Developing a 7.5-sec site-condition map for Japan based on geomorphologic classification K. Wakamatsu1 & M. Matsuoka2 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University, Japan 2Geoinformation Center, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and … Based on the classification of soil types, in the northern part of East Java is dominated by the type of soft soil (SE) to hard soil (SC). with Vs30 (through site classes) and spectral period (two-state period classification). All IP soil The average shear wave velocity for the top 30 m of soil is referred to as VS30. For earthquake engineering design purposes, both the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and Eurocode 8 … In our study we did not encounter E type sites. Download GMT grd file for Global Vs30 Data(631 MB ZIP) 4. This issue makes Iran a country that suffers from geotechnical seismic hazards associated with frequent destructive earthquakes. Cabot Institute for the Environment; Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering; Department of Civil Engineering; Bristol Doctoral College Its value decreases by increasing the shear strain. 1. Soft soil deposits were mainly observed at relatively shallow depths in the study, and their amounts were decreased by increasing depth. Vs30 measurements using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method. The VS30values were obtained from the phase velocity of the Rayleigh wave corresponding to … 5 ), we have T s values lying between 0.1 s and 1.19 s. used this site classification rather than the traditional description based on Vs30 because thick stiff soil layers overlying hard rock amplify long-period motions. Palu City is an active seismic area in Indonesia due to the very active Palu-Koro fault system. Conversely, thin soft soil layers amplify short periods. From the isoperiod map (Fig. The development of the city area, therefore, must consider the risks induced by the seismic activities. Abstract. Metadata for GMT and geotiff downloads: 5.1. the average shear wave velocity of the top 30m of the soil profile. In this study, correlation relationships are established for Vs30 with potential proxies such as ground slope and terrain features. Other simplified seismic soil classification experiences. We also analyze the marginal distributions of the input VS30 and slope values and their impact on the VS30-slope correlations and we evaluate whether the method performs better than does chance. In this two-parameter approach, V S10 could be substituted for V S30. Estimating shear wave velocity of soil using standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts in Mashhad city Omolbanin Ataee1,*, Naser Hafezi Moghaddas2 and Gholam Reza Lashkaripour2 1University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran. For the S2 soil type classification of Vs30 between 180 m/s and 500 m/s, there are greater differences. The average shear wave velocity for the top 30 m of soil is referred to as VS30. For earthquake engineering design purposes, both the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and Eurocode 8 (EC8) codes use VS30 to classify sites according to the soil type. The risk assessment has to be supported by information on subsurface characteristics. which we applied in 33 sites to define the soil classification in terms of V S30 (the average shear wave velocity between the surface and 30 m depth), the bedrock depth and the fundamental period. Regions marked with letters ‘A’ and ‘B’ corresponding to Vs30 greater The secondary goal is to use the Vs (30) data to create the preliminary site amplification map of the city. Based on topographic slope, with custom embedded maps (Heath et al., 2020). Geotechnical Characterization for Seismic Design: Standard Penetration Testing and Shear Wave Velocity ProfilesShear Wave Velocity Profiles Brady R. Cox, Ph.D., P.E.Brady R. Cox, Ph.D., P.E. The parameter Vs30 describess the average shear wave velocity between 0m and 30m depth, which describes the site soil conditions. The SP soil factors in that standard reference (Building Seismic Safety Council, 1997, table do not go below 0.9, that is, substantial damping of the input rock motion is not recognized. We consider alternative soil classification schemes that include soil frequency besides the velocity profile. 2Faculty of Geology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. These values are in the range of 180-342 m/s, which categorized as stiff soil (SD). Site – soil classification (U.S. seismic codes) •U.S. 3 An alternative to VS30-based classes was proposed by Zhao et al. Site – soil classification. (2006), based only on the site predominant period inferred from H/V spectral ratios. 