Responding is a conscious and learned choice. If reactions are involuntary (meaning you react automatically and without forward thinking), then the result your reactions will always be the same kind of response. Emotionally sensitive people, as well as those with unresolved emotional conflicts or issues, may experience this on a regular basis until they are able to change their thought processes and behaviors. Cool, calm, and collected. When things happen, someone gets upset, etc, come back to you. Step 3. To be less emotionally reactive entails arming yourself with strategies to react, but not be reactive. This first step is the hardest. Instead of being emotionally reactive you need to learn to be emotionally responsive. Decide if you are a highly sensitive person, someone who may be reactive to loud noises, strong smells or excessive stimuli in his environment, according to Susan Biali, M.D. Instead of immediately calling them out on mistakes, I would wait until a specific part of the day/week and approach them about their performance. Reactive people let the ball of life play them rather than playing the ball. Focus on wholeheartedly accepting the situation as it is, which lessens the emotional reaction. Part of serenity is learning (and remembering) to be emotionally non-reactive. We all have a choice. Instead, the goal of these practices is to be aware of and in control of your reactions. To be as Steven Covey says, “Response-able” or “able to control our responses”. Determine if your feelings stem from within you or from external forces. Take a breath. You can familiarize yourself with the feelings associated so you can anticipate the storm or feel it brewing inside of you. Follow these simple rules when you feel challenged by your partner: Calm down inside and get centered. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Read a text message and not immediately reply? If it is someone who doesn't know you well, try to let the comment go without another thought. The problem with this is that the brain LOVES habits. What I mean by dominance is being a strong, decisive and always a respectful person. Troy Erstling is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Writer, World Traveler and overall great dude :) He was previously the Founder of, a platform connecting people to international work opportunities. Consider talking to a therapist or mental health counselor if you feel depressed. In the moments where life truly tests you, this space will come in handy to make sure you make the right decision instead of allowing your emotions to be in the driver’s seat. You can do this in bigger ways too. Notice yourself when you’re in a similar situation and intentionally try to implement your new technique. In other words, you don’t have a choice and an automation took its place. This can help you to gain control of your emotions and react less to others in this manner. Karen Kleinschmidt has been writing since 2007. Being non-reactive means that you don't get angry, you don't explain, you don't give yourself up. Understand how your temperament fits or does not fit with your children’s temperament and create strategies to help each other. ESTJs try not to be emotionally reactive people and would rather focus on practical things. Note that this is different than avoidance or non-reactivity. Ask for more information and try to get to what’s behind his or her challenge. Notice what sets you off. Dominance = Attraction. Tell your partner you are interested in how he or she is feeling and needing. When a text message or notification comes in – you don’t have to pick up your phone to look at it. Determine if your feelings stem from within you or from external forces. Non-reactive means you’re on an emotional even keel. Led to less confrontation, more open communication, and less defensiveness. You hear this all the time, and for good reason: Breathe. Here are some techniques: Notice your feet touching the ground; how does it feel? Take inventory of your blind reactions, cultivate a mindful discipline to understand the circumstances that give rise to them, and diligently work to create newer, healthier reactive patterns. Senator from California who observed that we live in two worlds: one of first-hand experience and the other of verbal description. One day someone started shooting at a bar. Breathe in and focus on the scents wafting into your nostrils. Emotional detachment in this sense is a decision to avoid engaging emotional connections, rather than an inability or difficulty in doing so, typically for personal, social, or other reasons. Learn how to stop being emotionally reactive: Improve your relationships, learn how to be vulnerable, and quit letting anxiety/anger/shame control your life! We can do this in small ways. Kleinschmidt holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Montclair State University. For example, rather than react by crying, withdrawing or becoming angry over someone else's inconsiderate comment, take a moment or two to reflect on who made the comment, what she knows about you and why she might have said it. Sometimes, it can appear to be analytical thinking. Then repeat this process over and over until we establish new ways of responding to difficult situations. Cold as ice. Reply to your emails based on urgency