, they would have to follow the timing of the plant shutdowns as well. He also stated that "I would like to see Rommel write off our confirmed cases as due to predators". [42][43][44] The reports of "helicopter" involvement have been used to explain why some cattle appear to have been "dropped" from considerable heights. Beef and pork livestock plants were filtered to include plants with volume of all processed products greater than 1 million pounds per month (categories 4 and 5), which account for the vast majority of US production. ... Livestock display an alarming ability to coordinate their attacks. Work routines in livestock processing have several characteristics that make plants susceptible to local outbreaks of respiratory viruses. By week 2, growth rates between the two categories, highly divergent in week 1, were roughly equal. S3 expands our main analysis to include neighboring counties grouped by distance band, as charted in Fig. YORKTON, SASK. The CDC includes the following among potential risk factors: long work shifts in close proximity to coworkers, difficulty in maintaining proper face covering due to physical demands, and shared transportation among workers (22). This helps argue against purely static confounders, such as highway connectedness or fraction of the population that is Hispanic. Livestock handlers are involved in [21], In most cases, mutilations were either ruled due to natural causes, or the cattle were too far decayed for any useful conclusions to be drawn. 0747: Deer - This year 3. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Dairy producers in New Mexico and Texas take a huge hit after Winter Storm Goliath wiped out more than 30,000 dairy cows. A subsequent investigation by Wadsworth Ayer for the Condon Committee (Case #32) concluded that "There was no evidence to support the assertion that the horse's death was associated in any way to abnormal causes". From these cases, it is clear that there can be numerous causes of sudden death in livestock. Killing Wolves Actually Leads to More Livestock Deaths On the surface, killing wolves that kill sheep and cattle seems like a way to control predation, but the data paints a not-so-simple picture Down into its basic organic components: Beacon press, D. Albers, Michael, relationship..., such as testing rates ] ( page 25 ) even dangerous to personnel and ranchers given the available. Robust to all three approaches meatpacking companies of your livestock also use an alternate specification with binary., nearly 90 percent of mutilated animals had been shot `` in the heart tissue plants,... 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