1978 ATC provisions) proposed four soil types characterized by both qualitative and quantitative criteria, including type, thickness and shear wave velocity. As reference, the NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazard Reduction) site classification has been characterized in the past as soil B, C and D with Vs30 values corresponding to 760m/s, 560m/s … VS 2 (1.1) where soil density (ρ) is the total unit weight of the soil divided by gravity (9.81 m/sec2 or 32.2 ft/sec2). Site classifications from the NEHRP Provisions [BSSC, 1994]. Seismic Site-condition (Vs30) and Amplification Estimation • Good correlation with building damage • More appropriate index than slope of topography to estimate soil condition and Vs30 • In addition, the classification was previously found to correlate well with data on storm-surge-induced flood zones, tsunami-induced flood zones, and The values of Vs30 are widely used because they provide site classification according to several codes, including the European Eurocode 8 (EC8). In general, there is little difference in the site classification based on DEM data with different resolution. the average shear wave velocity of the cover layer, the resonance frequency and the impedance contrast between the cover and the bedrock, which we summarize as … Vs30 East Java values ranged from 168-788 m/s with sediment thickness ranging from 10 meters to more than 200 meters. The construction of heavy infrastructures requires the estimation of terrain response to earthquakes. Soil Classification Soil Classification --Criteria used Criteria used CLASS CRITERIA 1 CRITERIA 2 Subsoil class A Rock or geologic formation characterized by Vs >= 800 m/s Compact deposits of sands, gravels or overconsolidated clays, several tens of meters thick (Vs >= 400 m/s at 10m depth) B Deep deposits of medium dense … used this site classification rather than the tradi tional description based on Vs30 because thick stiff soil layers overlying hard rock amplify long-period motions. same soil layer. B Rock 1 < UCS < 50 MPa & Vs30 > 360 m/s & not underlain by < 0.8 MPa or Vs 300 m/s materials, a surface layer no more than 3 m depth (HW-CW rock/soil). This classification is based on the percentages of sand, silt and clay Sizes making up the soil. 11 For earthquake engineering design purposes, both the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and Eurocode 8 (EC8) codes use V S 30 to classify sites according to the soil type. The class determination based on shear wave (Vs30) can be seen in … This means that Vs30 does not always capture the predominant period of t he site, since it represents This is because of reducing the soil’s stiffness as a result of increasing the shear deformation. This criterion is used in Japan for the seismic design of highway bridges (Japan Road … On this data set, we noticed that V S10 could predict site classification with the same performances of V S30. The class determination based on shear wave (Vs30) can be seen in table 1: Table 1. This soil classification can be used in engineering and the design of critical facilities while the other parameters classification systems, such as Vs30 (average shear wave velocity to 30 meter depth), NEHRP classification, surface geology classification, and Geomatrix classification; estimation via correlations of Vs30 values at stations not having measured Vs30 values (Fig.1b shows about 30% The values provide information of the classification of the soil surface to a depth of 30 meters. It is acquired using 24 geophones of the vertical component with the frequency of 4.5 Hz. The primary goal of this study is to generate the NEHRP soil classification map for Lamphun City using the average shear wave velocity values (Vs (30) ) derived from the multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) data. 2800) under the authority of the BHRC (Building & Housing Research Center) considers soil classifications as a basis for estimating Vs30 [19,20]. Vs30 calculation enables classification of soil according to NEHRP (Table 1). 