rather than FIFO? Notice when you’re picking up your phone out of habit. Circles of Concern and Influence. Biali suggests sleeping at least 7 hours a night, eating a healthy diet, cutting out caffeine and taking down time for yourself on a regular basis to decompress and relax. Learn from the implementation and repeat . Take a self-assessment. The problem is that while these small reactions/habits seem innocent, they can ripple over and cause gross over-reactivity and mindless decision making in other areas of your life. Didn’t even notice that he nearly died. We can apply this in the biggest areas of our life as well. There may be discussion and facts may be looked at, but in the end the decision is made based on reaction to … Mindfulness can help to reduce distressing emotions and pressures associated with emotional reactivity. I knew that my interruptions were hurting their productivity. Some tips to support you to be less reactive Think about responding rather than reacting. At first, you try to swat at it and get it away from you…but no matter how many times you swat, it keeps circling back. Close your eyes, take some breathes, recenter yourself so other people’s shit is not causing you to react or attrain to the emotion they are experiencing. He simply sat there and sipped his drink. Emotional thinking is thinking driven by emotions like anger, fear, greed or aversion. Practicing mindfulness, being aware and observing your thoughts and feelings in the present moment without judgment, according to the article, "How Mindfulness Can Help You Regulate Emotions," published on the Psych Central website. Being Less Emotionally Reactive (Step 3) Step 3 is in real time and you have to face the emotional reactions as they erupt. Try to notice the feeling and stop yourself from automatically reaching for it. Many survivors often ask themselves if they are abusive too because of how they react, but the truth is that mutual abuse is very rare and many experts don’t believe it exists . Look at the colors, movements, shadows, textures, etc. If you can’t control your small reactions, there’s a small chance you’ll be able to control yourself when faced with larger ones. Carry a crystal or object in your pocket and touch it whenever you feel triggered. Learn to work together. An ability to choose how we want to react to a given stimuli or situation. To try something new, I started to keep a list of errors that I noticed throughout the day/week. Change your daily habits little by little, if you are highly sensitive. Stephan Erdman - Authentic Game 4,202 views Hayakawa was a perceptive writer and U.S. However, when infused with mindfulness and careful re-conditioning it is possible to come to a place of non-reaction… It’s become a habit. For example, you may become agitated in loud, crowded places resulting in you taking your feelings out on others. If a new email comes in – it doesn’t have to be the first one that you respond to. Dating Concepts Breakdown! Then after repeating this habit 10 more times with the same reaction, your brain started to create a script for you to follow. He loves to get the most out of every day and live life with a smile :) Narcissists are deathly afraid of being exposed or that other people will … Deep breathing helps calm your emotions and lessens anxiety. Count to 10. Now every time the phone rings or has a notification, you immediately pick up the phone to look at it. One way is to take a questionnaire, such as the one from The Emotionally Sensitive Person available at PsychCentral. Remember, reacting is automatic and instinctual. Sometimes it takes getting pissed off to see “ah, that’s how I react when I’m angry.”. I needed an alternative system. in her article, "Top 10 Survival Tips For the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)," published on the Psychology Today website. Can You Really Attract Women By Being "Non Reactive"? He has lived in Argentina, South Korea, India, Malaysia and Brazil while visiting 20 countries. In contrast, when you feel safe and not threatened, your brain’s reactive system is calm, soothed. Now it’s your responsibility to take back the choice of how you want to react. We can train ourselves to notice our automatic reactions, pause when they happen, and choose a more appropriate response. Here are some easy exercises I like to run that train you to be less reactive in your day to day life: If nothing else, try to cultivate awareness of your blind reactions. Every time I sent a message like this, I distracted them from the work that they needed to do. When someone annoys you at work, instead of immediately reacting you can write it down and discuss it at a later point in time. You know that it has no bearing on you. A gunshot went straight through his top-hat. When your partner is angry and you respond by being angry right back, it's going to make matters much worse. Re-reading Covey’s chapter on being proactive convicted me because it allowed me to see that I have a lot of work to do on being a less reactive man. Step 1: Recognize You’re Emotionally Hooked. (It’s not great for proactive employees, either.) The best way of describing non-reactive is that nothing is a big deal, nothing is a problem. A habit is merely a reaction that happened the same way so many times it became an automation. Tell yourself that you’re not the victim of circumstances, and you can choose how to respond when things don’t go your way. Notice when something grabbed your attention, or when you handled a tough conversation badly, or when you offended someone accidentally, and take mental note of how you reacted. It had a wonderful result. If it is someone you respect, consider talking to her once your emotions are calm. Use mindful listening. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Try breathing in through your nose slowly for four seconds. The problem with this is that it would disrupt their day. *This is the emotionally reactive person. There’s a feeling that comes along when you’ve been hooked, caught, or activated by an emotional pattern. If you feel emotional reactivity around too many things, or too often, or if you think you’re super-sensitive to what you perceive as criticism, even when someone simply doesn’t agree with you, then your ability to move forward, build rewarding relationships, feel joy, and express spontaneity is going to be hijacked. Change your perception of the situation. All of your experiences, from early childhood to adolescence and into adulthood have molded you into the reactive (or non-reactive) person that you are today. If you’re dealing with a difficult individual, try to put yourself in the challenging person’s shoes, even … The person who doesn’t react? Good luck on your journey, may you be stable and unfuckwithable. Get Back Into Your Body. This means instead of being swayed by the winds of external circumstance, you’re anchored into your own lack of emotional reactivity. The person who swats at every small problem that arises. Her short stories and articles have appeared in "Grandma's Choice," "Treasure Box" and "Simple Joy." Plant your feet … We can cultivate an inner-self that remains stable regardless of whatever is happening externally. Hold … The key first step in this process is halting. If I saw that they made errors in a project, I would immediately send them a message or give them a phone call. You may find that once you have assessed the situation, you realize you don't feel it necessary to give an emotional response. They have no power to touch you if you don’t give it to them. The first step is to recognize you’ve been hooked by an emotion. To set the bar on how easy it is to rattle your cage. Tips to stay Non-Reactive at Holiday Time: – Take deep centering breathes. For ESTJs emotions can only get in the … Let’s revisit that conversation: 1) Pause, take a breath and get centered. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Write a Letter to Someone Who Has Betrayed You, Psych Central: How Mindfulness Can Help You Regulate Emotions, Improving Emotional Health, Psychology Today: Top 10 Survival Tips For the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). The unpleasant emotions are fast, challenging to become aware of and the emotional pull can be intense. Iceberg. This doesn’t mean repressing emotions or being robotic and unemotional. More importantly, we created a culture of stop and think before reacting. The ability to and the manner in which you handle your emotions is strongly tied to your overall emotional health and psychological well-being, according to Seek professional help for aggressive and violent reactions. Unfortunately, many people spend much of their time in the reactive mode. Breathing allows you to calm your nervous system and your fight or flight response, which helps you make a clearer decision. In this sense it can allow people to maintain boundaries, psychic integrity and avoid undesired impact by or upon others, related to emotional demands. The next time you can work on catching yourself in your anger and making a conscious decision instead. Chödrön calls this “shenpa,” which is usually translated as “attachment.” Shenpa underlies all emotions. When moving from sitting>standing, try to take a conscious deep breath before you stand up, or vice versa in opposite standing>sitting. They’re unfuckwithable. Sometimes, the nature and intensity of an emotional reaction stems from an experience in your past that you haven't dealt with, says Hanks. So you’re talking to the girl, you’re having fun, you’re being social, you are building some attraction and … Notice what sets you off. It became your automatic reaction aka habit. How to become less reactive and more emotionally stable, The 4 Levels of Non-Reactivity - Troy Erstling, Stop chasing new customers if you’re neglecting your current ones, When the phone rings take a deep breath before answering – or don’t answer at all and intentionally call back later, When a notification goes off take a deep breath before looking at it – or try not to look at it at all. around you. How to Be Less Reactive to People Emotionally Step 1. Can you learn to ignore your phone when it rings? Iceberg Slim. Back away from an escalating conflict. You can’t just expect to be mindful when you... 2) Don’t be surprised if your partner is defensive too. If you’re in a heated situation of some kind where you’re more likely to be emotionally volatile, try to notice your feelings before you react. She has worked with children with ADHD, sensory issues and behavioral problems, as well as adults with chronic mental illness. We created a time and a place to discuss errors and mistakes, instead of immediately calling them out and creating an interruption. The ability to control how you react to difficult situations is the most important skill to cultivate in life. It does mean that we have a degree of choice in how we react to difficult and stressful situations. Alternatively, you may be reacting to external stimuli, such as someone making a hurtful comment. Reactive abuse vs. mutual abuse According to , mutual abuse is when both partners are equally abusive to one another. As long as you are reacting to Douglas with your own controlling behavior, nothing will change. Respect other people and allow them to say what they want, even if it is negative of some kind. By training ourselves NOT TO REACT to small things (notifications, calls, messages, itches, annoyances), we can then train ourselves to be more mindful when the big challenges do arise. When faced with the decision to react or to choose a different option, while you are still … The next time you feel an itch somewhere on your body – don’t scratch it. For example instead of immediately reacting to a notification on your phone, pause, take a deep breath, and then decide if it’s important or not. What is the opposite of reactive personality traits? Learn how your comment data is processed. Imagine that you’re sitting in a park reading a book when a fly circles by your head. Becoming in tune with your own needs can help you to be less emotionally reactive to others. View all posts by troygerstling. Try to think about what you could have done differently. Instead of mindlessly reacting, you can catch yourself, breathe in that space for a second, and then choose what you want to do. Expose their insecurities. Feel your emotions and take a step back from the situation to look at it from the outside. Reactive employees will tend to overreact if feedback is sporadic or only about problems. You took the bait. This habit of pausing before blindly reacting is important because it creates SPACE between the stimuli and the reaction. While we don’t want to strive to be a non-reactive emotionless pimp, we can learn from his ability to remain unflustered. Be non-reactive to people emotionally. - Duration: 4:01. Breathe before responding. Perhaps you noticed or someone kindly pointed out that you react with emotionally intensity to issues that arise. Send messages to your children that help them to appreciate their unique being and help them to feel good about who … This article was originally published by Luke Jones at HERO Movement: Proactive Vs Reactive “Reactive people are often affected by their physical … Give yourself as much time as you need before responding. Small mindless reactions lead to larger ones in the most important areas of your life. He was a man in-control of his emotions and thus, his reactions. Whether you’re studying Stoicism, Buddhist Meditation, Mindfulness, or simply practicing How to Not Give a Fuck, the underlying principle remains the same – How to become less reactive and more emotionally stable. The fly got the best of you and got you to react. We saved time and improved productivity due to less distractions and had a happier team. For example, when your cell phone rings – you don’t have to pick it up. OR Before answering the phone, take a deep breath and smile first. The goal here is NOT to become an emotionless robot. My three “pillars” of quality of consciousness are serenity, intelligence, and motivation. They prefer to get things done as efficiently as possible, which often requires leaving emotions out of most situations. Proactive employees represent the other end of the spectrum. Resist the urge to react or take immediate control. Nothing can startle them. Buy yourself a millisecond of time before you react. In a reactive mode, your brain most strongly expresses fear and anger. Know how he came across it? This may involve reframing how you experience life. For example the first time a notification came up on your phone you probably wanted to see it, it was interesting. I recently read a book called “Pimp” by Iceberg Slim – hell of a name, right? Eventually you get angry and leave because you can’t take it anymore. He didn’t move a muscle. OR if you do react, pay attention to what that reaction was, and try to curb it for the future. So practice grounding exercises like taking a … "The first thing you need to learn is how to become non-reactive. If you are not sure whether you’re overly sensitive, you can take a few steps to assess yourself. These questions can help you reflect on … Instead of blindly reacting we stopped, thought about a proper way to act, and then implemented that action. Here are some easy exercises I like to run that train you to be less reactive in your day to day life: When the phone rings take a deep breath before answering – or don’t answer at all and intentionally call back later; When a notification goes off take a deep breath before looking at it – or try not to look at it at all There was zero latency between noticing an error and pointing it out to them. Step 2. We can independently choose how we react to situations in life. Stay Grounded S.I. He realized that we can take back our choice. You get frustrated with the fly that won’t leave you alone. 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