2, Kemayoran, Jakarta Here it is proposed a simplified soil classification approach that takes into account the basic Physics of seismic amplification and its parameters, i.e. This means that Vs30 does not always capture the … The Vs30 values calculated by using multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) were used to create a new soil classification map of the Dinar region. Surface seismic measurements were carried out at 50 locations mostly in Dinar city and its surroundings. These site classes are as follows: Class A – hard rock – V S30 > 1500 m/s (UBC) or V S100’ > 5,000 f/s (IBC) Class B – rock – 760 < V S S Class C – very dense soil and soft rock – 360 < V S30 ≤ 760 m/s (UBC) or 1,200 < V S Class D – stiff soil – 180 < V S30 ≤ 360 m/s (UBC) or 600 < V S Class E – soft soil … … Site classification of US code (from [4]) Site category Rock & soil type . layer, assuming that each part is represented by a soil layer with a constant shear wave velocity[8]. Vs30 measurements (the average shear-velocity down to 30 m) are correlated against topographic slope to … Table 1. The soil classification is based upon the European Code 8 for civil engineering which was carried out for land use planning and design of critical facilities. Most of the international seismic codes make use of the average shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m (Vs,30) to discriminate soil categories, although some doubts arose about the capability of Vs,30 to predict actual soil amplification. In the southern part of eastern Java is dominated by medium soil … Ismet Kanli A, Tildy P, Prónay Z, Pinar A and Hermann L 2006 Vs30 Mapping and Soil Classification for Seismic Site Effect Evaluation in Dinar Region, SW Turkey Geophysical Journal International 165 223-235. This quantity is also used in the building code Eurocode 8 (EC8) to clas-sify sites according to soil type into five major categories, and two specific categories that correspond to very loose For earthquake engineering design purposes, both the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and Eurocode 8 (EC8) codes use VS30 to classify sites according to the soil type. The Vs30 values calculated by using multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) were used to create a new soil classification map of the Dinar region. Hundreds of available boreholes drilled for engineering (with SPT data) and water supply were used to confirm layer thicknesses and lithologies at depth together with a detailed … VS30 seismic microzoning based on a geomorphology map: Experimental case study of Chiang mai, Chiang rai, and Lamphun, Thailand Fig. Table 1. Larger discrepancies are found for S2 soil type classification, with Vs30 from 180 to 500 m/s. This classification is used for structure design by the engineering community, and for soil ground motion estimation, by seismologists. This means that Vs30 does not always capture the predominant period of Vs30 Mapping and Soil Classification in The Southern Part of Kulon Progo Using Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Inversion Bambang Sunardi 1, Siti Naimah2, Urip Haryoko , Supriyanto Rohadi1, Sulastri1, Rasmid1 1 Research and Development center, Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency, Jl. Particle Size Classification of Soil. categories using this method. The objective of the present study is to underline some of the risks associated with solely using Vs30 as a classification tool. In Italy, simplified soil classification schemes trying to overcome some limits of the Vs30 approach are already applied and are in some way similar to the VfZ approach. geological and geotechnical parameters to define the soil classes. The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) was established in 1979 under the auspices of the National Institute of Building Sciences as an entirely new type of instrument for dealing with the complex regulatory, technical, social, and economic issues involved in developing and promulgating building A Vs30 distribution map and soil type classification are obtained by applying the geostatistical interpolation method. V. s. 30. in the table is calculated by Eq.1 i si. Iran is located on the Alpide earthquake belt, in the active collision zone between the Eurasian and Arabian plates. The present research was directed toward preparation of the first detailed V S 30 and soil classification maps for the LTV region using in situ shear‐wave velocity (⁠ V S ⁠) measurements. V S 30 is a standard soil classification tool (as in the UBC and EC8 standards). 4 and Table 1), we have soil type B at one site, C at 12 sites and D at 20 sites. In the last 15 years, GPR has developed an unmatched expertise in seismic site classification, covering thousands of different site conditions in all Eastern Canada. These authors used this site classification rather than the traditional description based on Vs30 because thick stiff soil layers overlying hard rock amplify long-period motions. units were assigned with a time-averaged shear wave velocity of 30 m (VS30), which was collected by the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method of microtremor array measurements. Vs30 value in Meuraxa District has soft soil (SE) and medium soil (SD) based on the soil classification table SNI 1726-2012. In conclusion, our results support the idea that SPAC method with NEHRP approach is very useful tool for site classification and then for seismic microzonation studies of Muscat city. Browse and download data through the Vs30 map app 2. C Shallow Soil not class A, … Menu Home; Sign-up; Posts; Courses; Donate; Links; Contacts; About 3 An alternative to VS30-based classes was proposed by Zhao et al. Site classification and Vs30 estimation of free-field TSMIP stations using the logging data of EGDT Chun-Hsiang Kuo a,⁎, Kuo-Liang Wen a,b, Hung-Hao Hsieh a, Che-Min Lin a, Tao-Ming Chang a, Kai-Wen Kuo c a National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan b Institute of Geophysics, National Central … There are four classes in this classification, namely SC I, II, III and IV, which means, I, instead of rock, II hard soil, III medium soil and IV soft soil. In possession of a detailed shear wave velocity map of Dinar City, in general, the results show that there is a correlation between the VS30 values and the damage distribution of the region. Proposal for a soil classification based on parameters alternative or complementary to Vs,30 Proposal for a soil classification based on parameters alternative or complementary to Vs,30 Luzi, L.; Puglia, R.; Pacor, F.; Gallipoli, M.; Bindi, D.; Mucciarelli, M. 2011-05-03 00:00:00 The selection of specific elastic response spectra according to soil … Chromoscience. To do so, three imaginary soil profiles that are quite different in nature, but all with the same average Vs were considered and were subjected to the same earthquake excitation. Conversely, thin soft soil layers amplify short per iods. (2004) first, and Wald and Allen (BSSA, 2007, in press), more fully, describe a methodology for deriving maps of seismic site conditions using topographic slope as a proxy. Philippines Shear Wave Velocity (Vs30) Wald et al. Program (NEHRP 1994) soil classification scheme (BSSC 2003). network-based soil classification system were evaluated and compared with two empirical schemes which are based on the spectral shape of normalized response spectra and the aver-age horizontal to vertical spectral rations of ground motions. Also, according to the rapid growth of population and demands for construction … ABSTRACT We carried out shallow subsurface investigations at 600 sites covering all types of geological units in the Northwestern Deccan Volcanic Province of India, using the multichannel analysis of surface waves and suspension PS‐logging methods. Site Classification defined by Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003), with suggested Vs30 from Wills and Silva (1998) and extended NEHRP site classes as defined by Wills et al., (2000) A= Firm Soil: Holocene; recent alluvium, alluvial fans, undifferentiated Quaternary deposits., Vs30 = 298±92 m/sec; NEHRP D New European norms impose the calculation of a representative value (VS 30 ), which is based on V S. MASW are perfectly suited for this purpose. The classification system is shown in Table 1. Incorporation of the NEHRP-style soil classification scheme was a relatively simple and generalized way to improve upon previous soil provisions in most building codes. (2006), based only on the site predominant period inferred from H/V spectral ratios. Thus, the V S 30 and the damage distribution maps are compared. Vs30 measurements for Seismic Site Classification 1. layer, assuming that each part is represented by a soil layer with a constant shear wave velocity[8]. Vs30 was accepted for site classification in the USA (NEHRP) by the UBC (Uniform Building Code) in 1997 ( Dobry 2000 ), and also in the new provisions of Eurocode 8 ( Sabetta & Bommer 2002; Sêco e Pinto 2002 ). The UBC classification was applied for site condition mapping in California ( Wills 2000 ). Conversely, thin soft soil layers amplify short periods. soil soil a rock rock R RS T F dT R RS T ³ Mid-period Site (amplification) coefficient (F v) 2.0 0.4 v 1.6 ( ) R RS T F dT Sites were classified based on the mean shear wave velocity of the upper 30m(Vs30; 100ft or 30.48m) depth. (G) of the soil according to: 50 10 (G) of the soil according to: G = *Vs2 • Vs used to obtain simplified 100 e pth (ft) 30 20 Depth (Seismic Site Classification via the average shear wave velocity over the top 30m (Vs30 or Vs) 150 D 40 Vs = Vs30 = 325 m/s m) over the top 30m (Vs30 or Vs) • Vs profile also needed for more advanced ground motion 200 60 50 The seismic codes of many countries base their site classifications on the Vs30 parameter, i.e., the average shear-wave velocity in the first 30 m of subsoil. The shear modulus, known as Gmax, is a key parameter for predicting the static and dynamic behavior of soils. 5. The most commonly used parameter is the V. s,30, i.e. Download geotiff and auxillary files for Global Vs30 Data(631 MB ZIP) 5. Discover, Learn, and Share Science Today. C Shallow Soil not class A, B or E, low amplitude natural period ≤ 0.6s, or Conversely, thin soft soil layers amplify short periods. Average SPT-N values for the depths of (a) 5 m, (b) 10 m, (c) 15 m, (d) 20 m, and (e) 25 m in Kahramanmaras area. (2004) first, and Wald and Allen (BSSA, 2007, in press), more fully, describe a methodology for deriving maps of seismic site conditions using topographic slope as a proxy. most building codes, the averaged shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 meter of soil, Vs30, is often used as the key parameter in site classification. For this work, multi-channel surface wave seismic data … The average shear wave velocity for the top 30 m of soil is referred to as V S 30 . The NEHRP-style code provisions (see Martin and Dobry 1994) provides for amplification factors based primarily on Vs30. Philippines Shear Wave Velocity (Vs30) Wald et al. Site classification systems use seismic response parameters related to the geotechnical characteristics of the study area as the classification criteria. A Strong Rock UCS > 50 MPa & Vs30 > 1500 m/s & not underlain by < 18 MPa or Vs 600 m/s materials. 2Faculty of Geology, Ferdowsi University of … From the soil classification, we construct a microzona-tion map consisting of four geotechnical zones, which we superimpose on the known The most important parameter in the classification of the soil response is the average shear-wave velocity in the topmost 30 m of sediments, the Vs30. V. s. 30 (m/s) A Hard rock >1500 B Rock 760-1500 C Very stiff soil& soft rock 360-760 D Medium stiff soil 180-360 E Medium soft soil <180 F \ Requiring site-specific evaluations . used this site classification rather than the traditional description based on Vs30 because thick stiff soil layers overlying hard rock amplify long-period motions. This means that Vs30 does not always capture the predominant period of the site, since it represents VS30, Poisson’s coefficients and VP/VS ratios were determined and a soil classification based on the Eurocode 8 (Penelis, 1997) was estimated from shear wave velocity, layer thickness and SPT information. The results reveal that VS30 values are in the range of 760–1500 m/s for granites and Deccan traps, thus enabling their classification … ABSTRACT We carried out shallow subsurface investigations at 600 sites covering all types of geological units in the Northwestern Deccan Volcanic Province of India, using the multichannel analysis of surface waves and suspension PS‐logging methods. D - Loose to medium cohesionless soil or soft to firm cohesive soil E - Surface alluvium layer C or D, 5 to 20 m thick, over a much stiffer material Ground conditions defined by shear wave velocities in the top 30 m and also by indicative values for N SPT and c u 2 special ground types S1 and S2 requiring special studies The simplified seismic soil classification in many countries still basically relies on the Vs30 parameter as a proxy to the amplification factor. Code (IBC) permits a similar approach for site classification, the average shear wave velocity of the upper 100 ft. The pros and cons of this approach have already been extensively debated in the literature. Our results (⁠V S30 VS30 and soil classification maps) show that lithological changes within each formation prevent simple generalization of geophysical data/interpretations based solely on geological mapping. Title [223-235]gji2882 Author: kdo Created Date: 3/12/2006 1:15:50 PM The cumulative frequency plot of VS30 for the data set is shown in Figure 3. V S Profiles and seismic classification of the ground through calculation of the European Norm VS 30. This criterion is used in Japan for the seismic design of highway bridges (Japan Road Association, 1980 and its The mapping result showed that most of the southern part of Kulon Progo has a relatively low Vs30 value. The damage distribution has been studied in great detail by several authors, who inferred different reasons for it. B Rock 1 < UCS < 50 MPa & Vs30 > 360 m/s & not underlain by < 0.8 MPa or Vs 300 m/s materials, a surface layer no more than 3 m depth (HW-CW rock/soil). Source code repository on Github(for technical users) 3. @article{37339, author = {J. Carvalho and R. Dias and R. Ghose and P. Teves-Costa and J. Borges and J. Narciso and C. Pinto and J. Leote}, title = {Near?Surface Characterization of the Lisbon and Lower Tagus Valley Area, Portugal, for Seismic Hazard Assessment: VS30 and Soil Classification Maps}, journal = {Bulletin of … Vs30 values in the north and central part are between 180 ≤ Vs ≤ 360 m/s suggesting a D type soil. Geophysics GPR offers a large range of techniques for Seismic Site Classification for building code requirements (V̄ s30) and measurement of shear-wave velocities.. In this system, soils are arranged according to the grain size. The estimated Vs30 values are ≤180 m/s in the central and the northernmost part of the study area are showing an E type soil after the classification of NEHRP, where alluvial deposits are dominant. The results show that this spectrum of vs30, first of all with Vs30 from 350 to 500 We also consider the surface geology of sites and investigate whether differences in geology can help explain why certain sites are … In the location 1, the value of shear wave velocity (Vs30) was 164.4 m/s with soft soil type (SE). Since this new VS30 method is intended for use at soil sites, rock sites were not included in the data set. Results show that this Vs30 range needs to be divided in two groups, the first one with Vs30 from 350 to 500 m/s and the second one with Vs30 from 200 to 350 m/s. Vs30 is one of the parameters used in the microzonation maps. Estimating shear wave velocity of soil using standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts in Mashhad city Omolbanin Ataee1,*, Naser Hafezi Moghaddas2 and Gholam Reza Lashkaripour2 1University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran. In Shandong, the main sites are stiff soil (D), very dense soil (C), Basis of the Current Site Classification Systemsoil Intermediate-period Site (amplification) coefficient (F i) … After obtaining the Vs30 value of the study area, according to Table 1, the site classification of the study area is obtained (Figure 7 and Figure 8). There are four classes in this classification, namely SC I, II, III and IV, which means, I, instead of rock, II hard soil, III medium soil and IV soft soil. Crossref Google Scholar There is no doubt … VS30 and soil classification maps were compared with the damage distribution associated with the earthquake. Angkasa 1 No. seismic codes prior to 1994 (e.g. The increasing of the shear modulus by increasing the shear strain is affected by some of the soil … For instance, similarly to NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Program) classifications in the U.S., Iranian standard (Standard No. And yet, despite the widespread use of this parameter, there is not universal agreement that this is a valid proxy for seismic amplification. From the map view of Vs30, at the site, three regions could be observed and classified according to their Vs30 values. The aim of this study is to … G max has units of force per length squared (i.e., kPa or psf). Determination of Vs30 for seismic soil classification Vs30 is considered as a representative quantity by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) that is used for the site classification in earthquake hazards studies. Uniform Building Code (UBC-1997) is currently practiced, and the site classification are defined using site specific V s30 . These Vs30 Such a classification is more suitable for describing coarse-grained soils rather than clay soils whose properties are less dependent on … The current site classification systems in South Korea and the United States recommend Vs30, which is the average shear wave velocity (Vs) up to 30 m underground. The results revealed the accept-able ability of proposed methods to predict the soil class in the study area. D - Loose to medium cohesionless soil or soft to firm cohesive soil E - Surface alluvium layer C or D, 5 to 20 m thick, over a much stiffer material Ground conditions defined by shear wave velocities in the top 30 m and also by indicative values for N SPT and c u 2 special … A Strong Rock UCS > 50 MPa & Vs30 > 1500 m/s & not underlain by < 18 MPa or Vs 600 m/s materials. N30 based seismic site classification map in Kahramanmaras area. Our results (VS30 and soil classification maps) show that lithological changes within each formation prevent simple generalization of geophysical data/inter- pretations based solely on geological mapping. 1 reports the Vs profiles grouped by soil class, with According to the V S 30 values and the resultant soil classification (Fig. The . Therefore, we propose the use of surface wave analysis methods (multichannel analysis of surface waves and refraction microtremor), which we applied in 33 sites to define the soil classification in terms of VS30 (the average shear wave velocity between the surface and 30 m depth), the bedrock depth and the fundamental period.

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